Sandy hook deniers

I can't wait until I get to sign up to go door to door rounding up all the shills and everyone who has ever pulled the wool over the american peoples eyes. If that day should come I will drop everything and join the cause. You fuckers will get your day whether in this life or the next.

My little daughter went to sandy hook. I was dropping her off when the shooting started. Adam Lanza walking in to the room and shot my sweet little girl right in front of me. Her head literally exploded and got all over me! A little piece of her brain matter went in to my fucking mouth! I literally ate my daughters brain that day and now I have to come on the Internet and see a bunch of edgy teenage neckbeards tell me the most traumatic experience of my life was just a hoax.

alex jones is a cointlpro shill you dumb bastard, open your fucking eyes.

you sure busted that myth and proved me wrong. Don't ever forget you're leaving a digital trace and you can and will be found. I hope the search is unrelentful and we track every single one of you down with no remorse or regrets. It creates a wonderful feeling in the center of my chest to think about it, a feeling I haven't felt since overdosing on the red pill and learning child sacrificing satanists rule over us.

Did you know brain is a delicacy, Clarice?



Listen asshole, we can cut the whole spiderweb now and have the world figure it out for themselves

Or we can continue with quality bantz until September aka the apocalypse

Pick your poison either way Bloomberg loses big

You will be hanged faggot, vigilante justice will prevail if and when we win the war.

The costume/Set designers orchestrated the attack

>muh hunger games
>muh gay media mafia

This event was a FEMA drill to recreate the Amish school shooting that America didn't hear about but all top democrats did:

How will I hang when the guillotine is being used to purge the hangmen?

I truly hope and pray that some smart faggots out there will be able to find all you fuckers no matter how small the part when the dust settles. Whether in this life or the next God will make you pay for your sins, you are a scumbag nigger.

seriously though, it is absolutely bizarre that there have been zero pictures released from the scene, especially in this information age we live in where I could find all sorts of crazy shit in 5 minutes if I really wanted. And that laughing motherfucker always made me raise an eyebrow.