Why are the countries on the left too retarded and weak to defeat a couple of poorly equipped snackbars in a random desert?
Why are the countries on the left too retarded and weak to defeat a couple of poorly equipped snackbars in a random desert?
fuck off nigger
Because 90% of the countries are only fighting an air campaign and not sending ground forces to finish the shitskins. ISIS is still losing to the few ground forces opposing them anyhow
Because ISIS = the US
no you cuck
US is going to put boots down i think soon
tio, calm your titsz
burica stronbk :DDD
because we literally aren't trying.
We enjoy buzzing around the skies and killing them from time to time, but it's nothing more than a hobby for us.
>implying half those countries aren't actively supporting ISIS
Fuck off newfag
Fighting an insurgency is not the same as a regular war. It was acknowledged by the military going into Iraq that we would have to occupy it for over a decade but the left saw political capital in opposing the war and appealing to hippies so they pulled us out early and now we are dealing with the fallout.
Because we would rather not kill millions of innocents by glassing entire countries with hydrogen bombs.
the whole contribution of spain against the islamic state is about training iraqi troops, that's why
if we wanted, it would only require a bunch of spanish soldiers to conquer syria in 3 days
Spain has an army???
oh yes
yet 7 spanish soldiers couldnt take out a lady bread baker kek
That hurt a little.
Quick Rundown?
>saudi arabia
>left side
This alone is half the reason you can't win
The other reason are the leftists and human right activists. If the US or Russia wanted, they could completely exterminate the right side from existence in weeks.
Because most of them are actually funding them.
If the EU or US would seriously want to get rid of them they could do so within a few months.
it doesn't count, the iberian people are as a fact the strongest people in the world, and therefore portugueses are too equally, both in spirit and strenght
only the portugueses were capable of defeating in some battles the spanish warrior in inferiorite numbers, even though we have more than 75% of win ratio in wars historically
Legend tells that, after Nuno Álvares Pereira defeated the Spaniards in battle, Brites headed a group of civilians who chased after the fleeing soldiers.
On the evening of August 14th 1385, the baker returned home to find seven Spaniards hidden in the oven where she usually baked her bread.
Without hesitation, she took the shovel that she used to place the bread in the oven and beat them to death, one by one, as they came out of their hiding spot.
Most if not all were simply formal declarations of war. We got militias and similar people there doing the fighting for us.
dumb faggot
this map is more accurate
>poorly equipped
>the only country that is ACTUALLY fighting isis instead of pretending
>not even on the list
lmao at this kike scheme
>Saudi Arabia
>United Arab Emirates
>"Against ISIS"
AHAHAHAHA you dumb motherfucker.
You can't even tell who is giving their money to ISIS.
Those Qataris and Saudis directly financing ISIS. Turkey buys the petrol, or simply lets it transit through.
This is not simply "2 sides".
There are actually 4 sides to the War:
-ISIS and Al-Nusra
-Syrian Government
-Kurd, Iraq and the American coallition
-"Non existent Free Syrian Army"
Then you have the list of their sponsors.
-ISIS sponsors as named above, wealthy arabs that take in0 refugees.
-Syrian State sponsor : Russia
-American coalistion, The West
-Free Syrian Army ... hard to say (or I missed something)
I am not dumb nor do I intend to fuck my mother. Take that back.