I want you to try and defend this Sup Forums

I want you to try and defend this Sup Forums

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Only a loser with no aspirations would work for minimum wage their entire life.

>implying a minimum wage is a good thing

I'm not going to defend this. Texas is way too high.

It's cheap as fuck to live in Texas.


If you're too much of a bum to even try to find an unskilled labor job above minimum wage, then you deserve to be paid like a slave.

Easy, I make ~500 dollars a week delivering pizzas, and that's after gas energy drinks bought during my shift. My rent is $650 a month. Easy fucking money.

The only jobs that pay minimum wage are ones that require minimum effort and skill

Can't, minimum wages r dum bro

Oh, and I only work 4 days a week as well.

i won't, it should be zero


>implying a low minimum wage results in low wages
>implying people aren't moving to texas in droves
>implying a minimum wage should exist at all

I would but I'm a teacher and I'm only barely above minimum wage
The biggest redpill is that teachers are lefty because their pay fucking sucks

California just passed laws to increase the minimum wage to $15 by 2023

All my daily living expenses (food, utilities, gas) are starting to slowly creep up to compensate for everyone else's shitty (newly highly mandated) minimum wage jobs

I hate this fucking state

My friend worked an entry level job and got 7.25 an hour. He worked his way up in just a year. He's now assistant manager and is making nearly 12 dollars an hour. If you work hard and there's a position available, you can get a promotion rather easily. It only took him about a month of training.

Really, getting more than minimum wage isn't hard, if you're not a stupid fucking nigger that blames everyone but yourself.

the minimum wage should be abolished and people should get paid what they are worth.

If we still hadn't slave labor we wouldn't need to complain about the minimum wage.

In the real world there's a thing called a "raise". If you do well at a job, you get one.

If you ever had to work, you'd know about this already.

Is that why my rent went up? Haha oh fuck.

Most that earn that live in Juarez or other border towns and live like kings

Just wait until Trump passes tax reform and you can't deduct your commie tier 15% state income tax from your federal anymore.

Can confirm

>implying I pay taxes and don't give the finger to my shitty state government with an under-the-table cash job

Minimum wage is best determined by a state basis. You would be retarded to put a 15 min wage is poor states and retarded to put a 7.25 min wage in California. If you are not satisfied with the state laws you can move to a state whose laws you like more.

Santa Ana was a bitch. You can go to hell, I'm going to Texas!

It's not even true anyway. I'm in the service industry and I get paid less than minimum wage.. If it's a minimum wage then why do I make less?


When you have a bunch of cheap brown people pouring into a labor market, even if they're not taking jobs, act to decrease labor demand and subsequently wages. Shut down the immigration, aggressively deport illegals, and wages will start to rise because labor supply decreases and labor demand increases.
I don't know why this is so hard for faggot leftists to understand.

IKR, minimum wage should be abolished.

Minimum wage is a mistake, the free market can determine what an employee is willing to be paid.

Nope. In countries without minimum wage laws I can pay someone for just 1 dollar a day.

working? no, kek.

stupid fucking wageslave cucks.

I bet people can't wait to work for you.

People will get what they are worth and aren't paid eventually. Want to pay everyone 4 bucks/hour...well they're going to rip you the fuck off the minute you ain't looking.

This. Minimum wage bars entry for jobs that could easily be filled. Everybody wouldn't have to start the rat race at McDonald's.

>5.15 an hour
>can't even get two scoops of ice cream

you can rent a whole house in texas for like $500/month

Even Wal-Mart pays over 9 bucks here. A strong economy beats minimum wage, most folks I know are low caliber and make much above minimum.

eh its relative. Go 30 miles out from downtown houston to the woodlands and you can live comfy in a place with no crime or problems at about $900 a month on rent or $750 mortgage, but water bills are fucking insane here.

Previously was living alright at 40K, but as soon as I break 50K I will enter absolute comfy life in Texas.

god you people are stupid

"if you're working a minimum wage job for more than a year it's because you're a retard and you deserve to get paid less" you're naive. sometimes the economy is just shitty and there are more smart motivated people than decent jobs for them to fill.

thought experiment. what if everyone in the world had an IQ of 110+ and nobody was lazy, would we all be engineers and doctors or entrepreneurs or at least "assistant managers"? would we all earn above minimum wage? no, you'd just have a lot of smart people stuck permanently in minimum wage jobs because we would still need people to bag our groceries.

Woodlands bro here. Renting a room in a nice house for $650 per month. the neighborhood i live in is like an american dreamworld. white people everywhere, no crime like you said, just beautiful everywhere you look.

I won't defend any minimum wage above $0.

>Implying I didn't screenshot this and send a copy to FTB and admins

>Wants Sup Forums to defend landscaper bux
>kids just starting at whataburger make $10.50/hr

Norway has no minimum wage.

Norway also has the highest wages in the world.

The Federal Minimum Wage overrides any state minimum wage that is lower than the federal minimum. Thus the actual minimum wage in Wyoming is $7.25, state legislature just didn't feel like changing it.

Exactly, this is the one thing that Minimum wage advocates always ignore, the cost of living varies substantially across the country.

>the minimum wage should be abolished and people should get paid what they are worth.
Wages are determined by supply and demand in a capitalist system not by what you're worth.

Raising the minimum wage is retarded. Most Americans who live in poverty, live in poverty because they don't have a job. Minimum wage jobs are mostly held by high schoolers/college students or old people (see: fast food workers and wallmart greeters). If you raise the minimum wage, then companies who employ minimum wage workers will raise their prices and that will hurt poor people. So poor people won't get extra salary, because they don't have jobs, but their lives will become more expensive because stuff like clothes and food becomes more expensive.

And still Texas is a much more affordable place to live than Commiefornia

Can not be defended. Nobody in texas is worth $7.25 an hour.

That's simply false. The supernumary actor in the background gets paid less than Brad Pitt in the same movie. Why? Because Brad Pitt is worth more, i.e he's going to make the studio more money at the box office than that expendable background actor.

I disagree

>live in TX
>three years ago
>get a job at Whataburger
>don't really like the job
>submit two weeks after six months
>pass a drug test b/c I'm not a degenerate
>get a job at Target down the road
>do well in electronics attachment sales
>get a raise at the end of the fiscal year
>decide I don't want to work retail
>submit two weeks after ten months
>pass another drug test
>get a job at a beer distribution facility across the street

It's that easy.

Minimum wage work is what it is because that's what they deserve to be paid for the work they're doing. Malcontent incentivizes ambition.

Don't talk shit about Texas, you commie piece of shit.

I'm just lucky that I'm making double the minimum wage, though that's as much as I'll ever make due to my paycap fast approaching in the next decade. I wouldn't bellyache as much if I loved in texas, not the north where the cost of living is a lot higher.

Sounds like the place just for me. Still, it's funny how Texas has a minimum wage and Norway doesn't.

It's also expensive as hell to live in Norway. What's your tax rate again?

>make 20 an hour
>still barely getting by

I don't even live in a real fucking city and even the ghettos are expensive as fuck

I pay 28% I think.

Our tax rate is free % you mongrel


>I want you to try and defend this Sup Forums
Well, I'm from Texas, so I guess I will bite.
>many affordable areas with low cost living
>American economy based on supply and demand
>American economy is free market and does not follow the
same regulations like socialist economies leaving a low tax system
>minimum wage jobs meant as entry level jobs for younger
people who are not paying for everything to survive.
>if you chose a minimum wage job as a career, that's your choice not everyone else's and you fucking fail at life.
>Enjoy flipping your burgers.
You forgot the onion faggot.

>Still, it's funny ...
Not at all. The Scandanavian Model is much more lax on labor restrictions than the current American policy. Texas isn't that free of a state anyway.

I can't. Minimum wages are an absolute travesty and a crushing barrier to entry for young workers.

Minimum wage is $11.50 in my city

>living in an expensive city at all
>living in the ghetto without government paying for it
>paying out your ass to live near blacks and rich people when you're neither of those
you need to rethink your life

pic related

That's because you're not worth anything

Duuuuhuhuude sick!!! You're Killin it!!! I bet it's so nice getting home and ripping the boooooonggg

So yeah, a lot more than I'm paying.

There's a sales tax that's almost inconsequential by comparison to other places in the US and a property tax that's kind of steep for my particular neighborhood, but it's also only whites in my direct vicinity.
>Texas isn't that free
>the overall freedom ranking is a combination
>quantifying freedom
why don't you blow it out your ass, toothpaste cunt

Colorado here. Fuck off, we're full.

>Having a minumum wage
Top lel. All countries with minimum wages are pretty much failed countries

I agree, Solheimslid.

I don't smoke weed because I'm not a fucking degenerate. I'm just saying how incredibly easy it is (at least in this state) to make a living for yourself if you have even half an ounce of work ethic and aren't so snobbish as to turn up honest work that's "beneath" you.

Tbh there should be no minimum wage at all, employers should be able to pay you what you're worth for these loser tier jobs.

>toothpaste cunt
I'm American, just like about half the population of Amsterdam and 70% of the people in the Coffee shops

>quantifying freedom
It's really not that hard when how much freedom you have is determined by the law. Texas is an overrated state, I've been there. Nothing but spics, blacks, and fat people. Pretty much all of the Western states are better places to live desu


having a minimum wage at all is fucking stupid, it increases the gap further between lower and middle/upper class and it also, eventually, leads to hyperinflation due to the fact that since prices are NOT regulated, but instead based on the free market, there's always incentive for corporations to raise prices in accordance with minimum wage increase, which in turn prompts people to ask for higher minimum wage, which in turn prompts corporations to raise prices in accordance with minimum wage increase, on and on.

Scaffolder here can make 60 an hour plus and a house is a cool $750,000+ easy.

Leading hand scaffi in oil in texas is on $15 and house costs about 100 grand for a pretty nice place.

Because the .gov cannot dictate the value of someone's wage. The .gov can dictate minimum wage, but if the value of the persons labor is less than the minimum wage the employer is allowed to pay, the person goes unemployed.

I can't defend it, there shouldn't be a minimum wage, at all

I don't really understand these cost of living stats at all. If you clench down on spending then you can live on half of what that chart shows.

>implying Texas isn't full