Why don't we build beautiful stuff anymore?
Why don't we build beautiful stuff anymore?
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For niggers to occupy? Nah. Fuck it
Wow, they had the balls to put B in the same spot and call it an architecture school?
one is a prison? Why should it be pretty?
Because native people dont control their land anymore. I was asking my self the same, all of the best architecture we have is old. Only some churches and cathedrals are still sick when done in neo gothic. This one was done 120 years ago, i dont think we will be getting anything like this any time soon :(
I like these threads, but OP you need to stop trying to relive them. What do you hope to achieve?
Cost to much
It's actually cheaper to renovate an old building than build brand new instead.
Also, maybe some user has the breakdown of price(picture) for a shitty glass square and a proper roman style building. The latter is cheaper to build.
Oh you're so full of it. The old architecture is incredibly expensive. They were built with money of a non-capitalist system, during a time when the very architecture was held in value. It reflected the stability and the values of the institution that built it. This was back when churches were more than buildings that you passed on the way to the McDonald's.
Now it's all about the value a building can produce, and obviously elaborate architecture produces no additional value to its primary function.
Someone posted a large collage of buildings and their cost, turned out that some of the beautiful traditional buildings were way way cheaper than the ones that were filled with ugly modern art
Plenty of reasons why its not built anymore but one of core reasons is the (((people))) who control the system do not want us to celebrate our culture as we did before through things like architecture. In fact its promoted to do cheap modern buildings for what you also noted. Yet our medieval architecture still brings in more tourists than anything else (excluding the coast) and it brings a lot of money. If we were to build things that are as impressive as some of this older stuff it would attract people to visit the places so it could bring in a lot.
Source? Want to see that image
Same here, go To london.
The lovely old palaces vs the modern ugly skyscraper.
Maybe it is because business runs the game now and they don't care about aesthetics just profits.
I didn't save it unfortunately, I'm sure you can find it if you google architecture mmxxii or whatever it was called
Exactly, if i were to go to england, i would visit only medieval/renaissance related places. I dont see other reason to go, sure someone else might but people still mention big ben every time they go there. And its exactly the same here. I dont think it takes long for something to gain a status. As i linked earlier, its not a very old cathedral, yet its already pretty popular so it should encourage more building like that.
Because niggers would fuck it up anyway.
not true, but i think there are functional aspects to it.
Other than fashion, newer buildings have larger open spaces which old buildings dont have, and so many old buildings dont have a modern use
modern architecture is soul sapping jewish memery. it's all part of the push to make us disjointed and without a culture to call our own. all modern architecture and art should be nuked along with its creators.
It sounds glib and simplistic, but that's the truth of the matter.
i don't want "open spaces" i hate people and want to avoid them, not look at them in "open spaces" and "organic flow through" all the goddamn time. there's nowhere to escape anymore. fuck the modern age.
No, see, the prison is the pretty one. That's the point. The concrete slab is the school of architecture.
the architecture is determined pretty much by those paying for the buildings
and we know who controls the real estate business
Because women will associate pretty architecture with oppression and therefore reject the culture of their forefathers altogether.
this, i need my own castle, i cant do this anymore
complete bullshit
This was built in 2010
It's so white and bigoted.
fucking racist
in which nazi country?
in russia right?
They seem to have the right idea, With modern technology we can build amazing structures a lot easier and faster than 100-300 years ago. But we mostly don't.
But beautiful buildings serve a purpose. You're much more likely to enter a beautiful building than the ugly one that stands next to it if they both offer similar services.
France is the ugliest, it's paris ofc.
Ministry of Agriculture in Russia, correct?
ministry of white supremacism
just because youre agoraphobic doesnt mean everyone else is
>this, i need my own castle, i cant do this anymore
How expensive would it actually be to build a big stone castle that looks medieval/Renaissance as fuck but with running water and a good internet connection?
If I every miraculously get rich, I want one, fuck mansions.
According to wiki that building only cost 2.2b rubles, thats less than 40 million USD
Compare that to our ugly new oslo opera which cost 500 million USD
That looks very nice.
sometimes its a little ostentatious
Women go to Prison in feminist Sweden?
>space needle in Best Timeline Berlin
We can't anymore
Everything should be cheap and generate maximum profit.
I recommend everyone start to look into New Urbanism. I recently watched a video of a development in the Cayman Islands on their principles that actually brought back a national vernacular architecture that had almost been swept aside by American-style suburban sprawl.
Pretty neat, to be honest.
See this thing? That's the local architecture school in my town.
All architects should be shot.
>implying Sweden would ever actually imprison a woman
I recommend everyone watch Roger Scrutons documentary "The Importance of Beauty"
>good architecture
when will pol understand that russia is brazil with many nukes and a ton of natural resources
well it costs a lot and nobody uses it
it IS a case of too much money
Because kike intellectuals use modernism as a weapon against Europeans
What are you talking about? It has those vertical lines across it so it doesn't just look like a gigantic concrete block. Genius!
An ugly architecture school sounds like a poorly-dressed tailor
Or an overweight fitness instructor
Go for a gothic one, but if you're building a small castle, it should cost you as if you're building a large building. Note that its always cheaper to build your own instead of directly buying finished product and its actually noticable difference. The biggest problem would be architect because you need it for this, unless you can do it yourself. Sure its all a joke but its not that unimaginable, just impossible for 99% of people.
Malta' architecture faculty in the university of malta.
... You may ask why it looks as big as a hut
That's because most of the building is built downwards and that entrance is on the side of a hill.
I don't fucking know.
At least it has the brutalist thing going for it, making it look a bit weird and memorable, ugly, but better than the generic 100% window bullshit you see a lot of places.
Looks like they assembled a bunch of sticks in an arch by the entrance. Is this what constitutes architectural genius nowadays?
To make us soulless deracinated consumers, tolerating the disgenic conditions imposed upon us because we're too nihilistic to care anymore.
I imagine someone said exactly this when People started posting about Donald J. Trump after he announced he was running for president.
Have you learnt nothing? If enough people believe in something, they collectively realise it.
We do. All of the new buildings in London are beautiful glass towers.The city is definitely getting a lot more aesthetic.
There is some beautiful old architecture like St Paul's cathedral, but there is also hideous old architecture like the Palace of Westminster .
Fundamentally modern architecture is far more aesthetic than old architecture.
Church in Västervik, sweden?
Amazing. This gives me hope
americans are such retards
Because our soul is broken.
the new hauptbahnhof is so ugly it makes me sick. The exterior is boring and looks like all the (((modern))) glass shitbricks. The inside is even worse because it's a rollercoaster of staircases and dumb pathways filled with turbanniggers
Although Paris is by far the most beautiful city in the world and much of that is because of the Haussmann plan and the strict building regulations to preserve the city's beauty.
No, picture name, co-cathedral in Osijek Croatia. That church tho is also very nice looking.
based russia
My guess is that it was originally built as a storage silo, but I find it highly ironic that it's now an architecture school.
It's practical I guess.
Disgusting. Completely lacking in character.
Imagine the drab, grey dystopia people like you want us to work towards.
Pic related is Liverpool's waterfront. Ours is infinitely more aesthetic than yours.
kike architecture is everywhere - and any "intellectual" person will tell you why this shit is "modern" and "beautiful" .
>Shitty glass towers
>Palace of Westminster
Please kill yourself you fucking modern normie degenerate
>generic neo classical white stone buildings
well it isnt much better tbqh
Without the ugly Eiffel in the background this could literally be any old city in Europe.
This. I'm from Birmingham and almost all of it is full of this modern shit, it's awful. Any other place looks better; Liverpool, Leeds, Bath. Sometimes I feel really disappointed that it's gone this way especially as Mohammad is actually the most common boys name in the West Midlands.
There's no heritage, nothing to be proud of.
Why not just use the prison building? Would make so much more sense to have an architecture school inside an old and attractive building
jews hate nordic style . masons : the same
>I'm from Birmingham
isn't Birgmigham like 99% muzzies nowadays?
That's actually hideous. London has a huge waterfront with a variety of different styles from different ages.
But the example you've given literally looks like a bunch of 19th century factories.
You have no taste, you really don't.
The Palace of Westminster is hideous. The 19th century produced the most disgusting buildings in history.
I've been to most major city's in Europe, a lot of them tried to emulate Paris, but they didn't complete demolish and rebuild their entire city too create a place of extreme beauty and symmetry.
The reason so many other cities look like Paris is because they tried to copy it.
Nah, these buildings are beautiful. the three graces- and in the background, the Anglican Cathederal.
Also, you're just butt hurt because the only good buildings in Singapore are from the British colonial period.
It is, everywhere. I know people who've been here for the first time and said it was like a different planet.
You'd be lucky to hear English speakers or see natives anywhere, especially at the markets, it's 100% turks, arabs etc.
Whites are a minority in most schools towards the city centre.
That looks so fucking ugly.
gov regulation
>why did people with no connection to each other build different things compared to people that can hop in a jet and be anywhere in the world?
You really ask that on a fucking international forum for chinese cartoons?
ive been to liverpool, its just those 4 stone buildings and thats it
singapores a modern city, always was. even the colonial buildings arent that nice, except maybe the fullerton
You really have NO taste, I bet you wear boot cut jeans.
This is a rare of example of beautiful 19th century architecture, in Paris of course.
Singapore looks like a gigantic amusement park.
council house
only physical removal will suffice for you
>the 19th century produced the most disgusting buildings in history
It's literally the opposite of this. Some of the best architecture of all time was produced in the 19th century.
I mean, are you just going to pretend Gaudi didn't exist?
Kek, what a fucking idiot