To Kill a King

Comey is calling trump out for a public hearing. There are two outcomes:

1. Trump refuses because he's guilty and a coward.

2. Trump accepts and then is BTFO

Trump doesn't get to decide. Congress does


Fuck "white" people.

Meaning that he will hide and then blame congress for not showing face?

Inshallah brother

Lol, OP. You're retarded if you think this is the end for Drumpf. It's the end for Comey the cuck.

Wow. How many employees fired with cause like Comey would then call out his boss? He must have a lot of blackmail fodder on the media and others and he is owned by the Clintons. What did the FBI Director Bill Clinton fired 2 days after Vince Foster's murder do? He had to stay quiet as part of his pledge. Who did Clinton then put in as FBI Director who would refuse to investigate the murder? And so it goes-two tier outrage.

Thanks for the response. Putin will personally deposit 0.05 into your account for that one

Anything that Comey says in public won't help anyone get to the bottom of the Russia issue or anything else for that matter. He won't comment on classified matter.

Pretty much a giant waste of time to testify in public unless you want a forum to publicly make unverifiable claims to defend your own reputation

Mashallah Islam will defeat the degenerate united sates of men with female reproductive organs.

Chances are "Female Reproductive Organs" are just an abstract theory to you. Something you may have read about or see on the internet, but nothing you're personally familiar with

>Trump refuses
Because Comey is a shitstain not worth commenting on. Why is it one day you shills believe Comey should be run out of the country with pitchforks and torches becasue of what he did to madame president and the next day you believe he is the god king of true justice and needs to stay at his post?

>Trump accepts
And literally nothing comes out of it as the media tries to find ways to spin it against Trump. None except the president can comment on classified intel in public.

>A Fucking Leaf

Iv'e been with many goatsl, leaf
I've ben with many chinknadian women as well but they are disgusting whores so I prefer not to think about it.

So shills are starting to copy the jokes people made up for shills. Fucking bizarre. Shareblue will deposit 0.05 into your account for saying " Putin will deposit 0.05 into your account".

Trump shills show much butthurt

>everyone and their mom's dog is a shill
Go outside sometimes, okay.

And you can keep living inside that bubble


Take your medication you massive sperg.

Trump has become a stooge for the NWO. I cannot stand the guy. I just have some standards and would rather vote in a creep than a reptilian from the constellation Draco.

Shills calling out "shill!" is fucking retarded. You forget which board you are on, sucker. Go home, shareblue.

If I'm a sucker then I'm in the right place. Now chill, shill

You are hopeless. I am going to another thread.