Instead, you should type "the mayonnaise".
>Lmao = le mayo
>le mayo = the mayo
>the mayo = the mayonnaise
Therefore, you should say "the mayonnaise" instead of "lmao".
Prove me wrong
Protip: YOU CAN'T.
>inb4 op is a fag
Instead, you should type "the mayonnaise".
>Lmao = le mayo
>le mayo = the mayo
>the mayo = the mayonnaise
Therefore, you should say "the mayonnaise" instead of "lmao".
Prove me wrong
Protip: YOU CAN'T.
>inb4 op is a fag
Other urls found in this thread:
op is a fag
OP is an autism
A thread died for this and sad thing is it probably was worse.
If it was a leaf thread it was ok
bump to keep the worst thread ever alive. congratulations op
Fuck off to /b this is a political board.
This is potentially the worst post I have ever seen on this board.
What would Mayo do if Mayo was in office?
Forcing a meme - the mark of a newfag.
This board has really gone downhill.
I dont know why I havent killed my self yet. God why do people have children. Do people find life this fantastic that they must push it onto sentient beings without their consent. Fuck my life i hope i die in my sleep or some nigger stabs me to death on my way to court ordered therapy. Also fuck this thread and fuck you op
>t. 440 sine wave
le mao is the only correct way to say it.
You talk a lot of buzzkill for a man with doubles
Anyone else find it hot when girls poop? Can we make this a scat fetish thread? Post scat!!!!!
How about you get a bunch of degenerates around you to bukkake on your face so you get their man-ase all over your cockholster.
Did this Sup Forums-tier thread from 2007 accidentally fall in a wormhole and traveled through time or something?
scat dump
Shut up nigger
wow, this is a shit post.
this is a serious poltical issue, i can assure you
It's mayo and it always has been, faggot