>According to a genetic study about Brazilians, on the paternal side, 98% of the Brazilian Y Chromosome comes from European males ancestors, only 2% from African ancestors and there is a complete absence of Amerindian contributions. On the maternal side, 39% have a European Mitochondrial DNA, 33% Amerindian and 28% African MtDNA.[80]
According to a genetic study about Brazilians, on the paternal side...
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Yes we had sex slaves alright? Can you really blame us?
c u c k e d
im honestly surprised theres that much Amerindian admixture.
A brilliant example that you can't bleach away the problem
Besides, what do you think the sexual value of black males would be? They are skinny, retarded, spend all day picking shit, cannot learn anything and are whipped all the time by the owner bull.
They are smaller and generally `poverty` when compared to the nobles who used to train every day in imperial Brazil as well as everyone else who aimed to imitate them.
it's not that bad at least they were sended back to africa, we killed the slaves here.
>That it's why there is no niggers in argentina
We were colonized by a bunch of leech portuguese and their black sex slaves.
Being white only makes your poverty more shameful.
If I was to be reborn and couldn't be Polish again I'd hope to be Portuguese.
I'm Brazilian and I have 100% Italian blood. My relatives and a lot of others came from Italy on ww1 and founded cities there who are still not mixed with other genetics.
I'm pretty happy with this. I hate Brazilians
poverty was created by the democracy.
Every fucking time:
>>sudden military coup
>>stupid people start to protect criminals, leftist, spies, narcos and many other more kind of degenerates
>>people doesn't realize that this traitors are supplying other people with weapons to kill innocent people (just like islam)
>>repeat process
dear god, more than 80 years of economic crisis.
Unintentional political compass.
my great grandparent is from germany, he fought in ww2 and my great great grandparent fought in ww1 (he is also from germany).
Do you have citizenship?
Argentina is not ducking white, whites aren't a shitty state it's a 40% Amerindian state.
They were gods.
All non Spanish in Spaniard colonies disgust me.
they couldn't even write the name right. no citizenship-
White population Argentina is 0.0001% and around 10,000 people
>family from Germany
So, why did not Merkel invited you back in Germany instead of mudslimes?
Only mestizos Indians and Spanish allowed in the americas, non Spanish ancestry is shit.
but they were blonde, tall and have blue eyes just like my grandfather.
Independence was s mistake traitors gave the land to non Spanish, time to join royal reconquest force of spen
Because Argentine Germans where Nazis fleeing the Nuremberg trials. And even if invited back fuck paying reparations.
>not castizos
wat neck urself u squatamalean
Questions to all brazilians
How did your family end up there?
Ask me how my family ended up in Cuba
get load of this faggot.
>natives american were healthy people that lived in mountains.
>they were teached by the jesuitas everything about how to be a civilizated and fought back the colonizadores
>they learned how to defend themselves and independent
>indians from india
>poo in loo.
I don't care about USA, I want to form a Spanish State for spaniards to live among spaniards and not fucking barbaric makatos in the americas, that excludes you savage argentinians, there must be a 100% Spaniard province in all Latin America that will be holy land for me and all spaniards.
What is the name of this brazil-tan character so I can look it up and fap?
Jesuitas were cool, until the eternal king got butthurted about them being helpful and wealthy through hard word and good deeds.
Man, there is disappointingly little porn of this character on paheal.
Tiona and Tione from Danmachi are amazons.
Asanagi has a great doujin with them in it
Matthew 13:24-30
24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared.
27 “The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where then did the weeds come from?’
28 “‘An enemy did this,’ he replied.
“The servants asked him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’
29 “‘No,’ he answered, ‘because while you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.’”
So does fatalpulse.
It was easy to get land, so seeking for an opportunity here when the economy was good was a neat idea.
Explain this to a burger education everyone
Y chromosome is exclusively inherited by paternal lineage?
Study is also BS as we all know there are more than 2% pure blacks in Brazil. More like 50%, so study is way off
Fatalpulse and Asanagi are the same person.
Yes to your girst question deduce the rest you fugging brainlet
I'd fatalpulse your asanagi.
A fuckton of brazillians and argentinians are direct descendants from natinoal socialists that fled germany after ww2. Know what else is funny? brazil has more pro-white and natsoc groups than germany. really makes you think
Pic related, germanic history professor had a swastika pool, butthurt media called the cops on him, instead of being charged they threw a party, lel
The small cities in the south are the biggest secrets, i hate when kikerepórter try to expose them with the classic "migrate to here monkeys! high GDP!" narrative.
They tryed migrating fucking haitians here. Some "disappeared", the others went back out of fear and because nobody gave a shit about them. No gibs here, negros.
I really can't
google "Haitianos desaparecem"
There are hundreds of accounts of migrants simply disappearing, or their boats/groups being sunk by "mysterious forces".
Don't be sad
You know, days ago i was talking with some austrians here about the situation in Tyrol, and how bad it was becoming. It really made me think... Imagine if in 100 years a city like Treze Tílias is more Austrian than its original counterpart... This is fucking insane dude.
The call that saved Brazil.
It certainly feels good not having "le antisemitic" narrative over here, people don't even know this word exists, kek.
If Huezillians are so white why is their country so sucky?
Mexico > Argentina > Chile > Uruguay seem to be the biggest player in latinamerica
It's already happening, the main difference is that germans in SB and argentina weren't brainwashed, so they are still having kids and when some sort of lefty propaganda pops up it's usualy seen as retarded because almost everyone hates the government. By 2050 germany will be a shithole full of niggers and we will still be doing relatively fine, race-wise.
Honestly I feel a bit bad for the Indian males, the Spanish and Portugese show up and force you to work and die in the silver mines as slaves while they fuck your women
Only jew anyone knows is silvio santos and he's pretty cool, promotes tradicional christan values and said on national tv he had no problem with hitler, kek
Few were the jewish people i got to know in real life, but most of them identify themselves just as white and christian, they didn't have none of the kikery in them anymore. It seems like the HUEHUEHUE culture has a positive effect at least.
However, if you go to the internet, you still can find some of (((them))), some hold a curious position of power, some other try to politically influence people, like this girl on twitter... You always need keep your eyes open locally.
Be more respectful to the Iberian Peninsula and its celtic relatives, americuck.
I saw one on kikebook recently. Said to be a proud Brazilian and offered his views on land disputes. Curiously, his page was full of Jewish pro-Israel images. I pointed out the discrepancy kindly but my comment disappeared. I am not really deep into the (((them))) redpill, but the fact that the comment wasn't there when I checked back really made me think.
the reason jews are not very prominent in brazi is because there is already too much criminality, too much of a competitive place for them. Unless you grow up i brazil, you WILL get scammed/robbed/killed/raped at some point. No ammount of hand rubbing or "muh holohoaxing" will help escape the brazillian way.
>tfw you'll never COLONIZE a native girl
care to elaborate? what land disputes? are you talking about commenting on someone who was brazillian or jewish?
they aren't white, that's the whole point. they're half white at best.
Genetic studies doesn't explain the nigger behavior of Brazilians like livekeak does.
I always laugh at burgers like you. Visit southern brazil someday, you will be shocked at your own ignorance.
LOL the tupi male got BTFO
Yeah in your country. Not here lol.
Hell yeah. Butt slaves.
98% of the "white" Brazilians have European y-chromosomes.
48% of the black Brazilians have European y-chromosomes.
Sometimes I wonder if there exists porn movies starring indians.
That sux.
Peru will help red you your women.
What was his endgame? I thought he got fucked
The vast majority of the country is non-white.
You can only find whites in São Paulo or in the South.
t. half white
whats going on, padre is here
So, should a Finn show up, would I be dissappeared?
Because the Jewnited States have been fucking them over for almost a century. In EUrope we had a saying "rico como un argentino", once upon a time.
It all makes sense now.
>Racemixing NOT EVEN ONCE
South Europeans confirmed for degenerate race mixers
North Europeans were smart enough to bring their wifes to the colonies
imagine if brits had done the same in india
If by disappear you mean integrate, then yeah, it could work as long as speak portuguese.
However, if you ever visit Rio, NEVER RELAX, otherwise you will really disappear. A lot of swedes relax, many such cases!
t. rare white carioca
Women didnt go to Brazil for the first couple of centuries. It was seen as a dangerous place full of wild natives. Only adventurous males went there. Imagine being a young guy, seeking fortune in an unexplored wild land, plenty of sexy amerindian pussy around. What would you do?
Exactly this
Look where you are now Brasil. Even when 2/3 of your genes are European you are still going down the gutter. That's bad fucking news for Europe.
love the cross
a true Sup Forumsandball
No, I'd do the same thing if I had plenty of prime pussy to go around with little competition.
I can't blame the Portuguese or the Spaniards, at all. It's the white man's nature to colonize vaginas. The real problem is when (((they))) forced us to start treating them as equals instead of letting us kill off their men and colonize their women.
On the flip-side though its shows you can't black away the white either.
Its the mother that passes on a lot of the epi-genetics.
>imagine being on a boat with sweaty, hairy Portuguese sailors for 5 months
>the first thing you see when you disembark is this
>what do?
both spaniards and portuguese established a racial based hierarchy.
something like white>>you are good
white: spaniard or at least 7/8 spaniard
after that many different shades of mestizos
and last niggers, niggers had no rights
niggers having no rights is a staple of a healthy race-based society
and yet they still all look like horrid little tri-racial ,nigger blooded monkeys instead of cutie mestizos and castizos like in colombia or uruguay or central america.
why did you try to actively encourage your white population to breed with nigger ex-slaves? you portugese idots
>On the maternal side, 39% have a European Mitochondrial DNA, 33% Amerindian and 28% African MtDNA.
60% non European because in the beginning it was to dangerous for women
The Dutch and English managed it
Portuguese and Spaniards were just shitty colonialists
No wonder those red face paint women always seemed very attractive to me. The noble and familiar features of the aryan race combined with the delicious brown and ample bodies of amerindians.
we did though, or was that your point? British soldiers were encouraged to marry the local women and in the end there were around 500k Anglo-Indians by the time of Indian independence. I have some distant Indian ancestry for that reason.