I believe he is right

The future will not have stock markets and credit cards. Far from it.

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It's only the case in Star Trek because replication technology created post-scarcity. It also helped that the global population was reduced by 80% or so in WWIII, and they started human civilization again from scratch with low numbers of people, infinite resources, and the ability to begin to colonize other worlds.

I love Star Trek, but "#Ifuckinglovescience" math illiterates ignore its sophisticated technological, social, political and economic conjectures, and only focus on the post-religious post-capitalist utopian elements of the series.

We won't make it to the future, we will kill each other long before that.

I always liked the "fan theory" about Star Trek that the reason the ship suffered frequent breakdowns and the crew constantly spouted meaningless technobabble, was that the crew didn't actually know what they were doing. Star Fleet was a dumping ground for reckless incompetents whom the powers that be wanted keep out of the way of the real civilization.

>that the global population was reduced by 80% or so in WWIII,
That isn't canon. The casualities of ww3 were just 600 million, less than 8% of the population on Earth.

>That isn't canon. The casualities of ww3 were just 600 million, less than 8% of the population on Earth.
8% of what population on Earth? Was it only 8% of the European and European descended population because that's the only ones who matter.

>doens't understand post-scarcity concept

FFS Hans, read a book on basic economics

Nevertheless. Technological progress preceded cultural progress--specifically economically transformative technological progress.

This is what separates Star Trek from other utopianisms. The power of technology to change the human condition is the dominant motif of the series. Losing sight of that guarantees that one will derive the wrong conclusions from watching the series. Instead of imagining a "silver bullet" ideology that save humanity, it relies on a material theory of history, but one that is much less ideologically charged than Marx. Not only that, but the Prime Directive expresses further skepticism of universalist ideals. A "progressive" as Star Trek is in so many way, it rejects one of the most important conceits of progressivism, being universality.

If someone hasn't felt their own temperamental biases stroked and embraced only to have the show turn the mirror around, and simultaneously show the flaws in said belief, then they probably haven't actually watched the show. I think the show largely transcends the left/right dichotomy, but for some reason leftists tend to have a harder time noticing that.

>Work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity.
By screwing it or killing it.
T. Kirk

Star Trek isn't "post-religious" at all
they still have an alcohol ban, for Christ's sake

Hey Picard, how do you calculate this?

Hehe. It's not banned. Picard's brother produces real wine, not synthehol.

I doubt romulan ale is alchohol

>we work to better ourselves and the rest of humanity
yes, if that comes from within. If it's forced upon by whoever has the most wealth and power at the time (jews), it's just gonna be another utopia that's gonna fail.
If you force someone to be better, its fake, and you're not good yourself either.

Christianity is about the teaching the individial to fight within itself and emerge as good, sadly the jew are jews and still belive in their old stuff that failed again and again and they want to try it again with the NWO.

Not possible with a world full of shitskins, only whites and East Asians are capable of this and even then there are a hell of a lot of subhuman whites and East Asians

>the future

well that narrows it down

>people work only to better themselves and the rest of humanity
This isn't science fiction! This is straight up fantasy!

Yeah, Star Trek exists in a post-scarcity universe. When you can literally phase pizza rolls into existence at the push of a button, transporter beam yourself across planets, travel at 2992x the speed of light, and literally create physical virtual realities with near infinite energy, sure, we'll live in a future without stock markets or credit cards.

One thing you commies conveniently ignore is that commies and socialists destroyed most of the planet in the start trek universe in WW3. It was an ancap (Zefram Cochrane) who invented the warp drive using a hollowed out ICBM with the motivation of money and women. Star Trek TNG stories speaks highly of capitalism and very low of communism. They have everything they want thanks to replicators, which was thanks to capitalism, not communism or socialism.

Was Star Trek ever accused of being a communist show?

No i don't think its been accused of communist. Maybe here on Sup Forums but only be people who think everything they don't like is communist. Lefties has always celebrated Star Trek as progressive but thats about it. Most of them are too stupid to realize the themes are deeper than left vs right as explained by this post:

Keep dreaming.

The future will be the one described by cyberpunk authors, not space faring marxist utopias.

meanwhile americans getting mad of universal healthcare
really makes you think

its a means to an ends though, once everyone has the ability to make anything they will wont want what people are selling. without capitalism people will value security over material goods because they will have lost their meaning.

Yes goy, don't concern yourself with profit. We'll worry about it.

>Sup Forums Vulcan crazy

My dream is to one day live in the sprawl
The only reason anybody should be ancap is the hope of a cyberpunk future

Cyberpunk future as in "dominated by oligarchs, corporations; poverty, decay and depression everywhere with only hitech as a escape illusion".

perfection, isnt it?

The replicators can make real alcohol, they just tend not to drink it. (Can't remember the episode but there was one in TNG where an Irish colony was camped out in a cargo bay and one of the crew showed them how to do it)