Why are there so few right wing artists?
Why are there so few right wing artists?
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most liberal artists are garbage too
hell any great artist I know of was very apolitical and didn't give a fuck one way or another
because we have jobs
liberals control the industry, so those with no talent are celebrated and those with talent are a laughing stock.
there's plenty of artists that are politically conservative, really depends what kind of art you're referring to
this is their idea of art
liberals have more empathy and creative thought. Conservatives are driven by fear and anger. Look it up, there are peer reviewed studies on this. The only artists the right wing has are typically country music singers.
Because being an "artist", in the modern sense, requires a certain amount of soft, liberal background in a way. Art communities tend to be extremely feminine. Not sure why though. Right-wing people tend to think in a linear, survive, reproduce, serve, kind of war. Artists tend to want to be individualists, who feel disconnected from traditionalism? Again though, not sure.
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Those on the Right like us have actually well paying and assured jobs that aren't a risk to do.
We decide to go with the option that provides the most likely favorable outcome.
funny, conservatives don't need safe spaces because they are afraid of retarded shit.
Because its hard to make a living with art.
I wonder about this too. I play in a pretty well-known band (not doxing myself faggots but any indiebetas here have probably heard of us) and have to be quiet about my views for the most part. I'm guessing there's other right wing people in the scene who feel the same way. Most of the big review sites (Pitchfork, Stereogum, etc.) are pretty liberal so revealing your power level could be detrimental to your career.
(((Who))) controls the art world and it's various movements?
I'm Right wing and a professional artist. I've been fully self employed over a decade now on my art.
We do exist, but we are a minority. Most Right wing people create businesses/jobs instead.
how would you be doxxing yourself..?
memes and meme inspired digital drawings literally are the art of the right wing
devientart has many derivitves, you would be very suprised
on a more serious note, the right does not have a physical cultural capital for the modern right wing art movement, while the left has every major european city, Paris, NYC, California, Boston ect
also we lack music and poetry and literature big time...
I do music and dj but mainly do podcasts.
>asking ann coulter a question
I think right-wingers tend to understand the purpose of art and media is usually to influence a population or to engage in social engineering. This makes them more cynical of the artistic/media process in general. It doesn't mean they don't appreciate art, but they tend to see the subtext behind it more, and because of this it's hard for them to "let loose" and just have fun with it.
>implying people would believe
just tell us faggot
Art industry is a socialist industry because it is ran by liberals.
Its why you see a feminist smearing period blood on a piece of paper considered "Art". They have no talent to speak of, but they are considered great artists just like Michaelangelo because those with talent and that can make a living off of their talent are oppressing those without talent.
A lot of them think art is a waste of time. I can see why, but I still think it's silly especially considering the right's obsession with the preservation of culture. It's one of my biggest issues with the right ATM.
Actually they do. They are deathly afraid of terrorists to the point of paranoia. Read any fox news comment section and you will see the general consensus is that terrorism is the number one threat to their existence. So what do they want? A giant wall to keep the bad guys out even though it defies all logic. If you look up the stats terrorists kill something like 30 americans a year. There are over 300 million americans, does that seem rational to you?
Another point is guns. Most conservatives harp about how they need guns because they are afraid of a home intruder. Most of my friends are liberals and none of them own a gun because they aren't afraid. Even home intrusion is statistically very unlikely and being killed during one is even less likely.
Can't have yourself be connected to a right wing lampshade making plant.
Because art is a very R selected behavior. There's nothing inheretly wrong with it, but its non-essential nature will makes it more likely that lefties will do it. Muh state funding for the arts.
They get discouraged when their work is rejected in favor of trash.
blood on the dance for 100%
Jesus what a waste of digits
>1 dislike
Keep up the good fight
I don't agree entirely.
I'm a mesh artists. Mesh art is increasingly becoming more and more valuable in applications like 3D printing and manufacturing.
Some forms of art, like what I do have real world implications that do benefit society.
Conservatives get angry over shit that people should be angry about.
"Progressives" get angry over shit they would be laughed at about for most of human history, and likely most of the incoming future as well.
>Mr. Willard? Are you really saying that people believed that the Australian Abos had the same IQ as the Japanese Empire of Animu?
>Well, Clarice it was a different time back when I was your age. It's not that everyone actually believed it, but they would be fired from their jobs if they didn't pretend to.
>comparing wanting to protect yourself from bombing beheading crazies to wanting to protect your feelings from getting hurt.
Where the fuck did art go period?.. name a substantial art release in the past 20 years that showcases talent and vision
It says it in the name. Conservatives are more concerned with retaining existing culture than creating new one. Reactionaries would rather go back to the culture of the past.
Okay, I'll try my best to lay this out for you.
For the sake of argument assume this is a decade or two prior to where we're at, and that the art scene is split 60% liberal and 40% conservative. Also assume that colleges are run by the same ratio.
To fit in in college, you want to go for views that reflect positively on the majority of people involved, for the sake of exposure and networking. So by the time you're out of college - even if you're a particularly gifted conservative - you know that you're better off appealing to a wider audience.
You then get out to the real world, and assuming that you know that you'll be working with typically liberal clientele and colleagues. And even if you aren't, there are still others who will.
Now what do you think happens with those who can't make it? They either move on to something more profitable, or they go back to be educators.
Those who hold conservative views will have a harder time in education - this much is obvious. Those who hold liberal views will be able to stay, as the next generation comes and is more liberal.
Then they entrench themselves in academia. Repeat ad nauseam.
Alot of right wing artists waste their artistic talent on furry or loli porn. Very sad desu
feelings and being blown up by a terrorist and wanting a wall for security is a bit far fetched analogy there pedro.
Same reason everyone goes to college. Cultural programming. Liberals control the definition of art through indoctrination.
>You want to work with your hands and create beautiful things? Nobody cares, go into the trades and become an automaton.
>You want to ~express your feelings~ (which conveniently support/promote status quo egalitarianism)? Congratulations, you're an artist!
And people wonder why modern architecture is garbage.
artists have to be discreet with conservatism, it's hard to make money when people out themselves about their politics
I'm driven by money and power, which one am I?
I'm a right-wing artist, have a job and everything and I'm also a master at hiding my power level. I also make a fuckton of pro-Sup Forums propaganda for free so thank me later
Sup Forums
Too busy doing actually important things
waste of d i g i t s
They've killed art. Soon we will all choose to live in their virtual realities.
She is not asking for it with that lack of squats.
The last ray of masculine art was abstract expressionism. Every marxist here at my school hates that shit for being all about white men.
If anyone is woundering what pic is
It's aspirin 99.7% pure aspirin and I made it
... ... thanks.
Sam hydes comedy career literally reenacted right before our very eyes why there is no right wing artists
Mel Gibson is one of the only legitimately good filmmakers still making genuine cinematic art.
Throughout history, religious people have made amazing art. I don't know if you'd consider someone like Rembrandt or Carvaggio or Handel or Wager a right-winger or left-winger, I guess you'd have to go to that time period. My guess is that back then, artists had to find patrons, who were mostly wealthy people of rather conservative tastes, who commissioned works to exalt God or the rulers of the time, so they tended to be conservative. In the same way, Hollywood today, while quite liberal, doesn't really go near Marxism or anything else that would challenge goose who laid their egg.
link me ur work
I know some
issue is two folded - no chance of exposition from liberal venues which are the only venues and (this being your fault) for some reason liberals are more likely to spend money on art that conforms with their world view
you want right wing artists you'll need to bring in the cash, commissions etc.
like right now for example, I write short stories as a hobby and I doubt anyone here is going to give me commissions because all of you are cheap shits so I'm not even going to bother trying to sell stuff here and ruin what little reputation I have
>but muh art isn't about money
people have to eat and pay rent
This exactly.
>make "wacky random humor"
>liberals eat it up
>reveal that it was actually right wing satire
>show cancelled, banned from twitter
If you challenge the status quo you disappear.
>We do exist, but we are a minority. Most Right wing people create businesses/jobs instead.
this, the reason people are right wing in the first place is usually because of sexual repression (either internal, i.e. self-hating faggots, or external, i.e. pedophiles). note that when i say "right wing" i mean both democrats and republicans in the US- there is no left wing party there.
>Same reason everyone goes to college. Cultural programming. Liberals control the definition of art through indoctrination.
oh please.it's more like neoconservatism outpaced neoliberalism in terms of authority/social control for decades and art is now about subverting that. it has mostly been about subverting authority since the invention of screen printing
actually it's 99.7% salicylic acid
Bet you won't do some esterification with your asprin
This right here is why I intend on staying in academia. We cannot let the left completely take over.
This. What a waste when the right leaning among us have to resort to drawing porn to pay the bills.
Just dissolved it in ethanol and added SOCl2 and pyr
>neoconservatism outpaced neoliberalism
These are the same thing, and opposing either one means you've taken the bait. Enjoy voting D, then R, then D, then R, ad infinitum. The last man to truly subvert authority died in 1945.
Most of them are apolitical or sort of generically liberal e.g. harmless nonviolent types, dreamers, idealists who hate getting into the actual mechanisms and details of politics. Quite a few are actually conservative, but they cannot say so or their career will go splat. One of the few who could was the populist painter Thomas Kinkaid, because he was clever, trendy, and very popular with religious Christians.
Norman Rockwell was a libertarian lifelong Independent who skewed Republican in his later life but voted more left in the 1940s and believed in the civil rights movement, etc. In that sense I am very old school too, because I don't like to wear my affiliation like a badge (Rockwell would never say in interviews and prided himself on that) and I recognize that life is complicated and neither side has all the answers.
I'm an artist, though being sensibly conservative in many ways (and not wanting to become a sellout to survive as many artists do) I have a "real job" as well. There are more conservative artists than anybody knows. I would love it if part of our achievements would include taking back the social world for conservatives. At least achieving parity, so that nobody need lie about their political beliefs in their social and public life. I'm sick of this shit. It's about time we defied our own conservative and tried rebelling for a change, en masse. They can't kill us all.
>(this being your fault) for some reason liberals are more likely to spend money on art that conforms with their world view
>you want right wing artists you'll need to bring in the cash, commissions etc.
I can't argue with this.
>salicylic acid
Why not abandon academia and form an alternative intellectual infrastructure? Let them become irrelevant in their bubble.
Umm, try again sweety
Douglas p was part of post war antifa, is gay and he ditched any association with hard right neo folk artists pretty early. His nazi level is probably on par with his awful monotonal singing voice and basic chords. All his nazi gear and symbolism is just adult autism.
there used to be more, and for that reason I think its a couple things:
1. Conservatives tend to consider the future, and want to have steady work because of that. Since the economy has shifted and specialized drastically, you can't just pick up a new trade, or get a different factory job, or move to a new city and automatically 'make it' without a specialization, they tend to have more focused careers.
2. I think the rate at which the art world tipped towards liberal increased as more conservatives were moved out of it, and it's gotten to the point where it's become like a cult where if you publically say you believe in something counter to their narative you get shamed and shuned.
3. Peterson talks a lot about how creativity is linked to liberal view in personality studies, and that makes sense.
The problem is disconnecting what it means to be liberal from the current left's warpath. A lot of past "liberal" artists might not be ok with a lot of the stuff the left is pushing now.
>people actually believe this
this might be the faggiest post I've ever seen on Sup Forums desu
> most artists are gay.
Art is for hippy faggots, that's why
Fags, unfortunately
Holy shit, do we have some other chemists in this piece? Love it. I would tell a chemistry joke...but all the good ones...Argon.
Annnnd I'm done.
Its bad for business for an artist to be outwardly on the right even if they are behind closed doors.
If they're on the left and express it, people on the right might role their eyes but if the work is still good, they'll still consume the product. Its not the same for customers on the left.
wrong answer, shekel for a good goy
>Look it up, there are peer reviewed studies on this
Weird, who would benefit from a study that said conservatives are dreamless animals driven by lust and revenge while liberals are wonderful imaginative artists?
Really oodles your noodles.
radio play or nah
Because if you reveal even a hint of your powerlevel you'll be blacklisted by companies, and all the art directors talk with each other so if one sticks a mark by your name, a bunch more will follow.
Every professional I know who posts political stuff was either feeling the bern or not interested until muh racist nazi russians. The majority are liberals or completely uninterested. I know a handful who are right wing, but we all keep quiet or post under different names on twitter or whatever. There's some who just don't give a fuck like pic related, but he's an aussie so can get away with it.
Art industry, be it games, films, books, whatever, is almost entirely run by liberals. Even if it's just the art directors, they don't care about not hiring someone who's great if it means they can brag to the other ADs about being anti-bigot.
>Same reason everyone goes to college. Cultural programming. Liberals control the definition of art through indoctrination.
>>You want to work with your hands and create beautiful things? Nobody cares, go into the trades and become an automaton.
>>You want to ~express your feelings~ (which conveniently support/promote status quo egalitarianism)? Congratulations, you're an artist!
Brutally true. The other night, I idly sat around with my wife watching a home and garden network show. This couple fixes up antique homes for buyers, basically. The husband of the couple--pure deep South, huge guy with a great accent--made the most beautiful sideboard for the dining room with his own hands. Work of art, just beautiful. That is art just as much as some dumb bitch mixing up a disgusting vat of her bodily fluids and jumping in ISN'T.
Because art doesn't hold much value to right wing people, so much so that a lot of artists work for free.
>I live in a white area, so I don't have to worry about burglaries and break-ins.
Sounds nice.
>We don't need a wall, borders are racist.
None of you fagits understand the economics of unfettered immigration.
Sincere thanks. There are really some amazing artists here and so there's a bunch of conservative artists right here every day. I wish I knew who you were so I could support your art out in the world.
Oh shit, Tay Tay's back!
You're right, then they bitch about the change and eventual loss of culture.
Recognizing the value of art doesn't come natural to me either, I also once thought it was just unnecessary hippy fun stuff.
Now I see the bigger picture. If conservatives want a culture, they need to put their money where their mouth is.
>Work of art, just beautiful.
That's the root of it right there. For (((whatever reason))), beautiful things are no longer considered art, and art is no longer defined as the creation of beauty. It's no longer defined as anything, really. I guess that makes it easier for Jews to launder money, but it's a damn shame for everyone else.
I'm a right wing artist as well, and the only other conservative artist i know personally works in Hollywood and has to hide his politics.
If you out yourself as anything but line-toeing progressive you'll lose your job and be blacklisted.
You have to be careful of just staying neutral, anything short of putting on an act and lying about being leftist is seen as suspicious.
The only time it's safe to speak is after you've made enough money that you don't care anymore.
It's the new McCarthyism, except it's been this way for decades.
We're out there, we're just in hiding.
that's not the purpose of art, but art can be used for that purpose and i too wish conservatives understood this better.
fuck off with this. you might just be curious but even one link, if found by radicals can ruin a career.
Literally had a guy bring up the Hilter documentary last year at work. I wanted to tell him to check his power level, but other people heard him and he was fired within the fucking hour. Nice kid too.
Because we like to get paid. That's why I didn't pursue art. I took AP art classes in high school but knew it would never benefit my life for anything other than a hobby.
Sometimes work is slow. I finished this today.
>that's not the purpose of art,
What is the purpose of art?
>this, the reason people are right wing in the first place is usually because of sexual repression (either internal, i.e. self-hating faggots, or external, i.e. pedophiles). note that when i say "right wing" i mean both democrats and republicans in the US- there is no left wing party there.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA you fucking idiot, clearly you've never met a real conservative.
You aren't wrong about the parties these days too. Basically we have one remaining party, the Republican Party, mostly a bunch of asshole neocons fighting with a core group of actual conservatives whilst trying to save their skins and figure out what the fuck they should represent. Then there's the disintegrating Democratic Party, which is a mess of mid-range indie types, a few old school classical liberals, a swampful of neocons, and a core group of far left progressive globalists. Then there is the diffuse far-far-left, composed of anarcho-Communist lunatics, corporate globalists, Islamists and assorted mentally ill, violent trash. n.b. we also have a violent far-right loony fringe, but there are like a few hundred of them so I don't think they constitute much of a potential party.
Artist fag here, i Have some very Sup Forums approved art waiting . But I'm a paranoid person and reallllllllly don't want it getting back to me. Can anyone provide me insight on the relationship of anonymity and professional art software "fingerprints". I really don't need to be fired, it's hard enough ffs
I write as well as a side gig. One reason I'll never make it big is the fact that I can't stand ultra-liberal friend circles. I can only pretend for so long, and this inhibits networking.
Right on. To use old school leftie jargon. Seriously glad you are doing that. We need more conservatives going into teaching, the media and politics every damn day.
Because the personality type that produces conservatives doesnt often produce artists. The same parts of the personality that make liberals more interested in (and potentialy better at) art (creativity, openness ec) also result in a lack of conection to facts, reality and traditionalism. (Yes im aware modern liberal art is trash, this is due to the same issue as moral relitivism. They have no attachment to values or reality and so any art is good or acceptable and there are no standards)
Rarely all art speaks to all people.
Most artist and artistic work openly mock and ridicule right wing people, so it's no surprise they reject it.
Right wing people typically enjoy classic art and music a great deal, for example.
Not only is it better work and finely crafted, but it's doesn't reject their values.