The music Jews aren't even hiding it anymore.
Other urls found in this thread:
kek it's blacked he means Blacled
children watch this cancer
Umm, no...
The Official Celebrity of Hillary Clinton
She looks like a trap in this video, her face is weird.
So this is what it has come to.
Will we reach a point where it becomes so obscene it loses any meaning?
The way that Migos rap (RAP)
I think that it's pretty crap (THINKING)
All of their songs sound the same (SAME)
I think it's kinda lanigga (SKRRT SKRRTT DAB)
Who the fuck listens to this shit...
Why is it so hard for her to pronounce "É"? It's not that fucking complicated. I can understand being unable to roll your R's, but "É" uses the same parts of the mouth as a normal E.
Also, a mirepoix is supposed to be cut in much smaller pieces. 0/10
This is why you should stop listening to the western music jew and exclusively listen to j-pop instead. It's what the Fuhrer would have wanted anyways.
Your countrymen
Macron was wrong, France does have culture.
who here as taken they katy pill?
The keyboard sounds shockingly like Zun's works.
the directors of the music video aren't either.
pic related, their twitter bio.
You're shitposting doesn't even make sense jackass, this cacophonous auto tuned garbage is from the States' and all their cultural output is on par.
>5 star Michelin
Normally I take ligthly to pop music lyrics being retarded but now you've gone to far (((MUSIC INDUSTRIY)))
post yfw you realize you will see the death of the white race in your life time
Yeah the fall of western civilization is bad, but at least we have a civilization to fall from unlike you desert monkeys.
stay salty white boi
bon appetit
5 star michelin...
>1 star saucier
I share your feels user
Oh look, spirit cooking
Does it bother nobody else that in the beginning the middle part of the A comes when the hand did not even make it?
sounds like shit
I rather listen to old 2pac tunes.
I got more botherd by the diorea sounds, here is your serving of shit sir.
Bow down to your superior race of Übermensch
Well she is thrown into an oven
Overall I have mixed feeling.
Remind me: What has Kuwait accomplished other than suck tar out of the ground? Plenty, I'm sure, considering how much your fellating yourself.
82k dislikes
Stupid autocorrect.
we also suck on the teets of white women
terrible video
>just add a few stock cubes
She's literally illuminaty spawn
yes, like the one who opened this thread.
Kuwait is nothing but a bank account with a seat in the UN.
And if I wake from Dreams
Shall I fall in Pastures
Will I Wake the Darkness
Shall we Torch the Earth?
And if I wake from Dreams
Shall we find the Emptiness
And break the Silence
That will stop our Hearts?
And if I wake from Dreams
Shall we cry Together
For their Howling echoes
And restart the Night?
And why did you say
That things shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?
And shall I wake from Dreams
For the Glory of Nothing
For the cracking of the Sun
For the crawling down of Lies?
And if We fall from Dreams
Shall we push them into Darkness
And stare into the Howling
And clamber into Night?
And if I fall from Dreams
All my Prayers are Silenced
To Love is to lose
And to lose is to Die...
And why did you say
That things shall fall
And fall and fall and fall
And fall apart?
Triggering my Vore boner
Wow, it's fucking nothing!
They have something like 4 million people and the sixth largest oil deposit and they still can't develop anything of worth, but he keeps blowing his own whistle like he's the hottest shit in the hemisphere.
Is that this famous spirit cooking shit in form of music video?
>hottest shit in the hemisphere
>tfw I'm half of a sphere.
How can you tell wich songs are made by Music Jews?
I've always believed that jews don't have rythm and so can't dance or do music ...
Fucking hell, user. It's like talking to an infant.
Hans, bring the Flammenwerfen
Who makes it is irrelevant. Who bankrolls it?
Remember the song "I want to break free", by Queen? That was about their publisher.
epic. upvote.
she's an ugly faggot called Katie Hudson who started her career as a little christian bitch, then changed her name cause she wasn't getting popular andthought she was controversial by singing about kissing a girl somewhere in the late 00's.
stop giving retards attention.
Sex and sex appeal sells. This is literally the oldest form of music and video marketing in the industry. Sage
what did she mean by this?
I find it disturbing that her profile picture is spirit cooking/vore related, while she is retweeting videos of minors - and tweeting about how much she loves black cock at the same time.
oi, cunt, don't be mad. Make Africa Great Ag... well, make it great. As for now the Chinese are buying you out. We might as well see end of black race in few hundred years.
More of an assault on music then anything.
that tweet is from 2010 though
muh (((free market))) fag
lame "music", even dumber video. That was supposed to be shocking? snooze
these shit tier posts don't belong in /pol
Or hell, Pink Floyd's "Have a cigar".
this is just fucked up, so so fucked up.
Anybody else listening to 80s pop/rock music and wondering what the hell happened?
Alright lol, which one of you goys was this
This actually sounds good
Forgot pic
Don't listen to this leaf, the only way you can listen to real - pure "music" is to listen to actual jewish music, produced by jews, FOR jews.
It's pretty good.
A thought. Is Katy Perry a satirist? Is she making red pill points in a way that can be marketed through leftist controllers, considering the the conditions required to survive as an artist?
She seems smart, and most of her videos can be interpreted in several ways.
Like in chained to the rhythm, she is only aware of the stupidity of the blue, AFTER the red eye shadow.
In Darkhorse, every suitor is bringing petty things and she pettily destroys them.
In Wide awake, she actually seems introspective.
I'm honestly not sure what to make of it.
Hello, Tyrone Mendez Rosenshekel.
You really shouldn't ingest anything that skank gives you, user.
shit, just now I realized you have Kuwait flag. There's no hope for you inbred low IQ cunts.
>A thought. Is Katy Perry a satirist?
>We defeated the wrong enemy! - General Patton, 1945
Weaponized autism at work right here.
I love polish projection
Infected Mushroom is Israeli.
Yes lad, Synthpop is pretty good and non-degenerate 2bh
>elites involved in ritual to eat white girl
>colored cooks and white girl revolt and eat the elite
I want to believe this is a symbolic warning to the elites not to push their agenda to far but that would be a lie. This is the elite mocking people in the know. There is no stopping there agenda
Regardless her videos are usually fun if you understand the symbolism. Although this other video by Katy is still my favorite. It details a women who replaces the man in her life with the state only to end up miserable.
Again here the elites mock us, they know we can't stop the welfare state, they know it makes women miserable, and yet women love a video that tells them how miserable they will be.
Wow, is this rare pasta or something? I refuse to believe you are being sincere.
How we stop our children from liking this kind of music?
>That was about their publsher.
Nigga, you serious
Freddie talks about "Love" (5 times) and talks about living with his SO (5 more times)
Don't double-jew me
What is this this montrosity ????
Holy shit
I feel violated... thanks user
bretty gud
I'm serious.
I like this song, don't give a crap about the music video, just like the song.
I know I shouldn't as a straight man but I do.
Last night I listened to Selena Gomez for about an hour.
Introduce your kids to as many different artists from as many different genres as possible. They'll learn to distinguish good music on their own.
Are you stupid or just live under rocks? Sexualized women and songs about sex have been the majority of music since the late 70s.
No, only the vast majority (weak ones) will die. Only the smartest and most racist of us will pull through and escape the worldwide white genocides.
We have been chosen, we will become the second race to achieve true tribal ascendence! We will become...the nu-Joos
>he has not taken the katypill
Her videos do drop many redpills but only as a way of the elite to mock those who are paying attention. Some of the videos are filled with occult symbolism, others are not, but most of them tell a story of part of the destruction of modern society and people dance around oblivious.
Each video mocks those of us who are aware but powerless to stop the agenda.
Hi Gordon Ramsay
It was well known that their publisher was a controlling asshole.
>pretty deep
Do they still have "Gay Conversion Therapy" in the UK ?
Trust me,you need it son
i thought we were at that point?