What did popular culture mean by this?

What did popular culture mean by this?

What a fantastic role model for the youth, don't you think so goyim?! Millions of impressionable teenagers following her, what could go wrong?
Surely it's a sign of "things aren't going to end well", isn't it?
This girl is 13~ years old, by the way.

It sums up the wider problem with pop culture in the west. It's becoming increasingly afro-centric and degenerate. Crass, vulgar, degenerate.

How can this be fixed?

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder: Any of you that listen to, or participate in foreign cultures such as hip-hop, or whatever else is fed to you, you are most certainly part of the problem.

By being a supporter, whether financially or socially, you normalise this kind of behaviour and become just another tool in the hands of (((them))), doing their bidding for them.

>How can this be fixed

Have you tried simply sitting down with your kids, telling them why you think this is wrong, and hitting them?

I'm not talking about me specifically, I'm talking about your entire country, retard.

People shouldn't let their kids get phones until they're older. Portable access to the internet for children that age is super dangerous. People should just play sports with their kids and do stuff like that.

just ignore it you degenerate

by making this thread you fuel the degeneracy machine

ignoring it and not buying any products of companies that make a money of these bitches is the only thing you can do

i'd fuck that whore so hard

You have to go back Mohammed.

It's illegal to fuck underage kids

Meh, it's fine. If you can't control your kids and let the media raise them, your problem isn't with the media, it's with yourself. That'd be like complaining that your kids saw 50 shades of grey on the shelves at the store and you getting bootyblasted when they started asking questions instead of you discussing the topic with your kid.

Blaming the media is indicative of a poor parent, especially as long as we still have other kids still coming out right in this day and age.

>It's fine

>just ignore it you degenerate
Yes, that worked so well for your country didn't it


Kill yourself cuck


To get that many followers, she had to have been suggested to be followed. There is no other way. Guess they are priming the next iteration of Paris Hilton/Kardashians.

>implying its not gonna happen
Umm sweetie no

Its going to be impossible to isolate your kids from it. An increasingly connected world means theyll be seeing it anyway, no matter what. Cant even let my children watch television anymore. I remember when you couldnt even imply a couple was going to have sex, now its so graphic and intense i feel like im watching a smut movie. The bars are always being pushed to the limit, full nudity on television is within our lifetime fellas.

Already happened, sadly. Kodak Black.


The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




I listen to drain gang shit.
Like bladee and yung lean, thats white

You're still part of the problem faggot
Congratulations on normalising (((hip-hop)))

I hope you die slow

Stop using the (((internet))), goy. It just furthers their agenda of making youth antisocial and dependant on the (((welfare state)))

That's not how it works, moron. The internet was created in my country.

Hip-hop is an African tradition, it does not belong in the west. It's also highly degenerate and has almost 0 benefits to society.

>he said fapping himself to dehydration with internet porn

I don't watch porn, you kike shill. Try harder.

>13 years old
Honestly if thats true this is disgusting
She should look and dress up as a kid
Not being another whore of the bunch

what the fuck am I even looking at, what's the issue?

Nudes when?

most people are stupid. more at 11.

stupidity and unhealthy behavior is encouraged in the current year with no real end in sight

>This girl is 13~ years old
that little whore looks at least 20

>What did popular culture mean by this?
all men are pedophiles.

>stupidity and unhealthy behavior is encouraged in the current year with no real end in sight

Pretty much.
The image that the media wants to sell:

>If you study hard, you are a loser nerd
>If you are unmarried and don't have sex with plenty of people you are a loser or a repressed freak
>Young people should enjoy life by binge drinking, having sex with strangers and using drugs. Otherwise, they did not experience youth.
>Young people who don't use drugs are missing out an important part of life

Kids today are obsessed with self-image. They are the next end product of generations of cultural marxism and neoliberalism.

They don't do drugs harder than pot.

They don't really drink.

They don't fuck like rabbits.

They don't create or rebel or stand up for themselves in any meaningful way.

They aren't individuals.

They are just walking, talking advertisements for the culture the corporations sell back to them wholesale.

I have worked in American education for the past 10 years and, all joking about my career aside, I've literally had a front seat to this degradation in youth culture.

Back in the oughties it was the same as it always had been. Teenagers would goof off and try to rebel, but by and large they had a passion to get a job, learn something, and grow the fuck up.

Now I work with teens who are practically glued to their social media. I watched a boy snap his leg during basketball practice and the first thought on his mind was, "get me my phone!!!!!" Not "I want my mom" or "call an ambulance" or "holy fuck what happened to me!" but to get him his phone. His first concern after fracturing his leg was to make sure that could mass message all of his friends on instagram, no joke.

This is their culture and we're all going to sound like grandpas criticizing it, but I'm dead serious when I say that it is not healthy. My students have gotten dumber, more self-absorbed, and more gullible over the past 10 years. It is a shock.

We are addicted to our electronics, but them even more so.

And nobody wants to stand up and say something about it.

Thanks, (((guys))).

We all convert to Islam desu and then we hand and kill degenerates

>What a fantastic role model for the youth
While we're on the subject, what happened to parental supervision?

When I was growing up, advocacy for parental supervision of a child's online activities was everywhere. Now it seems to be non-existent.

What happened?


>internet was created in my country

Sure you dont, Mohammed

>Sup Forums will still support capitalism

Irrelevant to the point I was making, it really doesn't matter, it doesn't change anything.
Kill yourself kike
It's more (((them))) purposefully promoting her than anything else

Guy I know posted this. He's 34.

They're following her because she has a nice body and a rockin set of tits. Also pedos

would fuck her 10/10


Probably about the same time it became encouraged to put your whole life on the internet, another thing that's the opposite of what I was taught

You have to go back

Do you guys think she's a virgin?


Really makes you think.

Literally who?
Why is her famous? Never heard of her
>How can this be fixed?
Take your kid to "da hood" and show him how nogs actually live
Or hire some nogs to scare your kid
He won't like "da gangsta hood shiet nigga" stuff anymore

This glorification of nigger culture is thanks to the jews giving them record deals and putting a token blakc in literally every single movie