You have 10 seconds to explain why your faggot gov't is using Windows XP still.
Other urls found in this thread:
anything is better than win10
>microsoft support ends
>therefore the computers are open to hacking
what a fucking joke
OS updates are almost always bloatware
because the british government is slow as fuck and technologically inept
Legacy software.
There are large segments of the US government still running XP, too, for the same reason.
I'm going into OpSec, thanks to Brexit the Jews won't be able to import pooinloos to fix shit. Already been programming for about 10 years and rich af.
t. paki
Nope, if you don't update your machine is open to exploration, I know this from experience, ran windows 95, soon after the support stopped, was taken over by botnet, same with XP, you need to keep your operating system up to date or risk getting hacked.
everyone has to explain why their government is still using windows
>Legacy software.
People don't even know how much of our infrastructure, public and commercial, depends on systems run with programming languages from the 1970s and 80s. It's insane. The few remaining experts who can handle these languages get paid ridiculous amounts to bodge together solutions to keep them running, simply because it's still cheaper than replacing everything in its entirety.
Except they're all retiring or dying off now, and you can't just send someone younger on a training course to get them up to speed because all the old systems are non-standard and poorly documented so the people who deal with these languages are working off intuition and their decades of experience to find a solution that fits that specific problem.
Windows XP is practically cutting edge by the standards of a lot of software still in use.
Everyone that isn't American, I agree. Why would any gov't that isn't American run their computers with an American OS? It's like they're inviting the CIA/NSA right in and offering a foot massage.
>networking all of your computers
8" Floppy is all that is needed for Armageddon anyway.
Mavis beacon Will destroy us all!
can confirm. i am a federal contractor. the organizations idea of security is ass backwards. it is setup to offload all of the blame onto the end user in all circumstances. so instead of these incompetent idiot it security specialists taking the heat when something goes wrong, it is mable the medical transcriptionist who gets shitcanned when her 20 year old e-machine hiccups because updates are disabled by group policy so she can use her archaic time clock software written in java 1.0
no, americans too
>trusting a private owned global company with your gov't data
Most IT departments are miserable penny pinching places to work in. And they're always trying to outsource you or find some way of getting rid of you.
And most managers are mediocre at best, incompetent at worst. So I'm not surprised that an underfunded IT department, staffed by unmotivated outsourced talent let this happen.
They'll panic and run around gibbering for a while and then hire some consultant for 10x the going rate to fix this. But it'll be OK, because consultancy falls under a different budget category than wages for employees.
>private owned
Because we've been living under Tory austerity for 6 years and they've been de funding the NHS since they got to power. Send help.
it is. if you think these corporations have any kind of national loyalty left you're dead wrong
They fucked up the last upgrade
>Labour's computer blunders cost £26bn
Only if I can be overpaid oversexed & over there.
it's not about having loyalty, user. they don't have a choice in the matter.
Windows is malware
we're long past a time where governments could force companies into cooperation. it's usually the other way 'round these days