Should checking digits and praising Kek be a bannable offense? I think it should, since it contributes absolutely nothing to the discussions here. It's pointless and completely retarded. I'm fucking sick of it, it needs to stop.
Vote and discuss.
Should checking digits and praising Kek be a bannable offense? I think it should, since it contributes absolutely nothing to the discussions here. It's pointless and completely retarded. I'm fucking sick of it, it needs to stop.
Vote and discuss.
nice digits
check'em nigger.... PRAISE KEK FAGGOTS... and suck muh dix whitey
Kek wills it! Shadilay!
Fukkin checked.... Praise Kek!
Kek lied to us. He made us support a neocon. Anyone who still supports Trump and says Praise Kek needs to fuck off back to r.e.d.d.i.t from whence you came. Faggots.
buh-bye nigger ctr/mm/gayfagniggercommie....
checked and kekd
Kek wants us to stop bringing attention to him, he defeated Moloch and the Clintons, now he needs to take a breather and work in the shadows
>Should checking digits and praising Kek be a bannable offense?
Not bannable, I don't believe in that. But I do think that those posts and threads should be deleted. It's very Sup Forums-like.
kekkin and checkin im lovin those digits
What did Kek mean by this?
don't think kek ever said he wouldn't lie to us to further his goals. We can never know the will of kek
Kek works in mysterious ways.
This thread is fucking blasphemy against Kek
Only if kek is real, which he isn't, he would show us a sign otherwise
Yes. Also checked
Let keks will be done
It has been revealed to me that kek's plan was to get trump elected just so the real happpening may begin. That is, the revelation of freemasonary's secret wisdom
checked m8
Check your 7s
Praise KEK
Fuck your mother snow nigger. Praise KEK!
double 7s Keks favorite digit. Checkd and Kekd
checked your digits now kys thanks
Praise KEK
Thanks for proving my point, faggots.
they are banned on civilised boards but Sup Forums is designed to be a cesspit so it's fine
praise kek
These trips don't lie!
What is kek? Enlighten me
What is kek
hm look at that
Someone please tell the story of the birth of KEK.
Am i defying Kek's will by checking these digits.
Why are you fucking with us Kek?
nice digits
Kek is pleased
Nice to see that there are at least some sane and intelligent people here still.
I've been turned away from KEK by all the fat conservative neckbeards and little tweaky skinny fucks with a smile bigger than their cock posting selfies all over the internet. There is no need for KEK flags and a nation of Kekistanis and all this shit, join the fucking Pastafarians, at least that shit is funny.
KEK to me is and will be the celebration of the defeat of Hillary Clinton and the Deep State.
KEK is another ulcer in Soros stomach.
KEK is Bill Clinton getting an STD
KEK is dreamer vatos deported.
KEK is a side of beef and Parkinson's gifs.
KEK is that holy fucking shit that madman Trump won and it is all going to be okay.
KEK is a Brock heart attack
KEK is moldy antifa pussy
KEK is Sup Forums saying KEK is Kill Every Kike cause that's KEK
That's what it is to me but I knoW a lot of e-celebs and YouTube sluts have hijacked it to make money but fucking KEK that's what Donald would have done.
nice try cnn
Your efforts to cull meme magic in general here, is futile
>be faggot OP
>be on board supporting free speech
>wants to limit it
Literally fuck you.
Praise Kek for those sweet digits.
Kekistan was a forced operation to destroy our faith in the idea of manifesting our will. By turning the entire movement into a cringe worthy reddit tier meme. It worked for a lot of people honestly.
First rule of Sup Forums: no fallacious arguments
It's fine on Sup Forums
KEK to me:
That your spineless southern ass will be shown the light of day so all your biased selfish faggot theories get washed away
That you will then take a human form because you realize how sick your mind is, humbleness will be forced upon you
That all lying two mouthed worms, like mr trump, will be set straight and forced to bow to the law of civilization
That you will stop being a faggot and stop running your stupid brain
That is KEK's will and it has been revealed to me
Cringe worthy is what it is now.
Then again so was Sup Forums, I was on in the beginning years a lot then went away as it got cringe too. Bunch of ponies and democrats blowing each other.
Back now and enjoy it again. Kinda like a reborn prodigal new gag I guess. I still hate the formatting.
President Donald J Trump is the best thing to happen to white people and minorities(just too stupid to know it) in my lifetime.
This board would be a dismal cancerous Clinton clit sucking hellhole had that count won.
Don't know what you're upto here. But the link makes you fishy.
this is now a digits thread
Yes, it's time to kick out all those cringy newfags
I dare you to read it. Go ahead, you wont regret it
whats happening
user, I know what's going on here. Who are you people and what the fuck are you doing?
Is he one of those Proud Boys ?
O fuck, the laughing stock of the alt right.
Proud Boys are just shaved mudslimes
>Checking Digits
No, it's ancient Sup Forums tradition.
It's a perfect example of cultural development.
>Praising "Kek"
Depends. If it's the blind drumpf loyalty type, go for it.
you could have just said youre a fag, and saved yourself the time
Digits I get a gf by the end of the week
This. Kek was hijacked by the normies anyway.
Yeah, President Trump is fucking awesome if that's what you wanted to say ?
So glad he put that Syrian bitch in check.
More malicious than that. People are actively phising for IPs on Sup Forums - Across many of the chans. See the massive increase of threads looking for personal information like your Age, or getting you to click on those political alignment tests? Yeah. We're being raided for months, but now things have kicked up into a phase that is significantly more than swaying opinions.
Digits and you get a boyfriend.
>tfw Kek tricked us into voting in the chaos canadate
>truly the bringer of darkness
Reroll, you nigger. I'm getting that gf, also you'll get pink eye.
Oh shit. I got all serious before I noticed leaf.
Okay northern Mexican. Shill away
you got digits on this hypocritical post it's a sign that' you're a faggot!
if i get singles then i will never get gun rights
That's why /bant/ was created
Very interesting psychologial observations. The replies are very curious
Found the college nigger
I agree.
I'm changing my vote. People do need to be banned for keking and checking. I could use a break from Sup Forums anyways
>law of civilization
globalist faggot we uphold truth and light i.e. Jesus Christ not whatever this universal faggotry is
What are u saying
You do realize that Sup Forums started worshipping a CHAOS god right? However ironic, this does not mean that we are immune to the results of what we do here...
Praise Kek
You imbecile , jesus is from the middle east.
In fact , manifest desstiny is pure bullshit
Check'd praise KEK
Also what did KEK mean by this >77
Being Swedish should be a bannable offense.
Thank you.
Nobody else seems to care that user will be gobbling dick while getting buttfucked by the end of the week
KEK wills it
Look at this user's gibberish posts with a link at the top.
What? Put the dick away and type clearly.
when i die make sure you spread these digits on my BMW
From the book of PEPE
Across the land was such a great evil
rotting minds and the ponds
The people forced to consume fake hopes
from fake Masters
One brave tadpole
born in the day of KEK
climbed the highest mountain
beyond the sound of autistic screeching
beyond the PC
with all his might he prays
“Why tho forget me and my kin
my brothers and sisters live
in fear with no hope
our ears and eyes are poisoned from the
masters with no name
Have I not been true to your teaching
have tho abandoned us?”
With a loud thunderous crack in the air
the clouds open
a blinding light came from the heavens
a voice said
“I hear your pleas
I have watched my sons and daughters suffer
and lose hope
They will suffer no more
for I have have heard their prayers
I shall empower one great leader
one that shall unite the world in truth
one that shall hear the pleas of my people
I shall give his followers the power of the MEME
and they will use these great powers
to cleanse the land of lies and pain
he will drive the Normies from our lands
they will screech and claw
but they have no power
they’re message of hate and divide
will not be heard
the evil ones shall be blinded by his truth
and their lies will not touch him
for I KEK walk beside him
the world will see my glory again
quick rundown? I'm not clicking that link now that you have pointed it out.