Hello, gentlemen. A small village in Northern Italy is offering €2000 to anybody who moves in in hopes of preventing it from becoming a ghost town. Rent for a small house is €50 and €120 for a large property. Why not form a holdout colony in these nearly abandoned villages?
Italian village needs population
>94 people, will pay as little as €50 a month in rent.
and how do i afford my rent there?
It's only for Italian nationals
I was born not too far from there...Liguria is one of the worst places in Italy: beautiful nature, horrible people and "communists" everywhere.
You can work in a nearby city, Savona is nearby. Even if you are earning a misery in a city, rent is practically almost free.
uhm no sweetie
the EU allows us to move everywhere FREELY : ^)
Can I own a gun to protect myself from "migrants" who might try to "repopulate" my new town? I'm a pretty accomplished mechanic and fabricator
I think rural areas in some European countries still allow gun ownership.
They already sent immigrants there, look it up on jewgle
I've got a friend who renovates and sells property in Italy. It's fucking ridiculous, I mean in some old Tuscan hillside villages they're selling actual fixable 5-bedroom properties for a little more (or less) than £5000.
Of course, they DO require renovation but others to a much, much less degree than what you'd expect.
They allow gun ownership in your country ya dip.
I mean if you want the 2000 yuros Ahmed
Italians are leaving Italy, once more. My sister and me are already here, I live in England and she's in Wales. My two brothers and my other sister will probably leave Italy in the future.
Italy is doomed.
But good luck not getting your door knocked down if you so much as even look at it outside of its locker.
And don't forget, ammo has to be on the other side of the house, also locked up.
And don't forget, the lockers actually have to be built into the house itself.
Wrong, they'd rather die than give money to someone else
I'd tell you to get the fuck out but I love Italy and would unironically move to one of these shitty backwater medieval and Renaissance villages who's only economy is tourism now. Then again, rural England is nice too. We don't have the property price benefits though.
>And don't forget, ammo has to be on the other side of the house, also locked up.
Never once heard this from Northumberland Police who issued my shotgun license. I know you need a guns locker but in practice, who's going to know if you don't use it? I don't sometimes.
>And don't forget, the lockers actually have to be built into the house itself.
Now I know 100% this is bullshit because the gun locker I bought was made to fit 1-4 guns and is called a Brattonsound 2 Cabinet. It was £100 in total and went in the first place I had space for it.
Stop bitching about made up gun ownership requirements. There's a lot more requirements that are real and worth getting annoyed about. Like not being able to own fucking handguns.
And self defense laws in the UK are as reasonable as anywhere else. You can kill in the moment (on your property), but not give chase. That's pretty standard everywhere desu.
just don't tell anybody.
Huh. I got told otherwise by my brothers father in law, but that could just be a county to county matter - or that was his personal rules? I dunno.
I remember him kicking up a small fuss over the fact he got asked to move house due to his job (farmer) and needed things a certain way.
I was talking about European countries, not necessarily the UK, m8.
Don't worry, Italy will be repopulated by immigrants like this guy:
Does it have internet connection?
If there isn't satellite is viable because of the high elevation and location. In any case, if enough NEETs move there they can commission new lines for the town.
I can only think he imposed personal rules on himself for whatever reason or it's massively different in other counties. Which could be possible. All the requirements come directly from the government but they are enforced by your local police department, and equally, they are who will perform inspections and issue the license its self.
I have an online job that pays 1600€ a month. I could do this I guess... I'm also fluent in Italian... but then again what's good about living in the middle of nowhere? It's probably very inconvenient.
Even the town where I currently reside (20.000 people) is very small.
If nothing else, seeing rural Italy makes you understand why the Renaissance started there in the form of art.
It's a 1 hour drive from Savona, a coastal city. In any case, if enough like-minded people move there entertainment will be accounted for.
We could make a Sup Forumsony out of that clapped out Italian village.
We could easily be the founders of the second Roman Republic. Is the Italian military really in position to resist?
I doubt a village with 90 super old persons even has internet beyond 56k
Exactly, it would also be easy to defend. This is from streetview.
This is the village castle, how are you lot not excited?
>1 hour drive
For a person like me that is non-trivial amount of driving,... especially on Italian roads which tend to suck
I love Italy and Italian culture is top tier the people are great but when it comes to road/traffic/driving they really suck ass
that is automatically a deal breaker
I can't live without muh optic fiber
The first conditions of membership:
1. You must be able to make money within that environment, probably online
2. You must not be a young single man
>how are you lot not excited?
because the first time you will try to leave the town by car the bridge will collapse under the weight of it.
Why would we leave new Rome?
Surely all of Western Europe would have at least 3G covering the country
>You must be able to make money within that environment, probably online
>probably online
Or, you know, you could be a farmer.
Because the town probably don't have any big shop. Or maybe not even a hospital.
We need women as well to reproduce and create more citizens (labourers).
I don't need the medicine Jew and we can grow food. We need to focus on aesthetics and getting a decent internet connection before that stuff.
It's actually my dream to live in the middle of nowhere. No big traffic, no loud noises, just a quiet small town where I'll be left alone.
The problem is that I'd still need high quality internet connection and good public transportation connection. Which either doesn't happen or makes it a high-end expensive area.
>I don't need the medicine Jew
>but I need the TeleCom Jew!
Then we set our own establishments up, Rome wasn't built in a day.
Pretty much, given how important the internet is to daily life these days.
Though not as important as water or food, I'd say that I use the internet far, far more than I ever have even the slightest ailment.
Okay, you internet addicted NEETs, problem solved, 100MPS fibre optics by 2020, currently they have 30MPS.
>The objectives drawn up by the Ministry of Economic Development in the Strategic Plan for the Band Ultra Wide require - by 2020 - the extension of the fiber optic coverage with speeds of 100 Mbps and above 85% of the population,
30mpbs? Mine drops to that on very bad days. I could easily live like that. What the fuck are we waiting for?
>currently they have 30MPS
Shit, that is faster of where I live.
Also they might get fiber by 2020, but the prices of the subscription will be high.
Here's their current internet data, you can choose from six providers:
We can get them mail order from South East Asia
Sup Forums really should make/claim its own town
Or keeping with the Roman tradition and all, we could kidnap a bunch of young women from another local town.
Today it costs €20 for 20MPS, add that to the €50 rent and you have €70 of life-support expenses.
Holy shit all these britbongs getting extremely thirsty over having some land...calm down you kikes
Fuck off desertman. They have houses cheaper than an acre of land here.
Because Italy is within the E.U. and will be Africa 2.0 soon enough.
I already live in a better potential hold-out in Australia. I would only consider the U.S. and the U.K. as better alternative locations.
Anyway, I need to get a trade first.
Also, I have a very large amount of property (basically pic related). I hope to one day help start a new neighborhood there, but unfortunately it's becoming a location for Chinese tourist homes (or not unfortunately since that means cash - probably less other ethnic undesirables too).
Then lets say €30 for food and another €30 for electricity and water, so that's a grand total of €130 per month for expenses
The €2000 they give you would hold you out for 15.38 months. If you get a job in the neighbouring village that pays a miserable €1000 per month, you have €870 to save per month, or €10,440 per year per person. We could start grabbing land and resources after just one month.
The UK is literally fucking full as proven by the price of living and the US is 54% white unless you're generous and add in Hispanics. These cheap villages aren't a bad idea. We can defend them.
how is the internet in this shithole?
i only need 1 GB/s for my research, working from home and never leaving my dripstone cave
Yeah don't, every time you'll need anything you'll have to drive for an hour
Even some 5000+ population towns don't have fiber here
No, we import Eastern European blondies.
already said but its 30mbs
let's turn this village into the sprawling city state it deserves to be and make bormida great
30 M/S currently, 1 G/S fibre optic by 2020.
whats the name of the town?
degenerate shitplace, not even ahmed would move there
Your country is doomed because you are all fleeing instead of starting golden dawn Italy version.
The people of a country are all it has to make it a country.
No, we establish our own shops, etc. Do you think cities just appeared out of nowhere with functioning shops?
if they get 1GB/s, post this tzhread again, will move 9/10 times then
1. Go on any real estate site
2. Select Italy
3. Put maximum price as 3k-5k
4. Be amazed
We can make it work.
>Italy will be Africa 2.0
>better live in Africa 1.5 or Pakistan 1.1!
Sicily alone is worse than this.
yeah, sucess wont come out of nowhere, we'll have to work for it
They don't have Muslim tribunals and Sharia zones.
Don't be racist. His name could be Mehmet for all you know.
so imagine an IT guy working remote who just needs internet and food and sheeet
so.. it's basically the dream?
Neither do we. I mean we had a ginger convert who went viral for printing Sharia zone leaflets, then left Islam a year later and apologized.
Muslims are imprinted in Sicily's history forever now.
Of course, mate, this isn't a plan for a comfortable life. It is a plan to build the society that we want. The town's population would be small enough that we could even experiment with different forms of government that have never been tried before. Then we chose the best and live with it. We may even find a way to get paid for it if we call it a research project and have it funded by a university.
what about learning italian?
also can we join the local mafia?
YES! Check out these numbers:
democracy would work if the entire population has Sup Forumsack tier IQs which i imagine aren't as low as some might think.
no, we're new rome. we settled this.
Thanks Tyrone or Jamal.
well if you move to a country you better suck up all the culture and the language, otherwise you are no better than average achmed
Build the population to 20,000 white Sup Forumsites, have new village holidays and a shrine to kek. Banners of Bane in the town hall.
If it became successful, the kikes would send in 2 million niggers to shit it up like they always do.
With enough people, we could form new local bylaws, preventing any loitering, privatizing all properties so they can't be rented out anymore, and other ways around shitskin or jew invasion.
>Go on any real estate site
did what you said on three different sites, all I got were some shacks
You could even use Duolingo or fuck it, we will speak English.
no, we don't have enough opression points for it to be funded by a university, we'll have to get some useful idiots for that
Did you see any fixable shacks though? I posted it further up but it's what my friend does and he makes a lot of money doing it too. I'm being serious, these shitty Eurozone countries and their real estate markets are a gold mine if you look beyond the shacks.
>get a job in the neighbouring village
Easy to find it?
>pays a miserable €1000 per month
>Then lets say €30 for food and another €30 for electricity and water
30€ food? 1 week? maybe
10€ only for pubblic Tv which is mandatory in the electric bill and you will very hardly spend only 30 for electricity and water.
>no Tax
Will not you pay all the other taxes? Tax-free area? garbage tax?
Also try rightmove.co.uk
Pay taxes to who? Our citizens will pay taxes to us.
A population of 20,000 working men would yield €208 Million per year of disposable income if you use my numbers from above.
It's actually Shawntavier Quintillius Jackson Jr. III, but you're welcome. Have a near-beer on me.
and setting up a city before trying a whole state would be great to gain some experience
what kind of job ?
and everyone not working( except for women with children) gets expelled
€2000 is less than I make in 2 weeks. Why the fuck would I give up my job to move there? The food is probably spectacular, but I have to save up so my kids can become engineers like me without a shit ton of debt like I had when I finished school.
Source for the ginger leaving Islam?