Sup Forums eternally BTFO!!!!!!
The Holocaust never ha-
Other urls found in this thread:
6 million more
Umm they were just scratching the walls to try to write "thanks for delousing us"
i've been browsing Sup Forums for a long time after coming here from stormfront
and i just gotta say i never considered that
i've seen literally every infographic you can find on holocaust denial and i thought i was certain that it was a hoax
but this really opened my eyes
i feel like a real faggot for telling people that the holocaust never happened now
i guess i better start apologizing
OK, Schlomo
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
we have i.d.'s here you fucking jewshill
Tourists could scratch the walls moron.
you're pretty fucking retarded you know that.
Explain to me how your nails can scratch through a concrete wall.
Ill wait.
they have been done artifically for tourism revenue dumbass
>tfw the Holocaust never happened but you also want it to happen again
>Holy fucking samefag Batman
Well that settles it! I've been looking into this for years and can't find a single shred of evidence for a "holocaust" .. But this one graphic just proved me wrong! Who do I send my shekels to?
Screencapped for proof of Jewish conspiracy
Ladies and Gentlemen! Behold the samefag RETARD of Sup Forums...!
This is now a Holocauster (TM) redpill thread
so what's the redpill about the nail marks?
firstly that just looks like any cement wall to me, secondly, even if it was a gas chamber in a concentration camp it doesn't change the fact we can't know when those marks were made and by whom.
thirdly, this alone isn't enough to prove gassing was done because using simple math and the dimensions of the gas chambers we know for fact the numbers gassed are fabricated, and the fact the incinerators size couldn't have turned them to ash given the time frame.
the story given doesn't add up to the evidence so what does this picture prove? nothing, these marks might not have even been made by a person, any number of things could case marks on a wall.
not the OP but i think a good place to donate would be here
i mean i don't really know much about that organization but it seems like a really good way to combat holocaust ignorance
a good cause desu
Why would they scratch the walls? It's not like they could get through it.
We didn't kill enough of the Jews since they're still causing us problems.
Those are from auschwitz. The 'gas chamber' at auschwitz was destroyed before the soviets arrived and was rebuilt later.
that was before the gassing
they were chipping off bits of wall to sell back to the nazis
fucking kek
Why didn't the jews kick down the wooden door?
>i feel like a real faggot
Well you'd be right.
>Kikeshills eternally BTFO
shooting fish in a barrel senpai
So far we assume that pic of corpses is jews being gassed or whatever the fuck, and that scratches are jews being gassed or whatever the fuck. If we agree that both are 100% real all jews germans tortured them, along with alot of other shit, we reach the very famous number of M U H 6 GORILION, but now we come to the conclusion that the piles of corpses are not jews being gassed, so the number has to be less than 6 gorilion just because of that. There are alot of statistics, writings by germans and so on, that say that alot of other stuff about the holocaust simply isnt true.
So at least I come to this conclusion:
Jews were prosecuted and gassed. However, 6 gorilion? You have to be fucking kidding me.
Stormcucks are too retarded to even recognize ironic bait
Thanks, notOP
I'll send those kikes a bag of flaming shit now
>taking the bait
fucking retards
>The 'gas chamber' at auschwitz was destroyed before the soviets arrived and was rebuilt later.
I know this thread is bait, but the scratch marks are so ridiculous they actually hint at the holocaust being a hoax. How the fuck would an emaciated Jew leave marks in a wall that last for decades?
Holy shit youre shilling your own thread and havent deleted this comment yet
You realize that this "gas chamber" including these scratch marks has been acknowledged as fake by the Auschwitz Museum, right?
each scratch represents a million jew lives taken
Can't you retards distinguish bait from shilling?
at first i thought you were joking but you actually don't know how this site works
Yeah, because it is so much more difficult to scratch a wall up than make a multi-million budget movie like schindlers list.
i mean, yeah, schindlers list was just a movie. it was all a set. but when you actually see REAL claw marks on a wall? I mean, they can't fake that, not even in big budget cinema.
i've always wondered why the nazis didn't just execute jews on site instead of going through the long process of rounding them up, shipping them off to camps, then gassing all of em
Who would scratch at a wall? What purpose would that serve at all? That's fucking retarded, and the fact that such scratches exist only convinces me further that the holocaust is a lie.
Of course, I know that the wall didn't look like that in the 40s. If it did, it would have been documented then.
Yep, 6 million marks there, i just counted them.
The only thing believable about this post is you saying you feel like a faggot, kike.
I thought this was a wtf I remember the 6 gorillion but holy fucking shit my dude here's your 2 shekels
Yeah, $.01 for a bullet or:
>round them up
>take them into custody
>hold hundreds of them in makeshift jails
>take them to the train station
>load them into cars
>put down any attempts at resistance
>haul them 400+ miles away
>pay for the fuel to do so
>pay for the manpower to do so
>build entire camps for them
>build wacky gas chambers that wouldn't work
>only be able to gas a small fraction of them at once
>only be able to cremate a small fraction of the dead
>purchase boatloads of cyanide gas
>waste valuable coal to burn them
>waste valuable resources to feed people who are marked for death
>waste a few doctors at camps for people who you're just going to kill
>try to conceal all of this from... somebody
>try to keep the living jews from finding out
>put the gas chamber right next to the barracks
>disguise it as a shower
Once cent for a bullet. 6 million bullets would have cost them a few thousand dollars back then. Instead, I'm supposed to believe they created a 'factory of death', devoting hundreds of soldiers to maintain it, tons of resources, etc...
Nah, it's bullshit. It's illogical, and only an idiot could have come up with such a hairbrained scheme.
>jews are animals that start ripping their fingernails off by scratching them to stone walls when they panic.
If I'm not mistaken, they apparently also had time to scratch the star of david into the walls before dying too. There's no possible way that those marks are the collective effort of thousands of jewish youths who got a little too caught up in the spell of the place. No way.
There was a magician named Uri Geller. He did this trick where he'd show how kids can bend spoons with the power of their minds. But he'd set it up so it seemed like only a few of the kids had the ability to do it - and thus he needed 30 kids on stage.
He'd then give all the kids spoons, and tell them to really use their minds to try and bend the spoons. Inevitably, one or two of those kids would be overzealous, and they'd bend the spoon by hand and present it as the real deal.
It always worked. Every fucking time.
>Ironic shill posting
>Still getting all those (you)'s
Are you guys pretending or do you really think OP isn't pretending to be retarded?
It's just a prompt for discussion. We all know it's bait.
please try to refute the following videos
At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) claimed that 2 million Jews were killed in gas chambers. Thanks to revisionists, today it's believed less than 60,000 died (primarily of disease). The Red Cross estimated only 8,000 had died there. That is a drop of almost 2 million. Most normies don't know that, and continue quoting the 6 gorillion.
At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) claimed 4 million people died in gas chambers. Today, the TOTAL death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes, eg disease). That is a drop of almost 3 million, though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports.
Normies blindly believe the 6 gorillion because they don't bother examining such a grisly topic from a critical pov. They take it on faith that (((Hollywood))) and what they learnt in school is 100% factual.
Watch these, if you STILL believe the Holohoax myth, you may be a Jew!
>The JQ:
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:
>The Last Days of the Big Lie
Spielberg's Oscar-winning documentary about the Shoah uses discredited eyewitness Paul Parks, who lies about being in a unit that liberated Dachau.
Parks, a known fraud, was in an earlier documentary about black soldiers liberating concentration camps, criticized by the press after being disproven by historians and military records.
NO BLACKS were involved in liberating ANY camps. But Spielberg uses Paul Parks as 1 of his 5 key witnesses in The Last Days, because the ONE American soldier in it couldn't be a WHITE guy, no he wanted it to be a NIGGER for his anti-white agenda.
Other obvious lies are also exposed:
some were even forced to sew together discarded foreskins to make lampshades for ICBM's
10/10 got me to reply.
>only an idiot could believe such a hairbrained scheme.
Why the fuck would you scratch a concrete wall instead of at least trying to break down the shitty plywood door?
Unfortunately they can't. It does help show us who the newfags are though
those are nose marks idiot
obvious shill fuck off and kill yourself
Also if they are being gassed wouldn't you cover your mouth if not trying to break down the door.
yes, its really that bad. They carved the concrete bunker walls with bare hands. Even had time to draw their symbols while starving.
Its still so shamefull what my ancestors did.
No, it did not happen.
sadly Sup Forums is always right.
the SS killed allone in their own three exterminate camps in east-polen belzec, sobibor and treblinka 1 mio jews. sorry that´s the truth. they have gaschamber for 1500 people.
U can always come back and add more scratches with a nail or a paper cutter just to up the numbers
Just saying
Must have used authentic Jewish claws to scrape concrete like that.
Begone, foul Zyklon Beast
>human nails are hard enough to scratch steel
lmao you fucked up juden swine
They were making Wolverine's!?
>all these replies
>people are this humourless
I thought the autism thing was just a joke. Are people really this gullible?
1 - This image proves nothing
2 - WTF ????
idk man but i've been having a pretty good laugh reading all the butthurt spergs
this is like my 3rd time posting this exact same thing
This is the sign at Auschwitz saying the layout on the left is how they *think* it looked in 1943 and on the right is the "reconstruction" as it is today.
Link to the Auschwitz museum page explaining it is a reconstruction:
This is why I love Sup Forums
This guy is just joking.
Holy fucking shit Sup Forums is retarded today.