He is back baby


Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/maps/place/Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma/@60.1720037,24.9366797,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xa6c0f7efd55d1d15!8m2!3d60.1720037!4d24.9366797



What is this? It's just a shed inside of a building.

what did he mean by this

Here we go, lets wrap this shit up. HWNDU season 5: actual cannibal shia lebouef in full effect now.

They already narrowed the search area. Now what do we do?


can we track the sunlight/shadows in the room to figure out where it is roughly?

They're not even in the fucking woods.
It's a building inside of a building.
Holy shit, this hollywood kik child rape victim is a serious faggot.

moonlight as well, if possible, combined that would provide better information

The poor man is hiding!


And yet he comes back for moar!

It is to laugh.



someone gotta find the location so we can send postcards

no, the building contains. live stream my dude.

they are somewhere in kiev as well though, so it should not be too hard.

we will probably just pizza the shit out of them once we get a look at the feed.

hopefully someone can place a chip or something in the display or whatever and have it stream the feed online.

it's called a cuckshed leaf

I thought they were going to Finland next?

found it

google.com/maps/place/Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma/@60.1720037,24.9366797,15z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0xa6c0f7efd55d1d15!8m2!3d60.1720037!4d24.9366797

Yeah but the faggot isn't there, he's in Lapland.

Any Finbros gonna go to the museum to fuck with him?

Time to take down this child molester


What the fuqq r u?

Rare flag

who dis?

Old news. Shia's cuck shed in Finland.

the game never ends.

Wasn't his shed on the border between finland and sweden? And wasn't there like 3 of them?

Is he still out of his god damn mind?

omg this is great

Someone thought it was in Lapland, which is way the out in the middle of nowhere in Finland. And yes, there are three separate cabins. Shia in one, and his weirdo friends in the other two.

Has he ever been in his mind? lol

Your country sounds like a jazz band.

>literal cuckshed

who r u

I'm just waiting for him to come back to the States so we can fuck with his mind some more.

Can someone grenade that cabin?

You can narrow it down to timezone.

I know what we can do to mess with him. if this is a live stream. we blast copyrighted music near by. sometims news companys cant use the fottadge they get on the street because someone is playing copyrighted music. me might be able to get his stream shutdown.

Old shit. The fins failed us

Better than that, we'd be able to get a reasonable sense of the east/west coordinates by matching the exact sunrise/set in real time to wherever the sun is setting across the world.

wow rare
ill trade ya

Are you fucking kidding me?

This guy lost his fucking mind!

Here in Finalnd we don't tolerate that kind of crap! Sir!

Stop humping a dead body guys, he was defeated the minute the HWNDU flag was taken. Now it just will seem cruel, petty and pointless to keep fucking with him at this point.
Inb4 Shia pls go
More important shit to focus autism on than a cuckshed unless you're a cuck too and want to steal designs

Guys, I've thought about stealing a page from Shia's playbook and broadcasting a livestream of a Kekistan flag or something similar that would piss off Antifa, and issue a challenge to them to find it. I honestly don't think any of them would be smart enough to pull it off the way Sup Forums did in less than 48 hours.

Why is he going to a white country? Why not a black one or one filled with spics? Or even Israel?


find the flag

'Hitler did nothing wrong' flag???

He's moved into a cuck shed. Meme magic is real!

OOOO! That would be bad! I don't need my house burnt down. LOL

The Shia vs Sup Forums thing was the ultimate game of Capture The Flag that's ever been played. I think we need to offer the opposition a shot at reclaiming their lost dignity....ah fuck that, who am I kidding?.....I'll put a flag in the middle of a damn marsh somewhere and watch them kill themselves trying to get it.

I have an idea, put the flag somewhere near shia's cabin so that he can't even see it and all of the intruders that go after it will be arrested

Not a bad idea, except #1- I have no way to get to Finland. #2- There's that whole not having the precise location of the cabin.

Well for #2, looks like a job for weaponized autism.


That's why I love this place so much! We're so damned scary when we put our minds to something.



I totally agree, it brings me hope

No kidding? LOL

Look at that board pattern. See how they get smaller just as the pic on the cam. This may be it.

Its static site. server IP anybody?


When is the cuckshed thing over? He confirmed a new hwndu one of the first days of going crazy in a cucksheds.


He was supposed to be in the shed for a month. That should be ending any day now. Can't wait for Season 5 of HWNDU!

So there is supposed to be a new exhibit?

Nothing official yet, but Shia did drop the hint that there would be a new HWNDU.

Hope is better than nothing. Joking it's worse. But i don't know what i would look at to get through a shift.

Finland is the only white nation left on earth. Why didn't they take their little display to Mexico?

we should call him racist for only hiding in white countries.

why no Zimbabwe or Liberia or Congo shia?you hate black working class 3rd worlders?

I think only an oldfag would understand.

How fucking nu are you?