
Is this nigger the only decent singer in the music industry now?

Other urls found in this thread:

>what is the music industry?

Some Jewish shit

>pop """music"""
>decent singers
you're like a baby to me, watch this


Miguel is superior ... he makes dat pussy slayin' music

Stop promoting the over rated MJ impersonator...

What kind of fucking ultra cancer did i just watch?

this nibba dropping butt bombs on bitches brains


one of the most experimental names in modern music lad

The weekend a Michael Jackson impersonator????

"I Feel It Coming" is top tier

Ohhh what the fuck that shit is so embarrassing

kraut being a wanna be gangster nigger no suprise here

This nigger went through sooo many phases , This was his weeb phase

His first depression phase

Weird hair pineapple pop phase

I liked The Weeknd in 2011-2012, but only because girls liked him and I was like 16 and I thought it'd get me some pussy
[spoiler]it didn't[/spoiler]

Then at last fucking superhero god phase

Are you kidding me he is as no life of a singer as you can get the only reason ever he gets pussy now i because of his voice

"Music industry"

I don't know man, in the states, when his first 3 mixtapes came out, everyone was listening to him and thots kept posting on twitter that the music was making them wet
I think what I did wrong was I actually began to enjoy the music, I was only supposed to pretend