Last year I went to Bulgaria, to a town which layed near the beach that was meant for tourists. Besides beautiful Bulgarian women I saw a bunch of African immigrants who were pickpocking near the clubs and some Bulgarian women were with them. So I hoped it was maybe only in places like that, because of the tourists, but recently during the Eurovision I was that Bulgaria had three half niggers in their crew. So Bulgaria, are these just isolated cases or do you have a dindu epidemic?
And yes I know, The Netherlands is way worse, but every one knows that.
Probably our fault Everything in Europe is our fault.
Angel Brown
Nicholas Perry
Indeed, thanks.
Juan Kelly
Where is that? I seen 2 niggers in my entire life. We have gyppos epidemic. Most of our niggers just play in our low - case corrupt football clubs.
Adam Williams
Def isolated cases. You can't live on gibs here and women know this, so not only do their boyfriends have to work and provide, but they do it too.
Only spoiled cunts on the sea side can do what you described, and they're a tiny minority.
Any self-respecting Bulgarian father would beat his daughter if she brought home a nigger.
Carson Richardson
Or more probably, beat the nigger.
Thomas Baker
Bulgarians have no identity, therefore they re easily influenced
Michael Morris
> Explain Bulgaria. >Last year I went to Bulgaria, to a town which layed near the beach that was meant for tourists. Besides beautiful Bulgarian women I saw a bunch of African immigrants who were pickpocking near the clubs and some Bulgarian women were with them. So I hoped it was maybe only in places like that, because of the tourists, but recently during the Eurovision I was that Bulgaria had three half niggers in their crew. So Bulgaria, are these just isolated cases or do you have a dindu epidemic? >And yes I know, The Netherlands is way worse, but every one knows that.
Christopher Torres
Hmm I could have boring bland sandwiches or I could have interesting sandwiches with stars in them. Sorry Pol you've just convinced me to breed with a nigger
Hudson Russell
He e лyд тoя кoйтo ядe бaницaтa, a тoя кoйтo мy я дaвa. They are just as at fault for this.
We should beat the niggers tho.
Joshua Williams
You are right, I am just saying what will an average Bulgarian father would do
Liam Harris
Carson Powell
Don't forget that Marx and Engels were also (((Germans))). And Frankfurt, apart from being basically the hometown of the Rothschild, was also the place where the so called Frankfurt School was born at the Institute for Social Research (IfS), basically the fathers of critical theory and cultural marxism.
Brandon Carter
Wont be surprised, the country is mostly populated by wiggers/nigger lovers but seeing a nig is usually a really rare sight without counting our capital
Lincoln Murphy
Ahh man, that wasn't Sunny Beach was it? I'm going there next month. Please don't tell me it's like Spain with niggers everywhere trying to sell and steal shit.
Aiden White
That's a relief based Bulgarbro's. Your country was beautiful and your women were nice too, and despite what Sup Forums autists claim, Bulgarians are white. Remember, never let a dindu near your women, they will ruin them, they are like poison.
Leo Rogers
What is you point here Anglo?
Cooper Reed
Don't cheat yourselves.
Eastern Euros are in the middle of that collective psychological process of being culturally complexed towards Western Europe, you see yourselves as backwards in regards to for example the "Nordics", thus your society is trapped in the subconscious desire of being considered as much "European" as them, thus you are in a collective pseudo-modernization process constantly trying to emulate everything (wrong) that Europe does (misunderstood social progressivism) with the only aspiration to be considered more "Europeans" by what your collective society considers the "European core" (Western Europe).
You might resist a bit, but the destabilizing marxist elements (typical left-winged comedians, for example) will eventually break through your collective subconscious into shaming you for being so "bulgarian" and "traditional", and try to constantly project that identity as something shameful and inferior in regards to how the "more civilized Europeans" are.
Your only hope is that before that process is completed your collective subconscious realize how flawed and absurd all of that is. Luckily for you, it seems that the 2015 refugee wave might have acted as an antidot against that poision before it was irreversible.
Owen Martinez
based fathers
Julian Collins
I know, the Germans need to be teached not to fuck up Europe this many times, it is enough.
Charles Jones
Why are they nigger lovers?
Luis Ortiz
I wish you liberation as well.
Thanks for letting me know what's happening here, Spainbro. I wasn't aware. We are conservative in general, but when we chimp out it's 4th Reich Time. You don't know what the soviet apparatus does to people. Also the apparatus is still alive.
David Nguyen
By worshiping them
Benjamin Reyes
Yes it was hahahahaha. Lot's of Brits there, and niggers as well. Enjoy hahaha.
Leo Foster
Why would you worship a nigger?
Luke Thomas
You guys don't know or care, but I feel a tremendous amount better reading posts like these from European flags and knowing that not all of you are blind and dumb. I pray for all of your nations and my own.
Brody Collins
We need to take action before our continent is lost.
Jaxson Davis
>Probably our fault >Everything in Europe is our fault. Only if you are a german kike.
Sebastian Lee
Thanks, I hope one day shit will hit the fan so we can kick these dindus and muzzies out.
Jackson Hernandez
Because the country is full of low quality genes
Ethan Cook
Use your strengt for the right cause for once and go full holocaust on these muzzies and niggers.
Jayden Cook
Don't worry This time our genocide gun is aimed directly at ourselves.
Cooper Kelly
Sorry pol, black girls are just too hot, I'm probably gonna have mixed race babies if I ever have children
Carson Miller
And nigger genes will help??? Niggers have the shittiest genes in the world.
Jace Evans
Pic is a bad metaphor, since marble rye is the shit.
Jacob Gomez
>reading comprehension
Charles Russell
That's oke t.56%
Wyatt Phillips
This seems like a poorly constructed meme, friend. Right now I'm thinking "why wouldn't I do that? It looks pretty tasty" but I'm talking about the sandwich, not the people, but the two are getting crossed in my WAIT A MINUTE ARE YOU TRYING TO JEW ME OP?
Jaxson Robinson
Did you have a good time overall though?
I'm used to niggers, so they don't bother me too much.
Jose Harris
Oh kek, I get it. Redpill them.
Kevin Flores
>Target the tools, not the perpetrators, goy
Tyler Turner
I wouldn't eat my family, either. Checkmate, racists!
Hunter Myers
Who wants a gay toast?
Henry Foster
That wouldn't change anything.
As long as the kikes have control over america, there will never be a great europe.
Lincoln Ross
Have you never made a sandwich with two different kinds of bread? Cutting it up in such a way and putting back together just makes for some crazy presentation, something you'd do for a graduation party for example. This feels like some sort of intentional Jewish trickery, or "kikery" as I like to call it.
Sebastian Hall
Yes it was nice, but when I went there there were only old people. But overall it was nice. Almost punched a nigger in the face tho, he was hitting on a white girl and she didn't like him but he kept on harassing her and he was leaning his arm over my shoulder, it was that is was in the hotel otherwise I would have fucking murdered that ape.
Andrew Adams
Yes but when we attack jews they have a reason to call us nazi's.
Brayden Wilson
No I haven't.
Carson Martinez
Why is it Americans are incapable of having a serious discussion and are never serieus?
Lucas Ross
But we are!
Gavin White
Ryan Cox
Hahahaha no I don't want to kill every jew, only the rich fuckers like Soros.
Carter Green
The thing is, if you play within the boundarys your enemy puts up for you, you can never win.
We Europeans are not good at playing the slimy jew game of lying tricking our enemy, we tell the truth
straight forward as tugh as it is and be have to tell the whole truth. This is the only way we can win.
Being a National Socialist doen't mean that you want to kill every jew, you should be more redpilled then this.
The traitors have to die, the other jews can live in Israel and do what ever they want as long as the leave us alone
with their kikery.
Easton Phillips
I agree, the only thing we can do till shit hits the fan is train and try to redpill other Europeans and white Americans.
Jayden Harris
holy shit, I should have checked my spelling.
Dominic Young
At least I'm offsetting the damage niggers do by having kids. What are YOU doing?
Hunter Bell
David Sanders
You just said you want to holocaust the muzzies and niggers, but now you are so offended when we mention the jews?
Fuck off kike.
Joseph Adams
What the hell.
Jason Thompson
Because if we go after all the jews again we will lose support and lose. It is simple as that. And besides that, the jews aren't harassing and using our women.
Ian Harris
Training so I am able to kill as many niggers and moslims as I can.
Lucas Butler
>Bulgaria doesn't have a dindu problem You have a MASSIVE sandnigger problem. And muslims are always playing the victim/race card (whilst being responsible for most of the savagery and crime in their area).
Daniel Price
The jews are the one who caused this problems.
And now please fuck off back to where you came from.
David Johnson
>again Implying
Dominic Davis
We know but a bunch of extra dindus is only making things worse. They should fucking butcher these muslims to tho, pieces of Ottoman shit.
Dominic Campbell
>MASSIVE It's like the Mexico situation you have, really. We also were under Ottoman reign for about 500 years, I would be suprised if there weren't any remains.
Connor Adams
I am speaking about the knoledge of the average citizen in the West, do you think they will take it if we kill jews again after they have been teached about the holocaust. We need to turn away from the whole nazi thing and start something new, and target muslims and niggers who people hate anyway.
Michael Robinson
>Mexico ???
Josiah Bennett
Fuck, I thought you were american. Anyway, the point still remains. The US have a mexican immigration problem.
Jace Taylor
They have niggers and muslims. If they continue like this they will have more muslims than Bosnia has kek.
Christopher Thomas
Jews have control of large parts of the media, they are already shilling for everyone who is not white.
If we start to target shitskins, they will scream "muh shoa 2.0".
I'd say we start by killing nobody, openly stand our ground and argue for the ethno state without being apologetic about it.
The crash will come inevitably, whether we become violent or not. Let's make sure we are the good one's once it hits.
Then we will gain support. >we get political power >we redpill the whole white race on who was responsible >we execute the traitors >we send all other non whites back
Aaron Scott
>You wouldn't do this to your sandwich But we literally do. You guys need to stop with your low IQ arguments, you make yourselves look like idiots, more than you prove any point.
Jason Taylor
I am all for it. And we need to train our bodies ans prepare for the worst.
Mason Anderson
What do you mean Achmet?
Oliver Thompson
>stop to bring up arguments based on scientific data >you make yourselves look like idiots
Christopher Smith
thats just wheat bread m8
Elijah Davis
This hahahha. This is clearly a Tyrone, ignore it.
Julian Allen
>Star cut-out reinserted black and white thread is scientific data I'm not arguing for racemixing, but it's cool if you are happy with cookie-cutter arguments.
Charles Stewart
>ethnic bulgarians >turks >gypsies
>any of them niggers >any of them malevolent middle-easterners kys fampai
Kayden Diaz
Would you direct me to which part of OP's image is science Mustafa
Nathan Ramirez
Well it is a metaphor. We know racemixing doesn't make you into a toast, it makes you into a mud which is way worse.
Ryan Flores
Kill them based Bulgarbro.
Camden Brown
Fine I'll take the bate. Pic related is the bell curve based on studies by Charles Murray.
"Among white Americans, the average IQ, as of a decade or so ago, was 103. Among Asian-Americans, it was 106. Among Jewish Americans, it was 113. Among Latino Americans, it was 89. Among African-Americans, it was 85. Around the world, studies find the same general pattern: whites 100, East Asians 106, sub-Sarahan Africans 70."
Oliver Richardson
Pic related will explain you why all your little counter arguments you want to come up with are wrong.
Ian Allen
Don't forget brain size.
Dominic Johnson
Don't have that one, but crime should be a good argument as well.
Jacob Campbell
If someone still believes there is no difference in IQ between races they are not worth discussing with to begin with, it is so obvious.
Joshua Ross
I see you're getting it.
Dylan Peterson
Stop being retarded. They're talking about OP's pic
Asher Walker
>"You guys need to stop with your low IQ arguments, you make yourselves look like idiots" in No, they are not.
Sebastian Howard
Besides, do people even see any kike media things in Bulgaria?