Women have no place in the milit-

>Women have no place in the milit-

>adidas shoes
>high tops

the fuck


as long as there are zero mixed units and females have zero authority over males and are completely accountable to male leadership: cbf desu senpai

and in germany we have 1 mio young syrian mens, who do nothing besides parasite our social system

This is the best the CIA can do?

Can someone redpill me on why they are wearing tennis shoes?

But they don't. I admire the cherry-picked propaganda photos of qt kurd grill fighters as much as the next autist, but it's both morally wrong and bad strategy to have what should be the mothers of the next generation getting their brains blown out on the battlefield. There's also the problem that when they get kidnapped, male soldiers feel a strong moral obligation to save them from their new rape dungeon life at any cost.

It's common in Syria for any forces that aren't the SAA to be wearing random trainers. For urban combat you could argue that they're better at least in some respects - lightweight, high traction, you're unlikely to encounter mud in that climate so you don't really need boots.

>can't even stand in line
Nice army

fuck off, women have no place in military

Why are they wearing different shoes?

I think it has to do foremost with availability. Maybe it's easier to get uniforms than military boots so they just wear what they bring.

>this is where american taxes are going

Fuck the YPG.

>female unit of 5 individuals gets kidnapped
>half of military budget spent on attempting to rescue them
>2000 male soldiers die as a result of this operation
>the women make it out alive
>celebrated as a national success story, gets shown on history channel
yeah, whatever could go wrong?

>Literal communist propaganda

Its easier to wear dead soldiers clothes than shoes.

>yas im with her

the fuck is the SDF patriwti? Also post nudes of the army cuties

It's some Kurdish militia fighting in Syria.

What are you talking about?

yass, SLAY these queens