Culture is more influential than genes

I was wondering what is Sup Forums stance on the claim that "culture is more influential than genes".
For example Iran and Turkey are genetically dominantly having haplogroup from Anatolia and Arab peninsula yet one group claims to belong to Mongoloid and the other to Aryan culture.

If an individual is raised into specific culture,he will feel as if he belongs to it and be proud of it,even though he genetically isn't related to people which founded that culture. Of course this process needs to go through several generations to have true effect.

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memes > genes

Genes influence culture, user.

Genes account for about half of who you are, environment is about half.

Culture is only a part of environment. So, genes are more important than culture.

This ignores the fact that culture is more or less ultimately controlled by genes.

No, it's both influencing each other.

But it starts with genes influencing culture.

culture trumps genes.ignore the speds here

Of course it is. Materialism /racism is an excuse for lazy people not to learn about other cultures


It does not matter if you meticulously calculate out on the exact percentage on what influences more.

Arguing over the percentage on weather its 20%, 50% or 80% of genetics influencing culture and behaviour is ignoring the implication itself. No matter what the exact percentage is, genetics influence culture and any living culture needs specific traits to exist in its host population.

But didn't enviornment influence genes and was main factor in creation of first living organisms?

So why then are Iranians way more known in arts,technology and literature even though they are the same as Arabs on genetic level? Shouldn't their genes program them to be lazy among laziest and most obesse people on the planet like Arabs.

>"culture is more influential than genes"
are there people actually exists who argues this?

Because theyre not genetically arab, you dolt

They are persians mainly. Also azeris, turks, armenians, kurds, georgians, afghans

Materialism claims exactly that human behavoir is determined by its environment.

>So why then are Iranians way more known in arts,technology and literature even though they are the same as Arabs on genetic level?

Like I said, culture is only one part of the environmental factor that determines who you are. (Who a lot of people are is what defines the culture)

Environment influences everything.

Yes, and what did you try to tell me Maxim?

This is not true.

This. No change in culture will undo millions of years of evolution. See: men, women, blacks, whites, etc. But it can slightly change the probability.

Culture doesn't just magically pop out of nowhere. Culture is the flower, genes are the stem.



When it comes to defining identity and making meaning of the world. You cant havt one without the other



Chechens that speak Russian vs Ethnic Russians?
Commie thinking really fucked you up mate.

to an extent, yes, but also a pure German American can have more in common with a French American than a pure German from Germany.



wtf Chechens aren't Russian

Read response.

In the beginning there was race. You are not blank slate, user, when you open your eyes into this world.

nature vs nurture is bullshit.

The nurture comes from the nature, our culture developed because of genetic predispositions. Looking at it another way, say we are 50% genes and 50% cultural and natural environment. Well that cultural environment developed from a combination of history and natural environment. How did our genes develop, a combination of history and natural environment.

Its a constant feedback loop where genes are the constant determinant

>For example Iran and Turkey are genetically dominantly having haplogroup from Anatolia and Arab peninsula yet one group claims to belong to Mongoloid and the other to Aryan culture.
Modern Turks are not mongoloid, wtf.

Also Iran can call itself "Aryan" but what the fuck does "Aryan" mean, it doesn't matter. It's just some bullshit term.

what do you mean?

Yea, I know. But also it's not a purely racial thing. Cultural links between people count, too. I am German American but I identify more with Anglo Americans than I do with freakin Germans from Germany.

Not saying genes don't matter, though, obviously I'm not going to identify with a fucking nigger, but still.... got it?

? ? ?

Culture is software, Genetics is hardware.

While yes, certain cultures are better in producing desired behaviour regardless of who the host of the culture is, it has minimal requirements needed to enforce it. And the less suited a person due to his genetics is to the host culture, the more force must be exerted from outside to maintain that cultural behaviour in the person.

For an example, the blacks in america at Jim Crow times were forced to behave in an unnatural to them way, and in its outcome were a lot less dysfunctional and far more productive than they are today. However it required constant force from the white community to keep them within that cultural behaviour norms, while whites themselves at that time did not need any enforcement.

Genetics is a necessary thing to consider first and foremost in preserving the culture, not in enforcing it. We can force Bobo the monkey with electro-shocks to do and dance however we like, but once electricity runs out they revert back to their natural state.

please make a lot of babies, we need people like you to be making the next generation, not Ahmad and Tyrone

More like this.
Proto-humans=>Climate+illnesses+just dying=>natural section of fittest=>certain amount of inbreeding, hence the first forming of phenotype=>Proto-Phenotype=>Culture based on group=>expansion of culture=>cultural influence to keep the phenotype and thinking.

You loose that racist cultural ability, still preserved in Latvian folklore in my case, you loose you culture.

MBTI determines behavior. Extroverts are the real cancer. /r9k/ is the ultimate redpill.

Culture is just the manifestation of the collective unconscious of a people which is made up of their genes

I'm iranian. I can tell you that in Iranian history it was believed (and still mostly today) that certain cultures are better for different things. Turks were seen as a martial race and made up the Persian military and command. Persians were seen as a more scientific and beurocratic people so the language of science and government was always Persian. Armenians were seen as mercantile so they were brought into Iran to get the financial sector going at one point. Iran has state enforced laws regarding what you could do for a living until relatively recently (100-150 years ago). IE. You couldn't be Persian and become a military general, that's a job for Turks.

So explain why Nordics were Viking Raiders and is the most pacified people of Europe.

fuck off you subhuman imbecile.

We should still be loyal to our fucking family members regardless of MBTI. So unless you just see other people as toys to entertain yourself or get your balls off- you done goofed.

This is 80% true but also culture can be hugely important beyond mere genes. Irish culture has been Britain'd up, and it's part of who they are now, even though they have no Anglo blood.

yea so your people had brains and could see that different groups are different


Prove it. In fact you'll find shitload of examples otherwise.
Europeans are a genetic cluster, yet there were vast cultural differences in Europe, despite common origins.

That's mixed with Mesopotamian. Arab is from the peninsula which is not much in iran. Only in khuzestan. Your study has put in Mesopotamian as arab but really these are descendants of Babylonians akkadians assyrians elamites Sumerians etc. Modern mesopotamians are arab as a linguistic identity.

>Europeans are a genetic cluster, yet there were vast cultural differences in Europe, despite common origins.
Our cultures are actually more similar than they are to any non-European cultures.

No culture isn't purely racial, but it is heavily racial.

Iranians do Islam in an Iranian way, but it's still Islam. Etc.


>Brave, courageous men go off in battle
>Most of them die
>The ones who come back aren't the men they once were (whether physically, mentally or both)
>Country is now left to the cowards who wouldn't fight, literal cuckolds and women
>The next generation have no strong role models so they look to the cowards, cuckolds and women

Is this really new to you?

Well obviously, where did I argue against that?


I dunno man, I'm just sick of people being retarded shitbags who deny race matters. I guess you're not a retarded shitbag.

My apologies.

And when exactly did that happen, in the case of Scandinavian countries?

>'m just sick of people being retarded shitbags who deny race matters
People who say that have never visited South Africa or Brazil.

Yes Iranian Islam is more of a mix of Christianity and Zoroastrianism. It has the Christian narrative. But instead of Jesus it's Hussein 'who was martyred and died so we have the life we have today'. Just switch out Jesus and Hussein and they share a lot of the same rhetoric. Shia Islam also is big on duology just like Zoroastrianism. And the main narrative of Hussein fighting against a cruel tyrant mirrors the zoroastrian narrative of Kaveh fighting the cruel tyrant zahhak. When the doctrines of twelver islam were written they purposely copied a lot from Christianity and Zoroastrianiam to maximise conversions. This is a standard religious tactic for spreading, just make up bullshit to intice people. People don't know this but Iran has deep connections with Christianity too. It almost became a Christian country until the abassids.


I hate universalist religions that try to cover over racial differences.

Fuck the world is so fucked up.

Nordics weren't dying on mass they were Raiders. Raiders are opportunists they rarely fought when they didn't know they would win already.

>It almost became a Christian country until the abassids.
I've heard many people are converting.

Vikings were predominantly traders, not raiders. Well, the ones who were seafarers, at least, as most people in Scandinavia at that time lived as subsistence farmers.

If you percieved post that I claimed they are racially mongoloid then you got it wrong.

But I still do hold the claim they worship that culture to a noticeable extent.

The entire middle east pre-islam was becoming Christian

imagine if the middle east had just been Christian for the last 2000 yrs, holy fuck what a different world it would be

Yes likewise I hate the memesters saying Iran should become zoroastrian again. Shia Islam is very Iranian and has a lot from Zoroastrianism already. Shia Islam is now our religion. Just like Roman Catholicism for Italia.

The only thing I wish we carried on from Zoroastrianism is there obsessiveness with honesty (dishonesty is a cardinal sin for them. All zoros are extremely honest people) and they have a thing about purity of the elements. Not to contaminate oe pollute air water and earth. Shia Muslims are obsessed with cleanliness but only on a personal level, Zoroastrians respect their environment.

A Culture is just the summed up expression of said genes. Apart from natural selective traits, you can artificially give certain traits an advantage/disadvantage in society by religion/law/finance etc., effectively meddling with the gene pool.

Ideally what you get is a people with specific traits, determined by their genes, expressed by their cultural achievements.

I'm not sure if I can agree with the current path the world has taken.


Anyone who gets infected with the Jew virus LARPs the supposed Jewish conquest of David. Maybe their passivity is just a regression to what they were.

I mean they are converting today.
Had a missionary friend who told me many families are converting.
Never told reason why though.

>The only thing I wish we carried on from Zoroastrianism is there obsessiveness with honesty

Funny that Zoroastrianism is effectively the source of Judaism and Jews disregarded this trait completely.

(((Civic nationalism))) BTFO.

Yes it's spreading very fast in Iran. My sister is one actually. Nobody says it loudly though because it's illegal to convert out of Islam obviously. It's less of an issue for people and families because Christianity has positive connotations in Iran.

As to the historical part of it. Iran welcomed millions of Christians into Iran during zoroastrian times as a political move against the byzantines to win favour with the Nestorian christians , who were persecuted by the byzantines. Iran built th many churches etc. It backfired though because they realised the whole country was mass converting to Christianity. They tried to stomp on it but it was too late and now many of the Iranian government and even the Shahs favourite wife was dedicated christian. Anyways. The islamic conquest happened and it still took 500 years for Iran to become majority Muslim. In this time Christianity spent a long time as irans largest religion.

>Nobody says it loudly though because it's illegal to convert out of Islam obviously.
State or culture wise?

The respect in Iran towards people who were born as christian is quite surprising for islamic republic. Though I heard converts are screwed.

Basically this.

this is good but it won't make sense to people outside our spheres, this should be edited

No I think zoroastrian concept of hell and duology spread but not honesty. Telling a lie was a death sentence in old Iran. In fact I give you the best example of this. When they dig up the old graves the tombs often have inscrptions with titles like 'the honest' 'the bringer of truth' etc. Maybe it is real or maybe they are just paying lip service as religious people often do. But Iranian zoros have the reputation of being very honest.

Aitäh väga hea selgituse eest.
> Sügav kummardus.


Well duh. The Migration Period in Europe proves this. All ethnic groups were moving around and eventually they settled and the dominant local culture was accepted by them. There is no such thing as pure ethnic groups because of this. You can have Iberian Celts who moved to Germany and were absorbed into the local Germanic culture. By doing this the genetics changed and were not Germanic nor Celtic anymore.


>inb4 a French flag calls you a mongrel

You're dead right, user.


Illegal by state. As to family it depends. Most don't. Christianity is highly respected.

Christianity is an official religion of Iran. They're mandated to have a rep in parliament. It would probably mean something if our government wasnt such a joke to begin with. Conversion out of Islam is illegal on the state level. They don't execute people for becoming Christian. Instead they accuse them of starting a cult. These are an extreme wing of the government. It's not common. Lots of conversions happening though. It's as a purer religion because the mullahs did such a terrible job at running the country they've made Islam perceived as tyrannical and corrupted. Ironically this is what brought the death of Zoroastrianism under the sassanid dynasty. It's a very old country, we're repeating old mistakes.

>Ctrl+F "sniff"
>0 results

It goes like this:
convert to christianity, become weak, get beaten to submission by islam get eradicted by chinese.

* get beaten to submission by islam, become dumb, get eradicted by chinese

>A Culture is just the summed up expression of said genes.
What genes? In what form? Is there genes that coded the creation of the wheel? Or genes that coded english language?
Are you seriously THAT retarded?

There are genes that allow you understand abstract concepts (more). And there are genes that make you (more) creative.

And there are genes that make you russian tool.

You have never read bible haven't you?
Secularism is bad, values are made by believing in something and I highly doubt that our Christian hating societies will survive longer than 70 years from now. For example look at Georgia and us, Georgians will survive while we will get subjugated to immigrants.
We lack values mate to allow us to survive, the best example atheist family and Christian family, which family will have more kids?

It's unclear how much.

Christianity kills instincts, the very culture in your genes.

It's the same for Muslims. I'm not religious but the Muslim families in Iran are usually quite disciplined and functional. Wife is a home maker first and but might work. Husband is concretated on income. Kids do decent at school and get jobs.

Meaning while the new age Tehrani couple have a new relationship every few months. They get a lot of sex with different people at least. Come age 30 they decide to get married and maybe have 1 kid. Modern western culture is suicidal in the long run.

>Christianity kills instincts, the very culture in your genes.
Ever considered why we still have nationalism after hundreds of years of Christianity?

Because we are not Christians.

>There are genes that allow you understand abstract concepts (more). And there are genes that make you (more) creative.
Did they already find a gene responsible for shitposting?

It doesn't kill it it just controls it to a level good for overall society.

Modern western culture appeals to your instincts in its purest form. It's totally driven by sex and materialism. It would be fine if the result of it wasn't 1.6 kids per family and buying a bunch of shit you don't need.

People might not need Christianity but they need the moral foundation it is built on.

Iranians and turks act the same. Literally, except maybe for the women, since every single iranian chick is a gold-digging whore once she gets out of sharia control.

>Come age 30 they decide to get married and maybe have 1 kid. Modern western culture is suicidal in the long run.
I completely agree with you, seeing that Sakartvelians after 90's repopulated their country because when USSR felt around 1 000 000 people emigrated and I compare it to my country where the number of childbirths are falling since 1991 and depending on state given gibs I really start to suspect that we really do lack functioning societal values! Country is not responsible for your family as many westerners think it is responsible for you opportunities and freedom.

Successful shitposting individual should have many genetic traits developed in him/her.
And he/she should not fear God, this conditioning kills shitposting ability.

>Because we are not Christians.
So Christians are never nationalistic?
They didn't fight for Estonian independence during 90's

>Did they already find a gene responsible for shitposting?
It's called non Sovok (FOkuSsR-91) gene.
basically it gives you the ability to have critical thinking and recognize banter.

it kills and replaces by whatever.

OY VEY just become a good christian why dont ya, it's what DEFINED european culture!!!!

>Be African

>Your country is absolute dog shit

>Be taken to Australia

>Have children in Australia that have limited connection to their homeland

>They are given absolutely every single advantage, privilege and head start that humanity can offer you up to this point in history

>Literally unemployable violent felons who commit violent crimes not for profit, but for amusement

>You live little better than animals despite being given a free luxurious first world living standard in exchange for zero effort

Look, the difference genetically between a bunch of Turks, Slavs and Meds isn't that big and culture plays a bigger role perhaps.

But the difference between, say, Sub-Saharan Africans and say, Japs?

It's massive. Enormous.

So for some people the difference genetically is minimal and culture is the biggest influence. For others culture may as well be irrelevant because genetically they are so far behind.

They've shown that I.Q. is mostly inherited, but also influenced significantly by environment.

So a guy who inherits a solid I.Q. and mediocre environment might come out average.

A guy who inherits a retard tier I.Q. is screwed regardless of the upbringing.

What about hardware upgrades?

They fought for Christianity. Christianity is not nationalistic by design.

Maybe Iranian girls in the USA. You got the Pahlavi lovers there. Iranian girls elsewhere have a pretty good reputation.

Turks and Iranians are basically cousins on a cultural level. We think and act quite different though. Turks are like a bad tempered, harder working, manlier but less cunning version of us.

>So why then are Iranians way more known in arts,technology and literature even though they are the same as Arabs on genetic level?

They aren't. Iranians are Persians. They're more like typical Meds.

You want to see a place where culture has a big influence? Go further East to Afghanistan and Pakistan. The north especially contains people who genetically have zero reason to be as fucking retarded and backwards as they are, but culture puts them there.

You take half of them out of their dog shit culture and drop them in British culture and they'll be doctors, lawyers etc.

Of course, since we can't criticize their culture anymore, many of them revert back to it and turn into useless durka rapist terrorists.

That's why Churchill compared Islam to a virus. It encourages laziness and stupidity. Couple that with a culture that tolerates (and sometimes encourages) lowest common denominator violence and COUSIN FUCKING, and you're creating a situation where you're going to get retard genes flowing into the gene pool.

I think modern Turkey is a great example.

The more they returned to their Islamic routes, they more they acted like Muslims and the more they lowered their I.Q.s

Keep your hands away from white females, nigger! It is not upgrade but downgrade.

>Christianity is not nationalistic by design.
>Freedom for your people=/= nationalistic
Well I already knew that you love Jewish propaganda but loving it this much...

"Christians can't be nationalist"

I agree with this completely, it is true for most people

By manipulating culture and values you can make a subhuman from a very good person and you can make a decent person from subhuman

People in picture genetically are not different from normal people, but their brain is damaged by jews forever.

Turkish long nosed anatolian grecoarabs which are claiming that they are mongoloids is the best example

>people who genetically have zero reason to be as fucking retarded and backwards as they are

Wrong, user. They are mostly retarded because of inbreeding.