Do any of you incel NEET necklards actually believe that this bitch was anything but a model before getting cast as a "right wing waifu" by (((Rebel Media)))? Do you really believe she had any views about politics before some male producer wrote her a little script on what to say in front of the cameras? None of these "hot sassy political waifus" are anything but a product designed by internet marketers, to be sold to lonely young men with over-active fantasy lives, and very boring, very sad, real lives.
Women don't care about politics
Other urls found in this thread:
This. Women should only be used to draw in other members. The problem of the Alt-Right is that they have few male role models (pretty much Cernovich) Milo and Gavin are faggot degenerates.
Stop insulting based Lauren. Also the book is an intellectual political masterpiece.
You're halfway there. ->
Don't blame the women, blame the Jews and your elders for not listening to Hitler when he warned us nearly a century ago.
Lol you must be the fat MGTOW nigger from the other thread.
Stay lonely friend!
A Jew begging for shekels.
Who saw this coming?
Oh yeah. I did.
buy my book all you goys!
[hand rubbing intensifies]
Hey fuck you buddy, laura southern and britany venti are my waifus, I give them half my fucking pay check every month just because they're beautiful and smart and you have the balls to say shit like this?
I should hunt you down and kill you, you piece of shit
>Cernovich) Milo and Gavin
Nice bait
Her face has such a weird shape and it looks a little swollen
>implying the alt-kike any better than the alt-lite
cuckpol pls
>go back to stormfront
Her (((Rebel Media))) handlers trained her well
wtf is the difference?
>Lol you must be the fat MGTOW nigger from the other thread.
>Thinking this disproves the rest of his points
You'd be right if you talked about Tomi and Blaze. Lauren isn't what you think though. Plus she's kind of manly. Tomi however is full of sex appeal and was just a mouthpiece until she blew it on The View.
Yey, yet another sageblue dissension sowing thread
The truth about immigration by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
She was out with Generation Identity stopping migrant boats not too long ago. That doesn't seem like something a shill would do.
Or maybe that's what they want me to think?
One sometimes claims its "white nationalist" (but with asian racemixing and fags are ok), while the other is against "identity politics", but for all the same shit otherwise
>its a nupol a shit lets trigger them so they go back to thread
>pretending to be one of us
>doesnt seem like something a shill would do
-t. Watchadoin McRabbi
So is her hanging out with actual white nationalist activists a part of her "handlers" plans too? Are you fucking retarded? Get out of here shill.
Already replied to this scripted response here: don't you have a shift manager monitoring your threads?
shows that he no understanding of the depth of the problem. homosex shit was manufactured consent. and it was done (((legally))) and anti-democratically. America is lawless right now. these people should be more woke
Honestly though, she seems like she's headed to be the new Ann Coulter. Ann wasn't always dogwhistling white nationalists either. Give it some time with Lauren. White people only get more racist as they age.
Look at this mentally ill fuck posting that same pic over and over even though it's been proven undeniably that Lauren is not Jewish. This guy knows it but he keeps lying. The only conclusion can be that he is either a shill or severely mentally ill.
Lauren really terrifies Shareblue for some reason.
That's just you claiming "she's a shill" without any further arguments. You're either a shill or sub-70 IQ.
when will the lauren simonsen meme end?
According to Sup Forums Margaret Thatcher had no interest in politics and was just a sexy figurehead the Conservative Party used to lure in new members
Because that makes fucking loads of sense
Simonsen isn't a Jewish name. Simonsen is the 34th most common surname in Denmark. Jakobsen and Jacobsen are 22nd and 23rd most common. Not Jewish at all, very common Danish surnames.
Your lies have no power here, kike.
>Do any of you incel NEET necklards actually believe that this bitch was anything but a model before getting cast as a "right wing waifu" by (((Rebel Media)))?
That video of her sitting on the couch with her friend drunk proved to me she is just an actor.
FFS they were laughing about "Nazis" who worship them and rolling their eyes etc. I know its an old video but women reveal who they really are when they drink.
She thinks whole movement is a joke, she is being payed a fortune and she wont even mention (((them))).
idk why you want to believe she isnt jew so bad. are you in denial?
Really got the noggin joggin
Lauren is based and she will reveal herself as a white nationalist, mark my words
I love pasta
Two wrongs don't make a White
I'm pretty sure you're a jew. Prove me wrong.
Almost no one in the alt-right/alt-lite would want to be associated with "nazis", not even people like Red Ice or Jared Taylor or Generation Identitaire. Only complete shut-in retards on Sup Forums would want to be publically known as Nazis, that is retarded and political suicide.
Explain all the Hitler worship in the alt right then?
The whole Jew issue is simple. To believe that she is a Jew you would have to believe that she forged a DNA test in order to trick people into thinking she is Jewish. If you think that's plausible, congratulations. You're mentally ill.
Hitler worship mostly only happens on Sup Forums and stormfront. That's not a good look in public if you want to actually achieve anything politically.
>a-anyone criticizing my waifu is shareblue, attack them for me gais!
A shill is a shill, and women aren't naturally political. She's just tits and ass to get your views, nothing more. Congrats on being a thirsty virgin, it worked on you.
ive already had this argument with you before and youre saying the same things.
finns are so fucking cucked. scandinavians arent white
I just despise liars and intellectually dishonest low IQ subhumans like you. I'd be defending any of the other people I like who don't have ass and tits just as hard if I saw some moron like you lying like this.
>want to be publically known as Nazis, that is retarded and political suicide.
What part of this don't you understand, dravidean nigger: "want to be publically known as Nazis, that is retarded and political suicide."
Or she just pulled a random DNA test results screengrab from google images. Not at all difficult to do.
If she says she's a Jew, she's a Jew. If she suddenly starts shifting the narrative to say otherwise, she's just a lying Jew.
And you're just a thirsty faggot who has an internet crush on this cunt.
Yes I'm saying the same things because what I just said ends the argument right there. You're an intellectual coward trying to deflect.
>you would have to believe that she forged a DNA test
>Implying that can't be done
>implying you should believe what shills tell you their test results are on their own jewtoob channels
Even if she isn't a kike, her whole career is based on being a kike shill. She was created by (((rebel media))), thus, she works for kikes and spreads their kosher politics, thus, she shills for kikes, kikes pay her to shill, so she's a kike shill, by definition.
>I just despise liars
But you'll fight for free to defend the honor of one, because she's too pretty to be a liar, you just know it in your heart, she's your soulmate and one day she'll know how you fought for her on Sup Forums
Her video today was really gay
You are an /x/-tier paranoid moron if you look at that video and think she is acting or something.
>If she says she's a Jew, she's a Jew.
She never said she was a Jew.
>when will the lauren simonsen meme end?
>actually believe that this bitch was anything but a model before getting cast as a "right wing waifu" by (((Rebel Media)))?
No, at least I don't. Women are mostly incapable of forming their own opinions, they just follow trends.
She left the Rebel because of a disagreement with Ezra you lying fuck.
It's really tiring talking to people who can't write one sentence without being intellectually dishonest.
And when you lose the argument you just start going into ridiculous unprovable absurdities
Well she's like 20% spaniard or something like that.
Yeah, why would a Jew ever lie to the goyim? Talk about a silly conspiracy.
Face it, you gullible cuck. She's got you hooked with her deceptive nature.
youre so fucking reddit dude lmao. you cant be over 18 years old either.
lauren is a fat ugly jew. get some taste buddy, your waifu a shit
faith goldy is 1000x better than lauren simonsen in every way
Her opinions were formed by her dad who is super conservative. So her opinions were formed by a man, yes, but the notion that she was apolitical before working for Rebel is a lie.
We know you love her, and one day she'll reward all your work to defend her. I just know she will. We're rooting for your dreams to come true, user.
>you are /x/-tier paranoid if you think an eceleb is acting or something
This is what people look like when they run out of arguments. Next time, just stop posting guys. There's no shame in that.
Lauren Southern does nothing but dip her feet in the water and regurgitate the shit we've already heard. She's nothing but a Jew who cashes in on the new media trend for clicks. Laci Green just did the same. Just look at the people she struts around with and having drinks with afterwards. Gavin, Sargon, Milo, etc. She's doing this to rub elbows for more business deals. She's nothing but a BUSINESSwoman, and you dumb faggots who have a crush on her because she has a set of tits give her money to do absolutely nothing. That's like donating to a Twitch streamer.
She won't notice you, she won't suck your dick, she won't kiss you, and she definitely won't fuck you.
If she was of value and actually did shit, she'd do more than argue with low-hanging fruit SJWs. She'd have white kids, teach them good values--- oh wait! She's Jewish, got blacked, and wastes her time doing cosplay, saying "Praise KEK XDDD" in public, and walking around with a camera crew.
If you think she's Jewish going by her surname then if you look at this map she has more chance of being Muslim than Jewish because there isn't a single person in Israel with that surname.
youtube tier lonely teenager confirmed
What political activism have you done with the white nationalists in your area?
>a model
>Lauren Southern
You seen how actually fat she is? Have you even looked at her face?
This is what people look like when they let their penis do the thinking for them. If she was an ugly fat woman I guarantee you wouldn't be defending her blatant subversion like a thirsty faggot.
Cry louder, shill! She will turn more people to our side than you can make shitty threads in a year.
>no one in Israel named Simonsen
>Simonsen is Shimeon in Israel
Sure are a lot of Shimeons though, makes you think.
Actually offer work and hire only whites in my small business, help fund fellow white-only businesses, name the Jew, and have a white girlfriend. What have you done?
And working for (((rebel media))) is the kind of work her caliber of model tends to get, that's where all the podcast / jewtoob political waifus come from. They're all c-list actresses
Notice how you stopped arguing the point and started attacking me? Thanks for conceding, you can stop posting now.
So it honestly matter?
I've never watched any of her videos but if she's getting people on there way to discovering the truth and questioning the status quo then what's the problem? I've never seen any threads on Sup Forums of people worshipping her
>They're all c-list actresses
Just like with The Young Turks.
She is more like 100 percent makeup, someone post her without it.
So you have lived an average normie life and haven't actually done anything politically with ethnonationalists. Nothing wrong with that, but from this we must conclude that Lauren Southern has done more for the ethnonationalist cause than you by advertising Generation Identitaire and actually doing political shit with white nationalist activists.
There's nothing left to argue. She openly mocks the concepts of white nationalism and white genocide and said her grandparents had to escape the Nazis in Denmark right after referring to how "Jewish people are still recovering from the holocaust".
Now, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say that you're not actually this retarded. But you need to let some of that blood flow back up to your brain, because your thirst for this lying Jewess is seriously clouding your judgment.
>implying you were making arguments
Damage control and butthurt =/= arguments faggot
Exactly. Left or right, they're all actresses who just promote the politics they were hired for. Its literally like believing that a beer model was chosen because she likes that brand of beer.
>Women don't care about politics
Ummmm... no?
Any non-vorgin basment sweller knows that you should not care about a womans political opinion since they are dumb and sentimental.Most of them dont care and if you talk them into it they would vote whatever.
But then again this is how you westerners got a femminism problem,you fell for "muh stronk,smart and.beautiful womin" meme the jews pushed down your throat.
Kek women are made to obey period.
your waifu is laughing all the way to the bank with the ad revenue you give her and she doesn't even know you exist
Freaks and outliers don't count. Lurk moar, sweetie.
>She openly mocks the concepts of white nationalism and white genocide
1) She only mocked the term white genocide 2) That was in 2015
You have a real problem with lying dude.
>and said her grandparents had to escape the Nazis in Denmark right after referring to how "Jewish people are still recovering from the holocaust".
Do you understand what an independent clause is? Why do I understand your language better than you do?
Also, if you're just going to ignore the DNA test issue I'm going to have to start assuming you're a shill because there's no ambiguity there. The answer is right there but you're still deflecting.
Yeah, it makes me think you're retarded.
Just because a name is originally derived from Hewbrew doesn't mean everyone with that name is Jewish.
Why do you hate women? Did you get rejected or something?
All I care about is BTFOing low IQ Americans in arguments, it's my favorite way to pass the time.
So what stops Lauren from being an outlier, retard?
The true face of the low IQ amerifat reveals himself. Impotent rage. Why are you acting like a woman?
>b-but that was before and now it's been two whole years! she's completely changed, honest!
>muh DNA test!
Go to google images and search for ancestry dna results. That's what I did for It's completely meaningless.
I really don't give a fuck if she makes a video on YouTube tomorrow claiming that she's gone full 14/88 and is a shameless white supremacist; she's already outed herself as a Jew and thus anything that she says to the contrary since then should be dismissed as total bullshit. She's lying to you, as Jews do.
simonsen is a very common name in norway, and i assume it is in denmark as well. this proves nothing.
>Just because a name is originally derived from Hewbrew doesn't mean everyone with that name is Jewish.
It makes the liklihood rise to significant levels. Combined with her Jewish bosses, her Jewish views, her little "mis-tweets" about being Jewish and escaping Notsees... yeah youre right, i must just be crazy to think that's suspicious. Its not like shills ever infiltrate white nationalist or right wing movements... that would be insane amirite??
There is literally zero evidence of her being Jewish. The most solid thing you have is a misinterpretation of a tweet because you don't understand what an independent clause is. You're just lying at this point.
Or mentally ill. If you seriously believe she's some kind of CIA plant and an actor, please seek help from a mental health professional
For what reason would her (((white))) grandparents even have for needing to "escape the Nazis in Denmark"? What were they escaping from? Why were they unsafe there?
>It makes the liklihood rise to significant levels
Maybe in America but not in the Nordic countries you ignorant mongoloid. When Christianity spread to the Nordic countries people took names from the Bible like crazy. That guy just showed you that the most common Danish surname comes from Hebrew, even though there's barely any Jews in Denmark.
oy vey never forget the 5 gorilloin danes slaughtered in the holocaust
I think their family lost their business to the occupation or something. Maybe it was something that Nazis needed like logistics. Obviously people other than Jews left Denmark around that time.
How can it make the likelihood rise to significant levels if there is nobody in Israel with that surname?
You're thick as two short planks, literally retarded. The reason so many Scandinavians have Surnames that derive from Hebrew is from the Crusades.
She wont ever fuck you dude. She'll never touch your pee pee, my son. Her skin as reserved for darker meat.
Top fucking kek, the rationalizing from this goy.
>Maybe in America
Can you read?
I understand it's awkward to admit defeat since you started this thread, but you can just stop posting you know. You don't need to say it.
Are you angry at me Antifa shill??