This post is in honor of my deep desire that if there is a god or deity watching over us every single member of Shareblue/CREW and their entire family will receive the most vicious form of cancer that takes at least 5 years of suffering agony to slowly kill them.
David Brock is a pedophile
Other urls found in this thread:
pedophiles need every disease possible and the most violent and painful deaths. they need to be in absolute fear during their final moments. if david brock is a pedophile then yeah he needs to be given the worst forms of cancer and the most degenerate death to match the way he lived
Wrath of God bump
thank you. I made this thread so I'd sleep more soundly tonight as it's near my bedtime. david brock is most definitely a pedophile, as he fucks little boys while his boyfriend james alafantis watches. I wish all the diseases, pestilences and cancers upon both of them with as much fury as the human mind can create.
David Brock is the biggest piece of shit on the internet.
It's not illegal to be a pedophile
Shariablue AMA
Shariablue AMA 2nd thread
Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online
In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives
At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them
They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets
They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads" (not even kidding), to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening
their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff.
oh fuck yes thank you for more of these
please tell me some of this can be disproven. I don't want to believe.
Bump for shareblue agony
I'm out of time but I might come back later on.
Post these redpills into shariablue slide threads and watch how they instantly stop bumbing them.
I hope the chemo gets them
the fuck? haven't seen that one before, that's some obvious pedo shit
KEK is watching.
Brock will suffer more in death than he could ever imagine in life.
What the fuck is this shit? Every chance they get they try to normalize this inappropriate touching shit, even though in King Nigger's a boy would be required for stimulation.
May the swift justice of the one true Infinite Creator end these monsters promptly.
Pizzagate is fake news and anyone who Hates pedophiles is probably a pedophile , just sayin
Nice proxy, Ivan
Your the biggest faggot ive ever seen
But I'm not OP
Proxy lol? Fuck you shariablue. I hope you enjoy my dump.
Haista vittu vitun pelle shilli. Sun pomo on pedofiili ja lastenkoskija. Haistakaa kaikki shillit paska. Vituttaako mun redpillit?
Who is that, please?
Doesn't black out last four digits of their SSN and earlier gave the address of where they worked. Good job Doxxxing yourself in an AMA.
Pedophile who got busted:
Watch Conspiracy of Silence:
Quit being a retard, user. Watch the documentary and stop being a part of the problem.
How is this not known worldwide?
Christ, look at her face.
That pedo is shaking hands with the devil.
sounds like someones beeing chainsawed alive
wonder if we're ever going to find out in detail about whats on wieners laptop
fucking sickos
Yeah, Time to cleanse the earth of pedo families in satanic shadow organizations.
well shit, thats interesting.
It's time!
Well, you got to forgive them. That seems unavoidable.
WTF is that?
My last post. Save and spread.
Trump knows!
thought this nigga died of heart attack, turns out he made swift recovery
Because "all" is not a French word.
James Alefantis realy looks like "J'aime les enfants", but it doesn't fit.
It would be beautiful though.
What is the source on this/story?
Were those tweets confirmed? I remember when that happened and that antarctic shit was going around.
Two theories on that. WorldCorp is a group of people, possibly even CIA/FBI or of that sort, or simple so random people like us, who uploaded footage they found likely linked to the global pedophile ring (pizzagate + the rest). My guess is this theory-- because of the footage they've uploaded and the very minor things said with it they seem to be restoring "erased" data that they somehow got ahold of.
Theory two is that it's "just an art project" which seems to shills go to answer for this one. Very similar to "omg you made us look like schizos alex jones crazy ruined a poor guy (james Alefantis' life)" as if we give two shits if James' life is ruined based on false information. He's a fucking faggot and we hate him -- the stuff is legitmate though.
As for why you are hearing what sounds like a chainsaw or machine, and the blood, my speculation on what pizzagate (fully) is comes from adding a couple aspects of it. Pedophilia (and human trafficking) combined with black magick (spirit cooking is Crowley style black magick). If you do one, and the other, why not both at the same time? That's why there are so few kids that come forward -- they kill them, and also eat them believe it or not. See original posters that you two asked picture. It's John Podesta's home. He has a lot of very "off" pictures to the extent that it seems to be a thing to him -- again add in the other factors on top of that.
Well depending on the credibility of this interview it makes a whole lot of dark sense. It also feels like things are coming to a head with the comey firing.
It's an interesting read -- much of which we guessed at. I still wonder about certain religious/moloch references that don't seem to be blackmail/role play...
Justice Bump
I started listening to the music on worldcorp, the first song sounded innocuous enough at first but it is sticking with me in a disturbing way.
Oh I forgot to mention actually... Part of that first theory includes MKUltra. Some of that music/videos may well be a part of that or of that style. For example, the Fatherhood video seems to be John Podesta abusing a child stuck in a glass enclosure with strobe lights and blasting music. I don't know much about MK but I don't think it is simply a scientific approach at mind breaking but actually includes a religious aspect as seen in pic.
An adult raping a child and it's "spirit/mind" seems to be escaping. It seems to me though that there is a very deep satanic/spirtual aspect to this all as insane as it sounds.
I wouldn't be surprised, how effective or real that is I would not dare to say but I like to think I have a decently open mind these days. Either way this is one sick rabbit hole and I desperately want some justice here.
>Part of that first theory includes MKUltra. Some of that music/videos may well be a part of that or of that style.
Just watch the video Katy Perry dropped yesterday. Watch it until the last frame.
So basically you're saying the exact same shit i said some 3 months ago and claiming you're the sherlock, fuckin you me again cunt!
certainly doesn't look like an adult foot sticking out of that pie that's for sure