Convince me to convert to your religion
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You can rape kaffar women and God does not see it as a sin.
i prayed to dionysus once and now i'm batman
You should give away your mask
You can slaughter sand monkeys and defend Europe from them!
>agnostic atheism
>believe only in science and facts
convert to Roman-Catholism and join us in the glory of the coming 4th crusade against the Saracens - Constantinople shall be under the Cross of Christ, the Holy Land freed and Europa cleansed!
my jew god was tortured and killed by humans just to save you, see? now convert
but i need it to do bat things
agnosticism is irrelevants, while facts are not.
But im open to listening what you have to say, what exactly is that anyway?
you can marry 4 women
Come home white man. Follow Anglo-Saxon paganism and you too can be
God needs more money and real estate. Also needs a pat on the back and frequent acknowledgement.
Hurry up and do your duty
Christianity wins. The story of humanity was written 2000 years ago, and Christians will inherit eternal life.
>wanting to be tied down to four women
one is enough if you want four at a time you just have a drunken orgy then move on
Join the Cult of MOLOCH. Make a single sacrifice and know glory, fortune and power for you and your bloodline - it shall continue forever.
>god says he will never leave the jews
>christians claim he left the jews because a jew accidentally created a new fake religion
>millions actually fall for this
im not a religious jew, but this is hilarious
Many bankers and people in finance follow it and so can you. We own this world.
Or rather. The story of humanity has always been predetermined, and it was predicted 2000 years ago.
>send your son to earth to tell jews to abandon their evil ways
>they kill him instead
Jesus died and lives forever more, will be back (hopefully soon) saved me from a godless household and life, blessed be him, paul is a false apostle, decieved honest believers into literal lawlessness
>pharisees decieved israelis
>jesus heals and redpills israelies
>apostles lead and reassure israelis
>paul decieves some israelis and is responsible for pagan rome putting a new screensaver on their sun religion
>although this has all happened the God of Israel will judge every man according to their works in the little time we all get as INDIVIDUALS with CHOICES, whether good or evil. blessed be Jesus.
man was made by God, we 'goyim' were not made by (((them))), and ESPECIALLY not for (((them)))
Hinduism has a goddess named Lalita which means 'She who plays' i.e that the universe is her plaything. It is basically pronounced as Lolita.
Jesus died and now he's dead.
There is NOOOOOO God.(Even works without a dying Jesus)
You think of God as an actual being instead of humanity expressing whatever gave them life.
That's what it is. An in group survival strategy written by men, perfected by evolution.
Christianity will win.
It's best :DDDD
God is the next stage of evolution.
God is society.
God is greatness.
Men was created in it's image.
Why do you think Paul was a deceiver
God is technology.
Christ is LORD, come to understand him via the church he founded, the catholic church.
4th? Though there been 9 already, so it would be the 10th.
Also Deus Vult, brother. Non nobis Domine!
Fuck off, we're full.
God is perfection. God is kindness. God is truth.
Satan is lies. Satan is greed. Satan is the enemy of perfection. The one who tries to lead us astray.
> lies
then explain this
I just brought you probably the greatest insight into religion & the truth of our universe of all time and you repay me with a shitty joke