Italian village needs population

Hello, gentlemen. A small village in Northern Italy is offering €2000 to anybody who moves in in hopes of preventing it from becoming a ghost town. Rent for a small house is €50 and €120 for a large property. Why not form a holdout colony in these nearly abandoned villages?

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>94 people, will pay as little as €50 a month in rent.

and how do i afford my rent there?

It's only for Italian nationals

I was born not too far from there...Liguria is one of the worst places in Italy: beautiful nature, horrible people and "communists" everywhere.

You can work in a nearby city, Savona is nearby. Even if you are earning a misery in a city, rent is practically almost free.

uhm no sweetie

the EU allows us to move everywhere FREELY : ^)

Can I own a gun to protect myself from "migrants" who might try to "repopulate" my new town? I'm a pretty accomplished mechanic and fabricator

I think rural areas in some European countries still allow gun ownership.

They already sent immigrants there, look it up on jewgle

I've got a friend who renovates and sells property in Italy. It's fucking ridiculous, I mean in some old Tuscan hillside villages they're selling actual fixable 5-bedroom properties for a little more (or less) than £5000.

Of course, they DO require renovation but others to a much, much less degree than what you'd expect.