I fuckin hate when ppl say "the N word" just fuckin say it you pussy...NIGGER! GOD FUCKIN DAMN IT, Afraid to say a word....ITS NIGGER, SAY IT...Niggers will even respect you more for sayin it...Fuckin Bitch....
I fuckin hate when ppl say "the N word" just fuckin say it you pussy...NIGGER! GOD FUCKIN DAMN IT, Afraid to say a word...
>not calling every black dude you see niggasaurus rex and getting props
Its like you want to be stabbed to death
And you fuckin faggots that say oh race war now...If you cant speak your mind for fear of an ass whoopin. your a pussy. Say what you got to say. Say it like you mean it, Like GOD gave you a set of fuckin balls. PPl will btfo, Thats why ur a beta. You talk in circles get to the fuckin point. If you got somethin to say FUCKIN SAY IT, oh oh oh I might reveal my power level...FUCK OFF, Take an Ass Whoopin Fight back at the end of the day ur gonna wake up sore but okay.
OH my tyrone might have a knife and wanna go to prison. Nope he just knows your easily intimidated. bc you are a pussy...Nothing more to say
I've been Jumped by Niggers and I walked away with a busted lip and my head held High.
Thats why you call him niggasaurus rex and give him props or carry and emergency bottle of purple drank on you.
Its like you've never interacted with niggers before
I have Its all about intimidation, give an inch they take a mile. Stand up, the situation changes
Heres the Thing Somewhere along the way people forgot, its better to get your ass beat than be a coward.
Literally sharing a smoke or some of my flask has gotten me outta shit with westernized blacks im from sa and the best way to deal with african blacks is a fast punch to the nose and sprint your ass away before his buds see you
>at the end of the day ur gonna wake up sore but okay.
Shut the fuck up you obnoxious bitch.
I have been jumped but I fought, I have dealt with wanna be gangstars you stand in their face.. You do not give an inch 1 or 3 at the end of it they will respect me
noboday gives a shit about india go poo in the loo
if you look he was trying to get away not fight...so he let that happen Stfu pussy
OMG I am scared ppl might hurt me...Thats the fuckin point if you fight...Get it. Defend your self, PEACE PEACE dont work no1 gives one single fuck
Niggers are arguably worse than Indians so use what's left of your soft head to deduce the implications. While you're at it, take your cyber male bravado to its logical conclusion and confront a speeding train you retarded faggot.
You're either hopped up on something or have reached new levels of insecurity. Either way, go fuck yourself.
That is all.
awww this is the mindset you wish you had, but you are afraid.
tell me when your smart logical brain convinces tyrone to back off lol
see what ppl dont understand, its not about winning or losing, its just respect