Nazi mythos or truth?

Hopefully there are some scholars of Hitler and the National Socialists here.

Hitler did have advanced tech in seemingly all areas, from their missiles to their jet plane, etc.

But is there any truth to this stuff about Hitler making UFOs and the Nazis fighting Admiral Byrd in Antarctica with flying saucers over ancient truths they uncovered, blah blah blah. Is there any truth to this crap?

Where are these claims coming from?

Other urls found in this thread:

It's coming from your shitty History Channel.

I don't mind it because it builds the mythos of Nazi Germany in a way that the Soviet Union/British Empire never had.

It's going to come back and bite the Jews in the arse when it becomes a viable alternative again.

Damn, they even make Hitler a slut these days, is there no end to this degeneracy?

He would have a bigger advantage if he didn't spend so much money looking for shit like the holy grail
Or the stairs to heaven

There is evidence of hitler making prototypes of flying discs.

>Hitler did have advanced tech in seemingly all areas

See that is the kind of thing I am talking about. Haunebu, Maria Orsic, etc.

Is there truth to any of this shite?

>Is there truth to any of this shite?

Yes. The Jews stole the technology during and after the war, with help from their favourite goys, aka Americans.

Assuming all these claims are true, where did Hitler get the technology from?

Aliens? Angels? "Ancient scrolls"? Occult and Divination?

Or was it just good old fashioned human genius?

All the bullshit about space nazis is garbage. Most of their shit was garbage, even the vaunted tiger tank was a huge piece of shit.

germans didn't invent rocketry, your country used it during your war of independence, rockets were invented by the chinese. The only thing that was good was their guns.

All their occult shit was just spooky stuff designed to scare retards. There is nothing super natural or mystical about the nazis.

>where did Hitler get the technology from?

Aryan ingenuity. You know, the kind that put men on the moon.

Thanks for the replies. Yeah, I personally think all the mystic stuff is BS at the end of the day. It's interesting, but it has that slippery quality that most things that turn out to be nonsense have.

If you want to read up on occultism read up on hermetics, it basically all comes from that.

>rockets were invented by the chinese

Yea, fucking rockets with gunpowder, the Brits invented the concept modern rockets work but they didn't build them.

There is now way you can claim that the nazi rockets where not vastly superior to everything the allies had.

The Nazis had a lot of strange technology, the Nurflügler for example was the first plane with stealth capabilitys.

Viktor Schauberger experimented with the Repulsine (pic related) and many other stuff when they tried to invent a Wunderwaffe at the end of the war.

Im not sure about the other stuff, Die Glocke (the bell) could actually be real but all the other flying saucer claims are bullshit in my opinion.

>Aliens? Angels? "Ancient scrolls"? Occult and Divination?
It's technology, made by humans.

forgot pic

The fact is, they destroyed most of the secret projects they worked on, so nobody can say with certainty what it was or how far they got.

Hitler didnt have advanced tech though. Im some areas they were ahead but in most cases behind or even.

Nazis having advanced tech is a meme. For instance, they developed proximity fuses so damn late.

Nazis did send men to the moon. Unfortunately they had to plant an American flag when they got there.

albert speer wanted to build nuclear bombs but hitler told him to cool it since nuclear physics is a jew-science

we couldve had atomic bombs by 1947

Search that "Die Glocke", Hitler wanted to make a teleported for faster transportation.

>>where did Hitler get the technology from?

He declared Jewish physics a dead-end freeing scientists to do what all scientists want to do: that is to create something wild, fantastic, and previously thought to be impossible

Interesting. Supposedly Tesla was critical of theoretical physics too. He is another person that mythology floats around.

>>Hitler wanted to make a teleported for faster transportation

His scientists wanted to conquer the effects of time and space, using pragmatics/logic: by using torsion, highly exited isotopes all in near chaos

its a complete fraud

tesla was a proponent of dynamic ether theory that was promising free energy for everyone

thats why they kiked him over with einsteins nonsense

Four eights tells no lies.

Theoretical Physics is intended to be dead-end

It's tantamount to sending a group of Africans with a mean IQ of 70 to remote area, telling the planet that the mission is highly classified, and that all we know about the group is they are going to 'Decolonize The Wheel'

That should keep them busy for another 40,000

The objective is the same: Tell Two lies and get everyone to argue over which lie is true

The Germans tanks and aircrafts were shit. Naturally, prior the WWII they weren't allowed to have a military and had to hide their factories for tanks and planes in the form of lawn mowers and shit.
The Soviets had better armor than the Nazis. Maybe better planes too.

>Nazi UFOs
This shit first emerged in the mid-1960s. It's fiction.

Knowing this then, where should one actually be looking instead of these dead ends?

Is that why America wanted go get the German scientists and engineers all for themelves?

>>Is that why America wanted go get the German scientists and engineers all for themelves?

a deal was made between the former USSR and the US

the USSR would get the plans, the machinery, factories, etc... for V2 tech, while the US would get the scientists

Such a technology as a vehicle which can overcome space and time cannot be controlled; thus, it needs an opposition like Nukes on a V2 engines.

One threatens life while he other gives life. Imagine the concept of free-energy for a moment; were it widely available power generation and distribution, are as DARPA to the WWW. Outdated, defunct, unnecessary; as would be oil in the ground, above ground, refineries, petro fuels etc...

We can't have that now can we?

America was not even near Germany at that time you idiot, it was the Russians who invaded Germany and Berlin and who got into the Fuhrers bunker

>advanced tech rocketry, which was an area that was developed from early 20's, well before Hitler and Nazis.
In other areas? Nope. In many ways Germany was inferior to both UK and USA.

The religious Mythos of Nazism

>>The religious Mythos of Nazism

The mythos is necessary as a foundation for an ethos such as Islam, Judaism, all flavors of Christianity, Buddhism,

German scientists made huge advances in chemical engineering (to make rubber substitutes especially, because they had no way of importing natural rubber) and rocketry. German armor wasn't bad, it's just that the soviets, having had a late start, were able to build the T-34 and variants specifically to fight the Pz.3/4 and Germany couldn't build enough Panthers to make a difference. They should't have built the Tiger and just put everything into the Panzer.

It was invented. Considering all the great inventions that occured beforhand in Germany it isn't surprising that their technology was advanced. This was a Germany that back in WWI had Albert Einstein as director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Physics.

lustig means 'funny'. ie. this is all a big joke.