Prove dinosaurs existed

PROTIP you can't

Other urls found in this thread:–Ar_dating Dates for Dinosaur Bones.pdf

wait ... you unironically believed that the skeletons you see are 100% complete?!

every little baby knows that most of it is reconstructed based on the findings on some parts

>american education

wew lad

So are these giant lizards actually "dinosaurs" or are the archons that run the world?

>he doesn't like dinosaurs
Shit taste mate.

T. rex is a scifi wet dream. Pt Barnum was more truthful than the museum of natural history

>are u really this dumb


> Argued with some archaeologist cuck about dinos being fake. I ask "how come you never see headless dinos? They don't find 100% full sets right?? Do they fake the skulls or not??

This guy tried to avoid the question, he wouldn't answer yes or no (yes being the correct answer, giving validity to my point), Faking skulls (bones in general) is an art project, not science or history.


itt: retard circlejerk

Why r u so angry

It's rare to find complete fossils and many museum pieces are made up from multiple skeletons

I don't really see how that makes all dinosaurs fake though