Jew hate thread

I've seen a lot of pro kike shit recently on cuckchan which is why thousands of users migrated eight chan. I'd thought I'd try and resurrect the true /pop. Post your best kike memes faggots.

Other urls found in this thread:

bumping and dumping





sucks because this board used to be good


blame ecelebs like milo and laura southern for flooding this board


This. I would move to 8 but it seems a bit dead.




This board is still great I think what you guys are looking for is a heavily moderated hugbox

cripple chan has:

/lefty pol/

And a furry board

its a worthless shithole full of autists


This and bump.

The fuckers who currently run 8shit are on par with the ones running this place. Nowhere to go where I won't be put on a watchlist so I might as well remain here and spread truths.
The best flaw of the Huxleyan nightmare is the Huxleyan nightmare.

Also minutely reminder advertisements have always been a horrible idea and drive more potential customers away than draw them in these days.

>Japanese proxy
>posting stupid anti-German shit that isn't even based on a truth

Come the fuck on man.

99% Redditors thanks to Hotwheels' invitation to the refugees months ago.

what better way to fight off forced immigration and integration that getting rid of roads?

>Come the fuck on man.

Honestly I welcome our Jewish overlords.
Something has to be done to save this planet because honestly Mars colonies don't seem to be that close in the future and I love the natural world as my main hobbies are hiking and mountain biking. Being immersed in plant life is one of the best feelings possible and all you small dick fags driving big ass trucks modified to shoot soot into the atmosphere are the absolute worst.

>muh helicopter rides
you know that the dictatorships were installed by the jews in united states right?, the same with the communists through rockefeller/castro

I have a helicopter here, wanna ride?



>muh roads


Can we not talk about cripple Chan I don't want to deal with the reddit Cancer on cripple Chan too

The current situation in the United States and in Western Europe has nothing whatsoever to do with “free” immigration. It is forced integration, plain and simple, and forced integration is the predictable outcome of democratic one-man-one-vote rule. Abolishing forced integration requires the de-democratization of society and ultimately the abolition of democracy. More specifically, the power to admit or exclude should be stripped from the hands of the central government and reassigned to the states, provinces, cities, towns, villages, residential districts, and ultimately to private property owners and their voluntary associations. The means to achieve this goal are decentralization and secession (both inherently undemocratic, and antimajoritarian).

The jew conspiracy is retarded.

Anyone else feel the same?


The current situation is caused by un-restricted capitalism creating a market for drugs and pornography, Jewish propaganda and a lack of nationalism and morals. Destroying the government will fix none of these and simply either break apart white nations. Because fun fact non whites don't give a shit about (((liberty)))



yup. every fucking time.

>Some, including Kristol, Hook, and Podhoretz, later became key figures in the development of Neoconservatism.

Apparently there used to be someone on Sup Forums who namefagged as 'Jew Redpill Poster' or something similar. Anyone know about him or his threads?
Can someone redpill me on the Jew Redpill Poster?




this is a pic from actual 8ch/pol/
(they are just as retarded as here)

8/pol/ has turned to shit, you're a retard if you still post there.


What do you mean by this?
And which dictatorships?


god tier

This pic proves how much better that place is than this one



Seriously can someone red pill me on eight chan? Wtf is it?

No fuck off you fucking faggot go suck a dick



It's where all the hardcore 4channers went when /pol started moderating everything you post. It's very popular.


no im not come on man you have nothing to show for the jews besides merchant me me.

good goy

good goy

green ribbons for pepe


fuck your good goys thats not evidence


The dude who actually created the merchant meme back in the 90's, A Wyatt Mann, actually tried posting there on 8pol to show off some new pro-Trump cartoons he made for the election and everybody accused him of being a jew and a shill and of hiding malware in his cartoons.