He's playing everyone like a fiddle
you don't get even any ice creams, do you?
or popcorn
That's why we voted for him, you dunce.
By the way don't you have a box in the desert you need to pray to right about now?
I voted Hillary
Real men were with her. Only little man babies voted Drumpf because they're scared of brown people and daddy grumpf said he'll make them go away.
At least the man children are starting to hit puberty now and realise she was the right choice all along
Hahaha, based Britainbro
So right. Blumpf absolutely BTFO. We need to have open borders and bring in the rest of Reddit.
This, me and all of my smart urban friends voted for Hillary, only rural and suburban retards voted for drumpf.
>notices you're in UK
Please stay the fuck out of this country
To understand why rural and suburban retards hate Hillary so much, you have to first ask why people become rural and suburban retards in the first place.
I mean, there are fewer jobs and opportunities there, so what's the point? Why would someone become a rural and suburban retard? The answer is rape.
Imagine being in Manitoba or Wyoming, there are no humans in a thousand mile radius. No one, literally. So what are you going to do? Well rape, obviously. What are they going to do, call the police? Of course not, the police is there to rape too. Everyone is there to rape. That's the whole point.
There is no escape.
And you can't run to the city either because the city only accepts ultra high IQ super-evolved, super educated humans. And rural and suburban retards deliberately shit up the schools so that it is impossible for you to ever become smart and educated enough to leave for the city. That's why they teach you creationism and that kind of bullshit, so that if you ever go to the city, people will just laugh at you and send you back to where you came from.
You are stuck there to be raped forever.
So obviously when Hillary ran a campaign based on education and helping little girls succeed, rural and suburban retards knew perfectly well what that meant. It meant no more rape. Can you imagine being a rural and suburban retard and not being allowed to rape? That would be hell.
And people are often amazed by the fact that white rural and suburban women would vote against Hillary, but when you think about it, it makes perfect sense. If you had spent your entire life being raped, would you vote for someone who would stop the rape? No, you want other people to get raped too, otherwise it's not fair.
Sure thing, mu-ham-head
Mostly, we don't become rural, we're born rural. Also, the thought of living in or near a large city is much less appealing than shooting myself in the face. We don't live on a little faggot island, you dumb fucker. I drive 70 miles round trip for groceries.
You admit you're a rapist? Utterly dispicable user
>I drive 70 miles round trip for groceries.
my neighbors are national forest and a ghost town
Burns, Colorado
He is playing
Trump was always the least-shitty choice who said funny stuff because of his massive ego. I'd still take him over literally any of the other candidates in that election.
8 years of glory
Looks it up....touche!
There is an abandoned motel across from the post office, along the river. Single room cabins kind of place. The guy that owned the hotel killed everyone staying there and then burned most of it down in the 70's, I think.
It's pretty, though.
>Trump is an idiot
>Trump is an evil mastermind
I hate liberals so much.
Colorado is my 1st choice to relocate if I decide to leave Texas in the future. I love the mountains
>No, I don't puff the magic dragon
American on holiday in Australia here. I also voted for her. Basically it was only the inbred rural retards that voted for him.
I get anxiety attacks if I'm under 7000 feet. Too much oxygen. It's like speed or something. Everyone in the mountains smokes pot, btw.
How does it feel to be a loser?
t. Philly, Pennsylvania, red state
I've never seen a liberal claim he was anything more than an idiot, enabled by even bigger idiot voters and craven politicians. It's the right-wingers who are trying push the mastermind meme(hurr durr muh 4d chess durr)
You voted for Trump so he plays everyone like a fiddle including his own voters? Trump is only doing what is best for Trump.
Jared Kushner is Trump's Jewish Handler.
And he's also the anti-Christ from the bible prophecy.
>Trump is only doing what is best for Trump.
Trump fucked some little girls and Russia has the videos of it. he's doing what's best for Russia
City life is pretty comfy though. You don't need a car to have fun because everything is in walking distance. With the rise of employment only happening in cities there is a huge transformation of urban areas becoming white again because of it. The rural and subrurban areas are gonna be doomed in a few decades. That's why people predict the GOP to go extinct nationally since they do terrible in urban areas. Automation and better AI are gonna leave only high skilled white collar jobs left which all are in urban areas.
>icecream gate
Where will it end.
>calls someone in Colorado a loser
>lives in a red state
This is not a joke btw, Jared Kushner is a candidate for the Jewish Messiah
The Mashiach
The mashiach will be a great political leader descended from King David (Jeremiah 23:5). The mashiach is often referred to as "mashiach ben David" (mashiach, son of David). He will be well-versed in Jewish law, and observant of its commandments (Isaiah 11:2-5). He will be a charismatic leader, inspiring others to follow his example. He will be a great military leader, who will win battles for Israel. He will be a great judge, who makes righteous decisions (Jeremiah 33:15). But above all, he will be a human being, not a god, demi-god or other supernatural being.
It has been said that in every generation, a person is born with the potential to be the mashiach. If the time is right for the messianic age within that person's lifetime, then that person will be the mashiach. But if that person dies before he completes the mission of the mashiach, then that person is not the mashiach.