The growth of National Socialism in the western countries is worrying. If the left does not stop pushing their agenda, we might witness the start of something truly horrifying.
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Leafs will be the first ones sent to the showers
Westerners pushing for socialism today are anything but nationalists
It's incredibly marginal. The only reason it is getting attention now is because it's made it to the USA
Thats the thing, they are the best thing to happen to make National Socialism back into a legitimate position for the first time since 1945, funny enough they were the cause of it back in 1918 as well. I say fuck it let it ride until we get real National Socialists to deal with the Marxists once and for all.
If "moderates" weren't so eager to flood Europe with sub-saharan africans, there would be no growth in right wing parties.
There is an easy way to kill the alt-right and that is to enforce existing immigration laws.
>something truly beautiful
They are refugees. They are fleeing opression and war.
They were citizens. They should be fighting oppression in wars.
do you hear that?
most younger conservatives are people who aren't nazis, but would size with the nazis because they know the left is worse. if you're so worried about the naahtzeees ask yourself why they're popping up again.
National Socialsm is a direct response to Globalist Communism. It's a simple cause and effect situation.
Too late, even I'm a NAZI now. Day of the rake soon, leaferino.
>The growth of National Socialism in the western countries is worrying
Based on what? Flags on Sup Forums saying Hitler did nothing wrong? The (((Alt-Right))) saying they want to adopt bernies economic plan?
Where are you getting this idea?
Something truly glorious. Cause and effect, so it goes. I'm mentally ill so I'll probably get executed. If it's for a better world then so be it. Death to degeneracy and communism
don't worry OP it will all work out.
this. every male of military age and be given a rifle and sent to fight for their shit hole of a country
It has been revealed to me that kek's plan was to get trump elected just so the real happpening may begin. That is, the revelation of freemasonry's secret wisdom.
>no degenerate
>glorious economy
>happy healthy white families
Jews are horrified by human achievement and well being.
After you've been through years of the mind-bending retardation of endlessly livid SJWs, almost anyone who isn't a leftist looks pretty sane and comforting. Including Hitler.
Isn't it just so terrible?
I sure hope Antifa and other leftist groups stop driving people to the hard authoritarian right. My goodness, we might see white nationalism become a discussed and real political entity! That would be so awful!
Nazism will save the world.
There is not a single white country (which accounts for most of the developed world) where all powers have not been kiked.
Science, media, education, news, medicine, social policies, economics, immigration.
They all actively work against their own people.
They enable or even cause the suffering of innocents.
Because the truth is suppressed. Their narrative and power must be mantained, their agendas going.
Health issues, mental issues, economical issues, dating issues, family issues, safety and freedom.
You will never solve that until the jew influence is stopped.
And there is only one path to it.
Not civic nationalism. Not populism. Not democracy.
Only going full 1488 nazi will save the world.
Horrifying? You have no idea of what you speak, leaf. The old world will burn, and what rises from the flames will be beyond your wildest dreams.
natsoc isn't growing at all kek. 1k posters on Sup Forums isn't growth and the t_d fags despise that shit. You can't talk about hitler or jews without looking weird. Nothing is changing.
this is what ive felt society has needed for a long time, true order and harsh leadership in a harsh world, i want to burn everything down and become king of the ashes
personal experience.
and polls.
been to many counter culture protests, as i am not fond of what is going on in the government right now. met with a lot of people. A LOT OF. i can speak from experience.
If the left doesn't quit poking the'll end like this for them....
This nigga gets it.
How do you think it is possible for them to fight. If all it takes to secure a nation is for the untrained citizenry to fight then we would not need a military
hitler is still not the right solution though.
I am not willing to thrash almost all the values of western civilization in a second just to counter sjw.
but apparently many people are willing to do just that, which is horrifying.
it is depressing.
the only way to be nati-extreme right is to be anti left.
ironic, huh?
Look I'll answer your question ok. I've studied nazism for a very long time its been 4 decades.
And I understand it very well. And I can tell you there's some awful people lurking in the corners and they're ready to come out. And if the radical left keeps pushing the way they're pushing then they're going to come out.
>The growth of National Socialism in the western countries is worrying
LEL, can you please point me to this "movement" you are speaking of?
it is not Sup Forums i am speaking of.
it is personal experience.
Okay, and why is it worrying?
Whatever you experienced either didn't happen, or was the entire natsoc community in your country.
I've been thinking that lately. The left defines anyone who disagrees with it as a Nazi and we see a lot of average citizens being punched for being NAZIs.
By accusing even moderates of being Nazis, you have created a whole lot of NAZIs.
I consider myself to be moderate but the left would define me as a Nazi cause I think social justice is BS. The left will not accommodate me or consider my concerns, but the right will. So I ask myself, where do my interests lie?
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
What values? Gay rights? Feminism? The Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Constitution? Look where all that brought us. What exactly do you mean by the values of Western civilisation?
a fucking leaf should be
Day of the rake!
i like western values.
i like french revolution.
i like the ideals of the enlightenment period.
and many others.
these people are willing to trash all of that. i would rather die.
1984 is a leftist wet dream.
Brave new world is where it is at.
Either way, there will be war. Great and terrible.
Like you, for instance?
Values ? Which values.
I see no value in curremt western civilization.
I see people preach of them, I hear them speak of them or mention pieces of paper and ideas.
But a value is something that must be quantified to be real.
Words and paper are no values.
When a society is held under such control as ours is, when people are not truly free to act on those values because the government, the media, the bankers and with help of the useful idiots the lead are all working against those values you have a lie.
We live in a literal world of lies.
Where a president getting 2 scoops of ice cream is news.
But statistics of crime, human biodiversity research and economic stdies with immigration are not able to be freely discussed.
A world where some men can kill and rape and get away with it. Some men can steal millions and fund terrorism over the world. And get away with it.
Yet white men get told not to have kids by the media aparatus.
Innocents are being hurt in the name of values that no longer exist.
Such is the hopeless state of this world where only the fake issues are addressed. But not the genuine root of the problems.
not any of that.
FYI, the french revolution created nationalism.
you're a fucking bluepill that hasn't even found the rabbit hole. i've been climbing down for 15 years, and I'm still not at the bottom.
>muh western values
although many consider it as a weakness i like democracy.
i like freedom of speech.
i like the western approach to arts and science.
while there are legitimate problems like the ones you have stated, i don't think national socialism is the correct answer.
if you lose you identity while fighting a battle, you have lost regardless of the outcome.
it also popularized democracy, or at least a simple form of it.
So basically what I said.
>that chart
>this is what enlightenment fags actually believe
not really no.
stop associating gay rights and other shit with true western values like democracy, free arts and science.
The collapse of the petro-dollar will collapse the world, from US to China. When Americans can't buy anything anymore (hyperinflation), that's when you'll see real chaos. It's possible the fire rises in its wake.
then i am not one of those fags.
stuff like that should not be associated with true western values.
People are not equal. Races are not equal, sexes are not equal.
They do not act, behave or function the same way.
Free speech leads to speech against free speech.
Democracy is not viable. It allows the most critical functions to be taken by those chosen by the majority which is in general the least capable people.
The fully free market just leads to monopoly-like scenarios.
You cannot have a fair, safe, just, and prosperous free society if you seek to chaze the idealized dream of worthless ideas which by all practical logical measures prove ineffective.
The issues that we suffer today.
The inequality, deppression, violence, nihilism and corruption are all the natural and predictable outcome of that stupidity.
>embrace the idea that all men are created equal and have universal, inalienable rights
>somehow don't go down a degenerate egalitarian rabbit hole
What could go wrong?
yea but everything you've mentioned sounds like the voluntary actions of the agents in those fields that pushed it... regardless of who infuenced them. They feel rightous in their actions.
I don't think your olution is gonna go down, homie.
you and I probably believe in exactly the same things. you're just not willing to become a jew to defend them.
that's 2000+ years of cultural development. the world didn't start at the enlightenment.
>we might witness the start of something truly horrifying.
That's not how you spell hilarious.
but i do not seek to discard what i would consider to be my own people for the good of a certain group.
people should not be blamed for what they had no control over.
races can be fixed. we are approaching to the genetic revolution.
democracy can be viable, given that the people are educated and pragmatist enough.
free speech can reign, given that people stop seeking validation from others, and believe in what they truly believe.
inequality, depression, violence, nihilism. we can fix them, given time.
Leaf. Please explain about what and why are you so butthurt. All you do is spew some words and leave us in the dark. We don't really get what you're trying to imply. Please be more precise and explain your so-called personal experience.
So you seriously propose genetically modifying people to make them fit into the ideal society you want based on your arbitrary values.
I'm a nazi and even i wouldn't go that far to playing god on a whim. I just want the other races to stay with their people, women and men to work together not agsinst each other, and for the jews who fund terrorism, psy ops and interfetence on national issues to be stopped.
And what if education doen't magically fix the other issues? It hasn't after decades, I see no logical reason why it would work now.
Would you also modify people so they fit you utopia?
You sound crazy dude.
Like a bit naive and ignorant but in a creepy way.
Accepting the nature of people, the good and the bad, is more reasonable than your utter denial idealism and the lengths youd go for it.
>Bad thing
It's not like their economies can get much worse, let them cannibalize themselves
Also europe will never go nationalist again no matter how badly anons here want them to
You think that when the time comes to "fix" these things they will allow them to be fixed?
That would admit to a problem man
t. ignorant cuck who knows fuckall about papa
This is why we need a sticky you fucking lazy mods
t. 50 year old man who saw teenagers looking at some Nazi memes and now thinks the world is about to end
There was never a "holocaust" but there should've been one. Rest assured there WILL BE one, as the fucking kikes deserve one.
We won't rest until every single filthy parasitic kike is rounded up and slaughtered like the vermin they are. The White Race has had more than enough of the Jew, and we're fully prepared to kill those parasites a million times over.
These greedy, hook-nosed vermin KNOW their days are numbered, and unlike in the past, they now have nowhere to run. This time, there won't be any kikes left alive to spread around the planet to hide like cockroaches.
We WILL get them ALL into the oven and their putrid memory will finally be erased from the planet once and for all. Like all parasites, the Jew continues to reproduce until we wipe out every single last one of them.
That's why it's CRUCIAL that ALL kikes are exterminated fully, for the good of us all.
we need to show the correlation that communism leads to right-wing dictators
pinochet would never have needed to physically remove people if the communists were not plotting
Franco was we can cite the many communists supported by the soviets on the republican side. also in catalonia people actually succeeded in making anarchism a thing.
We also should hammer home hitler's opposition to communism. we won't get normies to think hitler was right, but we will get them to admit it was not as clear as good guys vs bad guys, because Finland was a "good guy" on the axis side and the soviets were a "bad guy" on the allies side.
the media and the left is using the threat of fascism as a boogeyman so we need to make people think the threat of communism is also worrying.
>violent insane and slightly retarded immigrants being given preferential treatment. Committing heinous crimes and not receiving proper punishment.
>economic crash resulting in a big decline in standard of living
>marxism being forced down peoples throats and people start to notice and resent it.
>populism already on the rise before the crash
No nationalism.
Only natsoc will save us now.
Fuck off they need Nat Soc or they're done for. They don't even have guns.
You idiots know that National Socialism is a LIBERAL agenda, right?
>implying a Nationalist USA would ever trash enlightenment principles
>implying Nationalism/fascism today would look like the world during WWII
the french revolution was not about democracy. it was about taking down a government that was heavily in war debts, said if the people could not eat bread then why not eat brioche (or more commonly know as "let them eat cake") , and built as new palace while almost bankrupt.
the people rose up against this. not to create a democracy, but to replace a government rotten to its core.
>Nazi's are liberal
>The Liberal media always shitting on anything right wing and loves to call pepe a nazi frog are actually Nazis
>Vote republican goy
the fundamental hilarious irony is that the nazis are the ones who are okay with being different, where as the non-nazis, whether they are left or right, want everyone to be the same.
>The growth of National Socialism in the western countries is worrying
To who?
>The growth of National Socialism in the western countries is worrying
cry more about it faggot
socialism is a little bit less of a cancerous disease then communism
civic nationalism is western supremacy
worldwide national socialism would be respecting all peoples rights to exist and have whatever culture they see fit. if they want to adopt cultural values from another group, that is their choice and it can be applauded, but the decision will always come from that culture itself instead of being forced on them by the west
Yes because voting either democrat or republican always works.
I can't even tell if people are meming about natsoc being Marxism socialism or not anymore.
Must be all the reddit fags muh libertarianism/Ancap is the only choice if your against the free degenerate market your a communist just like Hitler even though he purged socialists and commies.
Liberals: Want full control of all aspects of life dictated by the state.
Nazis: Want full control of all aspects of life dictated by the state.
Liberals: Violently oppose any dissent
Nazis: Violently oppose any dissent
Liberals: Actively obscure facts and information with political propaganda.
Nazis: Actively obscure facts and information with political propaganda.
Liberals: Espouse equality while concentrating power into a small group of elites.
Nazis: Espouse equality while concentrating power into small group of elites.
Liberals: Ignore all major defeats and focus their efforts on a small series of minor victories
Nazis: Ignore all major defeats and focus their efforts on a small series of minor victories
Liberals: Hate general gun ownership but will utilize them to quash any dissent
Nazis: Hate general gun ownership but will utilize them to quash any dissent.
See any similarities yet?
Neo-cons are just as bad though, I'll grant you that.
Fuck you chink.
In the White NatSoc future there will be no need for dog eating slopeheads as there will be no niggers requiring slumlords.
The White working man who needs land for his Aryan family will get whatever he is prepared to work for, and no Jew will be there to steal it with usury either.
>worldwide national socialism would be respecting all peoples rights to exist and have whatever culture they see fit
not the jew, fuck them
Nice meme
This is a quote by Peterson, amerifat.
Exactly. Nazism is only slightly right of Communism. Both ideologies are extreme LEFT WING.
>worry posting
You had your chance to stop this long ago, you chose the grave instead, it's too late to regret your decision now. You could've chosen him, you could've chosen to live. Now you will have your face stomped down on by the glorious boot of fascism or the inglorious boot of communism, there's no middle ground anymore, so you'd better join a side and get your feet in some boots.
You sound like you're so well educated on this subject. Are you one of those who spout the "liberals are the real fascists" meme?
Instead be worried about the shrinking amount of your fellow Comrades, fuckface. Antifa is garbage tier and your anarchocommie shitlords are behaving worse than ANY nazis ever have. Yes, that includes the ones that fought in WW2. You people are truly WORSE THAN HITLER, by your own standards.
If only you knew the shitstorm that was about to rain down upon you commies. You're fucking done, kiddo.
I mean, so long as you're not a communist degenerate, kike, or a shitskin invader, why would you even have a problem with NatSoc? Oh geez, usury is outlawed and public works projects are making our roads and shit super-sweet? How terrible!
Muh horse shoe theory