How it is going westies? tell me how it is going in your country. Oh wait you can't because you are all good politicaly correct boys. Well, not everyone have the luxury of freedom of speech. Tell me how does brown dick tastes like?
Poland love thread
>4 threads about poland already
>better make another one
>tell me how it is going in your country.
We are on our way out.
But I love you poland
I love Poland.
go fap
It's going great for me. I make over 5k a month, I currently live very remote in a big ass house, no shitskins here. And 10 gbps internet :)
Could we stop these threads? Op is a faggot with an inferiority complex.
Why are you so intolerant?
Nah man.
I need some hope for Europe
Make me feel fine that Germany is burning down
I'm about to go on a date with a Polish girl in Belfast
what do
Wear an adidas tracksuit.
If Poland is your hope then Europe is literally doomed, boi.
Jews. They wash their hands
You guys need to work harder, the public toilets here are always filthy.
but she seems like a classy lady
Trust me.
Pajeet, my son. Did Britian finally civilise you?
You are kicking out all the poles and inviting a lot of indians
Better get used to filthy toilets. And shitting streets.
>10 gbps internet
Prove it
What do you need toilets for in India?
Goshaman, look what#s come?
why do you fuckers put on as off and off as on when installing light switches?
I thought you guys defecated in the streets.
depresja zagraniczna edyszyn
I love Poland goym
I hope we leave EU
I know state of education is utter shit in UK... but even you should realise that plumbers do not clean toilets.