Long story short: Wife's relatives from Illinois come to visit. Husband has just beaten (supposedly) lymph node terminal cancer. wants to see family to celebrate.
Both husband and wife are roughly 70. I know they are democrats so I try to avoid political conversation. Yet husband makes reference to his granddaughters "ghetto nigger" boyfriend with 3 illegit kids. Has NRA stickers plastered all over his car. Bitches about the abuse of welfare and EBT.
Yet voted for Hillary.
This is a massive portion of our voting population. He and his wife will probably be voting for the next 20 years, yet they vote for the commies. I don't fucking get it. How do I/we redpill this generation????
They are godless user. Only a godless kike would vote democrat and support abortion.
Elijah Phillips
Just let em die. Boomers are fucking useless.
Caleb Ramirez
But they're not. This is massive voting power. I just don't fucking get why they continue to vote against their best interests.
Joseph Brown
The dude fought off cancer at 70 and bought himself another 5-10 years of life. Just leave him alone and let him be. His life is over. Concentrate on the young, and stop bothering old people. You don't change old people's minds on anything, son.
Zachary Williams
>let old people continue to ruin things because they're fucking stupid
Sounds like you deserve a noose
Isaac Watson
It's just reality. A 70 year old man isn't going to change his mind. He just isn't. Especially not because of some conversation or internet links you give him.
Jaxon Wright
Because they're fucking stupid, because whites in general are pathetic and retarded or "too smart for their own good"- that is, unlike niggers who are smallminded enough to go "unga bunga democrats gib gibs" whites spend a lot of fucking time thinking about shit like their taxes, union benefits, social issues and whatever the fuck and muddle the whole process up with short term concerns over long term problems.
Also even if he's racist he might have been less so in the past and didn't truly awaken until his kids got their lives ruined by his carelessness in teaching them not to relax around blacks.
Chase Howard
>democrats >commie
They're basically the same as they Republicans so it doesn't really who they pick
Isaiah Clark
I get this to an extent... but wtaf. Is he just voting democrat because that's what he's done all his life? I mean how the fuck can you bitch about everything the democrat party represents yet keep voting for them. It blows my fucking mind.
Connor Price
>70 year old man who votes for niggers to keep nigging despite him being opposed to niggers nigging >we should just let this continue without pointing out the nonsense inherent in that
Justin Lee
the more time someone invests into an ideology the more hostile they get when its questioned. generally.
Daniel Smith
Because white people are pathetically stupid fucks. Party has essentially replaced real racial consciousness for a lot of them. Hanging the elderly would be a blessing, but most millennials and gen xers are pathetic too and at least a majority of boomers voted Trump. Who knows if this country is going to survive.
Noah Williams
But that's the thing, he wasnt hostile at all. He brought up his ideologies... and I agreed with him on almost everything. When he left he gave me a big bear hug and said "you're a good man for XXXXXX"... yet he votes against our very livelihood.
I just don't fucking get it at all.
Logan Ross
What about in cases of known birth defects? e.g. retardation and or a future of no independence
It's one of the few exceptions I have for Abortion. Maybe it's my inner Mengele coming out.
Parker Martin
I work with a boomer who is what would be called a blue dog democrat, basically doesn't like anybody who isn't white. He is ok but is so oblivious that the world has changed around him and that we are approaching Weimar levels of unrest. He likes the idea of the wall, deporting illegals and saying fuck china. Yet he wouldn't vote for Trump because "muh men of good character". He would rather have the entire country get cucked instead of allowing a man he finds unsavory fix the fucking thing. Total fucking boomer cuck.
Julian Gomez
OK so here's another. WHAT THE FUCK.
Luis Harris
I guess what I'm saying is I didn't even know how to approach this guy. We barely disagreed on anything... yet he votes blue. It makes no goddamn sense.
Angel Brown
>democrat >NRA stickers ???
Nathan Wright
>bought himself another 5-10 years of life
Which means he'll be around for the next election now. OP has to either fix his mind or find a way to discretely end him before then.
Lucas Jones
Murder is wrong in all instances. To explain from a non-religious perspective why this is wrong - it denies personhood. Scientifically speaking, all 23 pairs of Chromosomes you posses are yours uniquely and are created at the moment of conception when you become scientifically human, and thus a person.
Matthew Reed
Should of been like "Why do you vote against my future" How I got my Grandparents and Parents to vote Red.
Christopher Myers
Right? I'm confused as all fuck.
Asher Cook
Show him this Biden video, should make short work of his cognitive dissonance
He hates commies of all colors too. It blows my mind but I don't think he will be alive much longer. Oh and he voted Stein.
I have another 50 year old coworker who is super fucking liberal to the point of it being obnoxious but he is a felon so I always go talk about how I voted for Trump just to rustle his jimmies.
Jeremiah Reyes
is he a lib because they believe in socialized healthcare and he is afraid of dying? is that it?
Samuel Wood
Your picture is the answer. JFK was slain by an alliance of the deep state and the mafia... Trump is fighting the deep state just as JFK did.. you can find something there, some common ground, I know it
Matthew Flores
Nah he is all about JFK but he did mention that he does somewhat believe healthcare is a universal right. The dude has the most jacked up ankle it literally is like an inch off center, has the beetus, lost a toe due to an infection and served in Nam. He cant admit he is ever wrong and doesn't get that it we arent in 60s America anymore. I mean he acknowledges that my generation is fucked but none of it is his generations fault and we should all be so principled. Also the constitution was written vague so we can always change it.
I have the patience of a saint to deal with all his bullshit.
Adam Harris
You can't. You can't force anyone to be redpilled. Just like in the movie, they have to make the choice between the blue pill and the red pill. I doubt any of you guys got redpilled cause your friends talked about the Jewish question. I've been trying to redpill my lelddit friend for years now, but he just shuts his ears off and later go on reddit to see what what whacky thing drumpf is eating. Just link them Sup Forums and tell them to lurk, and make redpill threads daily.
pic related
Carter Thomas
They're real.
My earliest memory of someone being openly racist was an uncle of mine. Hates niggers with a passion. Still does.
He's a Democrat and voted for Obama twice. Insists there is no disconnect. When asked he will tell you, "Well I hate niggers but Obama's a Democrat so he must not be bad."
I don't get it either, but these people are real.
Oliver Butler
Show your father-in-law the video of this fetus and tell him that the democrats are killing millions of these each year that'll do it
Ayden Sanders
>I get this to an extent... but wtaf. Is he just voting democrat because that's what he's done all his life?
Because the Democrat party used to stand for something in the JFK days. But most normies don't pay attention to the minutae of politics so they make up their minds on bits and pieces.
Bentley Lee
The Republican party doesn't give a fuck about you either