It Begin

Paedophilia is a fate and not a choice, German doctor says

Research suggests up to 750,000 men in Britain may have a sexual interest in children/ Getty

Dr Klaus Beiersayshealthy societiesmust accept 'paedophilia is a reality amongst us'

>Paedophilia is a “fate, not a choice”, a leading sexual scientist has claimed.

>Dr Klaus Beier, who runs a clinic in Germany that treats people who are sexually attracted to children, told The Times of India that healthy society must accept “paedophilia is a reality amongst us”.

>Although difficult to measure, current estimatesput the prevalence of paedophilia in the general population at about one per cent.

>But research carried out by the National Crime Agency in 2015 suggested there could be as many as 750,000 men in Britain alone who may have a sexual interest in children.

>He said it was a “myth” that paedophiles could stop having sexual fantasies about children by simply choosing not to.

>“Most people believe ‘What is the problem, the guy should concentrate on women.’ They think it is a choice. But it is a fate, not a choice,” he said.“Another myth is that every person paedophilically inclined will act out.”

>His conclusions back up a claim made by a criminal psychologist that paedophilia is a "sexual orientation" like being straight or gay.

>He said that a sexual preference for children will arise during puberty and remain the same throughout an adult’s life.

>With the “incredibly high” number of child abuse images on the internet, he said “people use these pictures for masturbation and we have to reach out for them before they start”.

>Despite the lack of choice in paedophilic feelings, Dr Beier claimed it is not a psychic disorderand therefore people who act on their feelings are fully culpable for their actions, morally and legally.

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Funny how as soon as islamists start bringing their child brides they start claiming pedophilia ain't all that bad.

Listen, if you're mad Sup Forums won't let you post your


threads just say so. shitposting is welcomed here.

>>hoping faggot gonna go for some ice cream??

It's almost sad how obvious it is.

>Dr. Klaus (((Beier)))


It's been part of the leftist / kike agenda for a long time, muslims have just become a convenient way of advancing it. They want anything that will destroy white nations by tearing down what's stable, good and wholesome.

In same manner I could say that shitposting on Sup Forums is a fate, not a choice. Because you couln't stop if you want.

Well, Pedophilia isn't a choice, it's hardwired in.
That's why they are so dangerous, why they can't be treated, and why they need to be put to death.

>Pedophiles who act out should be charged as criminals and cannot use psychic disorders as an excuse
>We have to identify these people and neutralize the threat before they become child porn addicts
>pedophiles cannot be cured

I don't understand why you are angry about this.

Are you telling me that Pedophiles can be cured? You would be happy letting one baby sit your kids after some crack pot therapy?

You would be happy to let pedophiles go to comfy psychiatric centers instead of prison for child predation related crimes?

You would be happier if people didn't develop ways to get pedophiles out of the shadows and self-identify?

The only Jewish poster here, is OP - trying to pass off solutions that would keep children safe as problematic.

They said it wasn't a slippery slope...

Fuck, they really said this was bullshit exaggeration 15 years ago... are you fucking kidding me...

It's true though. Paedophile here, i can confirm these urges aren't something you can just ignore. It really is an orientation, no matter how emotional and daily mail you like to get about it, some people are just attracted to children. And always have been. If anything you've been listening to the feminist jew, fucking a child was legal all the way up to the moment women's rights gained traction. Now we're "monsters"

You have 750,000 Muslims already?

try to masturbate to grown woman, faggot

This isn't anything new. Most men do have some pedophile tendencies (Shaved pussy, girl calling him daddy, innie vaginas being popular) I mean vagina plastic surgery is a big market and it makes women's vaginas look like underage vagina.

I wouldn't trust anyone around your kids.

>German doctor
Shame you didn't all die defending your nation

The most popular genre of pornography is schoolgirl by a large margin. Some studios recreate a school classroom and girls act like children. We're all guilty of wanting to fuck the young

I supported gays getting the right to marry. Marriage is tied to too many important basic rights in the USA, so it's the fault of the idiot legislature that it became necessary to allow gays to marry.

Everyone called it out as a slippery slope and they promised there was no slippery slope and so did all the supporters.

They fucking lied. Things have only gotten more obnoxious. They immediately threw their full weight behind the infinite degeneracy that is trannies and 64+ genders. They shill LGBT endlessly to impressionable youth, somehow successfully managing to make it the cool fad for kids.

Most ridiculous of all, they set up pedophiles for the win.

The core argument against pedophiles is consent.

But fucking faggot LGBTs, in their faggotry, pushed to get decision that young young children can change their sex, when previously that was a consent issue and an inappropriate sexual issue for young children.

Now a child can "choose" to change their sex, so what is the argument against the child "choosing" to have sex?

God damn you faggots.

Being black is also fate. Doesn't mean we shouldn't lynch niggers.

He's still claiming that it's basically okay to be a pedo so long as you don't molest kids, and that society should accept / pity such people. The (main) problem with that argument is that "virtuous paedophiles" appear to be largely mythical beings. Every single time the MSM has done a sob story about one, they later turn out to be a convicted child fucker / be credibly accused of it / get v& with several terabytes of CP.

Fuck those guys.

Zyklon Ben is always right

how funny that this coincides with mass importation of rapefugees.

So is full metal jacket 5.56 to ((their)) foreheads, ((they)) will regret this push.

That's ephebophilia though, lusting after *sexually mature* girls is biologically normal although potentially still immoral.


day of the rope is coming, nigger. i hope you're ready

Not really. Girls are infantilised now in many porn genres. They aren't pretending to be some hormonally retarded 15 year old. They're pretending to be aged 8-10 now.

You know if pedos were able to "come out of the closet" without basically committing social suicide, it would be much easier to identify them.

As it stands now they all live lives of secrecy, so you can never know who to trust with children.

I mean imagine a world where we could say "I'm glad Paul told me he was a pedophile, now I know never to ask him to watch my kids."

>i can confirm these urges aren't something you can just ignore
It's called habit

>Despite the lack of choice in paedophilic feelings, Dr Beier claimed it is not a psychic disorderand therefore people who act on their feelings are fully culpable for their actions, morally and legally.

It's a pol doesn't even read the article thread again

there are more arguments for hebephilia than against, sadly.

it was very common throughout european and american history for young girls to be wed to older men.

I was wondering if it would be this or bestiality after trannies.

If you stop smoking, chances are you can stop going back to it.

You cannot do that with a biological sexual attraction. It never goes away

the only thing that has pushed women not to marry until they become older allowing women to vote, attain schooling, and become a part of the workforce.

Pedophilia = sick shit.
Ebhebophilia = normal. Shit, it's legal in countries that have an age of consent of 14 and up. I make no excuses about being attracted to developed females, anyone who wouldn't fuck a 15 year old with tits and hips is either a liar or in denial.

Remember when 10 years ago there were people who went
>gay marriage? Whats next? PEDOPHILIA?
and most people,including your blue pilled normie self, laughed at them?

Well shit

This matches any of the scientific documentation on Paedophilia.

However, that doesn't change the fact all Paedos should hang.

And it ends...

Finally we arrive at the best stage of liberalism.
It's all the same shit for people in the US, sadly. I love 14 year olds too tbqh.

Whilst I, personally, don't look too harshly on that particular argument, it simply cannot be abided by when liberal society has made it clear that if you give them an inch, they will take a mile.

Purge the filth.

>Have really solid data on the damaging effects of pedophelia for the past 50 years.

>Scientists suddenly "discover" something new about the subject.

>They found some guy and he was different, turns out pedophelia isn't that bad.

Pedophilia is just a subset of homosexuality. Both are abominations and need to be destroyed.

Daily reminder the vast majority of "kys nonce" newfag normies ITT have never been exposed to CP before and are from reddit.

Funny how everyone on this board claims to be a japan loving weeb yet militant anti-pedo when Japan is notorious for being full of pedos and create endless swathes of pedo material.

They're usually reddit crossposters. It's a good way to identify the redditors

Anime is the work of Satan and should be destroyed and banned. Japan used to be great but after WW2 was destroyed by the Jew.

Pedophilia is an abomination and all those who adhere to it should be gassed.

Not wanting a little boy to suck your dick makes me a redditor. Good job kike.

>>Have really solid data on the damaging effects of pedophelia for the past 50 years.
no such data

I've been here since the longcat era, including the period where CP or a discussion about it was on page 1 of Sup Forums more often than not. In retrospect it's surprising the site didn't get seized by the FBI or something, it was completely out of control.

>Drawings are the same as an actual child

we like to think of pedophilia as sexual abuse when they are not the same, but in most cases of pedophilia it is sexual abuse given that the child is coerced/forced into it.

As i mentioned earlier, western women being married off young was not uncommon and it was very routine. those kind of relationships is not total child abuse.

Im attracted to violently torture certain peoples yet i dont do any of it.
Just go into your cave and never get out. Degenerate.

bestiality is certainly a lot worse

Then your kind needs to be put in the ground if a cure isnt possible


self control is easy.

How? Both are pretty bad but abusing a child is worse than abusing a dog.

You need to go to Church, freak.

Failure to do so will result in a purging...and ultimately, damnation.

Deus vult.

They only fa to loli because they're afraid of going to jail, lets be honest. If it was legal they would be fapping to CP. In fact it was legal until 2014 to have CP on your computer in Japan, and yet they had among the lowest rape rates in the world while UK us amongst the highest. I guess the nannification wasn't enough for you.


>You cannot do that with a biological sexual attraction. It never goes away
You can. Why not? Because you believe in it?

Japan has less muslims

The day of the rope is really just a figure of speech. For people like this, it's going to be longer than a day, and just an hour short of eternity in absolute, manufactured pain.

Rape rates are a result of jewified multicultural society. Japan is extremely homogeneous and still retains harsh societal standards and a shame-culture.

Blaming something like an entire nation's rape rate on "porn" is honestly something I would expect from a negroid or other subhuman, not a white man from New Zealand.

Clean your life up or die and be damned faggot.

yeah you can marry a girl young to be sure that she grows up with the same interests as you, and has everything she wants, but don't start fucking her until she's old enough where it will mean something to you both, like at least 18 if you're like in your 30s, because otherwise it is just meat that doesn't know anything.

The pedo scare is a big reason birth rates are so low.

This is also called the foot in the door technique and is directly related to the slippery slope "fallacy".

They're all basically the same thing but explained in different words.

Lol i remember thinking the exact same thing when germany opened its borders 2 years ago

that's not how it's worked for centuries

No words

We have to fight the same battles over and over again

Can you red pill on that?

UK's most prominent pedos were all white though.

So why don't they shame the sexualization and attraction towards little girls? They're practically in every advert in Japan. I wasn't blaming anything on porn, not that a christcuck ike you could understand. The irony of a follower of the most notorious little boy abusers trying to lecture me.

cunny threads are goat. fuck off redditor.

cunny will save Sup Forums

Because white people are more prominent...for now.

Well pedophilia is bad, but it's not really a choice either. Pedophiles have to be moral and deal with not getting what they want.

Doesn't exist. The term was invented by a gay pedo Jew, too.

so it's going to happen

>not a choice
so they're not human.

anyone agree that we should just kill them all?

>we must protect children and all pedos must hang

I disagree with your post, SIR


hop in faggot were goin for ice cream.

>yfw unironically in 6 years you will be called a fascist bigot if you protest child marriages

1. do you like a person? yes: 2, no: 3
2. is he a jew? yes: 3, no: 1
3. he is a jew.

>That's ephebophilia though, lusting after *sexually mature* girls is biologically normal
This is literally the argument liberals will use to push paedophilia into the mainstream.

There is no such thing as "ephebophilia" in the real world. If you are attracted to women below the age of consent, you are a paedo. It's as simple as that.

So as ancap should I happy?

Imho being attracted to teenagers (above 14 years) is normal. However being attracted to pre teens is gross. Men have always preferred younger women, and females are most fertile and desirable from 14-25, 28 if she has good genes. Getting a girl married at 18 to an older man was considered absolutely normal.

Feminism has, as usual, destroyed the natural order by calling the men pedos or pervs, but if a woman likes younger men she's a "cougar".

>Well pedophilia is bad, but it's not really a choice either.
Everything is a choice


did the Doctor leave his name ?

Jesus, Sartre was an ugly fuck. Why does France have the worst philosophers?

just because it's not a choice doesn't mean it's not wrong

Does that mean that if a pedo burger (he's attracted to 15 year olds) takes a plane to germany, he ceases to be a pedo for the duration of his stay?

Dr Klaus Beier

Cool anyone got a picture of him ?

>sexual emergency

Dr Klaus Beier

If it isn't a choice then it's mental disorder

You can't even argue with that

>I supported gays getting the right to marry.

You shouldn't have. Legal marriage is not a right. Religious and civil marriage are fine, but legal marriage is reserved for heterosexual couples because the point of it is to provide financial and social incentive for procreation.

What's the problem? Everything he said is true. You can't just act like they're isolated cases when there are CP rings getting busted every month.
I'm not saying let them be near children, or even let them have CP. But there needs to be some kind of anonymous therapy program to guide them away from real children and real CP.

>If you are attracted to women below the artificial limit what society created, you are claimed as biologicaly defective criminal. It's as simple as that.
Nice rhetoric you have.

Man fuck that shit. It's illegal for a reason. Something doesn't have to be wrong for it to be harmful and therefore illegal, anyway.

What you find attractive is not something you can select, but acting on it is.
Do you think sexual attraction something you can willfully change?
If not then is your definition of pedophile only those who act on those attractions?