A Culture Can Rise No Higher Than The Moral Position Of Its Women, And Western Women Are Freely Prostituting Themselves To Fulfill Muslim Men’s Most Debauched Perversions
Western Women Are Freely Prostituting Themselves
Other urls found in this thread:
>replace woman with Waifu Robots and Artificial Wombs
>engineer super smart and handsome white dudes in Artificial Wombs
>they fight the Next world war against the Subhuman Hordes
>Western Women Are Freely Prostituting Themselves SHADILAY BROTHER
>A Culture Can Rise No Higher Than The Moral Position Of Its Women, And Western Women Are Freely Prostituting Themselves To Fulfill Muslim Men’s Most Debauched Perversions
While there are prostitutes in every society, the Western woman has herself become a prostitute, placing her value in her physical and sexual qualities which denying the higher qualities, going so far as to even mock them and her biological role as child bearer, mother, and caretaker of the heart of society.
>While there are prostitutes in every society, the Western woman has herself become a prostitute, placing her value in her physical and sexual qualities which denying the higher qualities, going so far as to even mock them and her biological role as child bearer, mother, and caretaker of the heart of society.
is this how it ends
by the will of degenerate oligarchs whose only purpose is to have their necks at the end of a rope
>only purpose is to have their necks at the end of a rope
don't you mean
We are on it, have no doubt.
>not typical, but I'm not your typical girl
Yeah, I think we understood you the first time. I guess their IQ must be dropping from all the nigger semen they ingest or something.
I won't let my pure daughter become a whore. I'm instilling good values in her and giving her just enough freedom as to not become a rebel.
That's the thing with western people, they either shelter their kids and isolate them from the others, or they set them loose completely without a care in the world. No shit your kids rebel all the fucking time.
Women prostitute themselves all the time. Heard of dating and alimony?
Why wouldn't you just use the same technology you used to create waifu bots? You could make pig bots which shoot bacon ballistics so they don't get their virgins. Better yet call them Muhammadbots.
Would let her hold my nuts if you know what I mean
Learn the meaning of waifu already, reddit. It refers to a girl that you can never touch, but you can't help thinking about how life with her would be with her.
waifu bot doesn't even make any sense
>A relationship with a waifu is individual but there are several common characteristics professed by the community (Reddit, 2012; Reddit, 2014):
>Waifu relationships involve commitment.
>The lover of the waifu knows the character is fictional.
>Sexual aspects of the relationship is an individual decision.
>The waifu’s view is considered when making a decision.
>Having a waifu does not always prevent a real/3D relationship.
>The relationship with a waifu is real.
I used Reddit as the source because you are reddit as fuck
In exchange for committing some of the most debauched, disgusting things a person could do, these women are given tens of thousands of dollars.
What the fuck are you even trying to argue?
>A relationship with a waifu is individual but there are several common characteristics professed by the community (Reddit, 2012; Reddit, 2014):
>Waifu relationships involve commitment.
>The lover of the waifu knows the character is fictional.
>Sexual aspects of the relationship is an individual decision.
>The waifu’s view is considered when making a decision.
>Having a waifu does not always prevent a real/3D relationship.
>The relationship with a waifu is real.
>I used Reddit as the source because you are reddit as fuck
>What the fuck are you even trying to argue?
they're jews and they don't know how to speak
I dunno you started picking on me because i said we should kill muzzos with pork/muhammad robots which shoot haram bacon bullets and shit. So i got defensive and called you reddit because that's all we do now, we just called each other reddit.
Are you saying we shouldn't get someone to aerosol pigs and fly it over mecca in a crop duster?
Childless now and childless in the future, they are a living, breathing train wreck who are sucking the life out of society through their selfish and debauched behavior and allowing for the Muslim invasion of the West to happen by failing in their duty.
I did nothing of the sort, user. I simply called you out on the improper usage of the word "waifu".
>Sexual aspects of the relationship is an individual decision.
Look bulgaria, english is a ambiguous language. Waifu can mean anything you want it to mean.
that is an interesting theory.
as other threads on the topic of telegomy, maybe the absorption of dna could influence the host as well as offspring.
Some have proposed the nature of "slut face" having correlation to this theory.
Pretty good fuck there's no risk of getting her pregnant.
This is the second thread I see you in, screencaping and greentexting the OP.
Are you a bot?
Reminder that you white males need to put up with that to preserve da Whyte race!!!!
Man I want to fuck her real bad.
Basically, we have to survive feminism long enough for those technologies to be feasible. The west is in the final stages of empire, but artificial wombs provide an alternative that no empire has had before.