Happy day of Our Lady of Fátima, Sup Forums!
It's the centenary of the apparitions, and the Pope is gonna canonize the two younger shepherds that saw her one hundred years ago.
Happy day of Our Lady of Fátima, Sup Forums!
It's the centenary of the apparitions, and the Pope is gonna canonize the two younger shepherds that saw her one hundred years ago.
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Poor children, allucinating out of hunger and some bad mushrooms
This story always smelled of bogus to me
ur jsut flat our lying because the sun started doing some shit and they used it as an excuse to make a fucking story about jesus mother who by the way was a whore and lied to jsoe about her baby origins
the sun started doing weird shit that day, these kids decided to make up a story because of it, now we here
>tfw even our national Mother of Jesus has a Muslim name
we are in the XXI century and people still make scenes about this bullshit story
fuck this gay earth
Take your dumb shit to We don't want you superstitious retards here.
Remember to attend mass today anons!
You are free to leave it at your convenience.
Naw, the sun "wobbeling" was made up by a sensationalist journal and was suppose to have happened later, in front of a "crowd of 10,000!"
When is Sup Forums going to EMBRACE Islam?
Islam is the final redpill, and the easiest to swallow.
Imagine if you will:
Sharia is implemented
>Dykes and homos chucked off buildings
>Jews genocided
>Non degenerate marriages, you will now cover your wife over instead of putting her tits and ass on show like a cuck
>Strong religious families, lots of children
>No enslavement via interest or loans
>no thievery, if you are caught thieving your hand is cut off
>keeps women under control and where they belong, at home looking after your children and making your food, not at work being banged by Jamal
Submission to GOD (Allah) is an obligation. Sup Forums has been led astray by the CIA who have you worshiping idols like "kek" (kuk) and following cult like leaders like Milo (degenerate sodomite FAGGOT)
When will you embrace ISLAM, THE FINAL REDPILL?
No goatfucking allowed, Moohamhead.
There is literally nothing wrong with interest or loans
You mean submission to a pedophile "prophet".
Have you prayed the rosary today user?
what a strange coincidence, I had a dream about the virgin last night
Hate to break it to you, but your sister is definitely not a virgin anymore.
You realize that Islam is such a shit and obvious false religion. They focus so much in earthly desires instead of the salvation of your soul.
You're going to hell Ahmed.
It is obviously such a satanic religion, all of its rewards are rewards of the flesh.
Exacly, they win people by offering eartly desires to them, just like satan would do.