Are they some greedy lawyers? Jews? What is going here?
Is there a redpill for Scientology
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Only Blue Pill Available, sorry.
anyone else think donnie and hubbard look the same?
they might be the real good guys.
>ywn be OT 8
>ywn join the sea org
How do we convince people they are the leaders of the alt-right? Scientologists are fucking crazy, it would be funny if the left went after them since their main gulag is in CA.
David Miscavige actually believes it. He's the head of it.
Just watch Going Clear
there are plenty of resources, OP
I'm not sure if this is still active, it's where the scientology fags still(?) hang out.
Also related:
I meant to say chanology fags but whatever.
South Park described them perfectly, at first people thought it was just exaggeration and memes, but it was all true.
people just cant shit on them simply because they keep justifying they were no different than other religions like muslim, hindu, or christian
>Claim religious status
>Don't pay tax
>Entry level recruits give up all possessions and are essentially slaves.
I always assumed it was a pyramid scheme for rich people/celebs, with a side of human trafficking.
better these guys than the damn psychologists
Society needs their end-game space opera doctrines as well.
Tax evasion for rich people, funded by fees paid by stupid people, and guarded by an army of lawyers.
You don't get how lucky you are that your country doesn't tolerate this sort of bullshit.
>dumb religion because founder wrote science-fiction novels
It's telling that this is normies' go-to mockery of Scientology, as if writing science-fiction discredits anyone from being taken seriously, tapping divine inspiration, being truth worthy. Think about the judgement underlying this observation.
If Philip K Dick were alive, he'd prob have founded a great religion by now. I'm not comparing Hubbard to Dick, but they're not opposites either.
Dianetics is a based book. It's basically Stoicism and asceticism combined with a touch of drug-free L.A. New Age sentiment. It's much more recommended over the myriad documentaries and expose books on the market, if you want true insight.
>muh real estate scheme
They learned the value of real estate investment as it pertains to taxes, longevity and stability, and power, from the Hollywood Jews. Jews are taught that you're not a man until you own property. The reason for this is to quicken the pace of Jews literally owning the world. Scientologists followed suit. Of course, they and Jews don't own shit compared to The Vatican.
>muh Tom Cruise is gay, lol, so is his religion
What if Cruise is gay because he was molested by kikes? And that's why he needed to "clear" himself to excel in his career. We all wish we could commit to a religion like he does and embody it, and meet 10/10 girls through specially scheduled dates.
only a few years late user.
you did zero homework, didnt you
>Entry level recruits give up all possessions and are essentially slaves.
Slave part is for already indoctrinated members.
P.K. Dick isnt alive today because he was totalled on speedballs and shit all the time - a complete basket case.
Same shit as any cult, wanting to create a different world with it's own rules to escape reality. The higher ups can do literally anything without repercussions, they're like third world warlords that don't have to live in a shithole and rule over flies.
It's a CIA front
every thing looks so clean
not. how would you do that? they 'accept' literally anyone who pays.