Why does Trump hate kids?
Kids are the most precious thing for the nation. I thought he wanted to make America great again.
Why does Trump hate kids?
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I love how these people don't go away and just make themselves targets all over again.
Mhm! You go gurl! YaaaaAAAAASSSS QUEEN! SLAY!
Making school lunches shitty will not force kids to eat healthy, they just wont eat the fucking school lunches. Even if you force them to buy it they'll just bring candy or some other garbage to school with them. Eating healthy has to come from home, it has to come from the family. The government cant make it happen.
Just send your kids to private school or live in a better district.
Blasted! SLAMMED. 7 Reasons Why This Queen Just Destroyed BLUMPFs Policy.
Why don't you want to make our kids eat this trump, what's wrong with you!?!!
Tralumpfalumpf will feed our children 2 scoops of nuclear ice cream and nobody will stop him
Pack your kids a lunch you lazy fucks.
isn't she the bitch that thought it was a good idea to give kids milk and a cheese bread stick
most kids in american schools are shitskins now, this is just 4D chess
>Ukrainian nutritionist
In Yuroland it does, sort of. I taught at a school in Austria and the food was decent. You didn't have to eat it, but you weren't eating anything else.
I agree in that it should begin at home, but if schools just served normal food and said "this is all you're getting, you either eat this or you don't eat" you would sort the problem in a week.
Michelle Obama thinking she can make inner city blacks skinnier by starving them to death at the school cafeteria when they just go home and binge out on McDonald's, potato chips, and juice with their EBT card anyway.
This dumb nigger bitch made the worst school lunches. Didn't consult with actual nutritionists or anything.
pretty sure its her fault they've been eating shit for 8 years.
I work in a high school that has these obama lunches, the smell they make when they pull these pre-made meals out of the oven is pretty fucking rank.
how can she expect people to eat healthy when t hey are pushing anti-fitness and pro-boogie bullshit all the time?
thats one stupid transvestite
>This is sad!
>not simply "Sad!"
way to completely fuck up a tweet there, lady
>Talking about bad food at school
Oi I am laffin. This would be like Jamie Oliver complaining that school food is tasteless bland trash
>Looks like dog food!
yeah, why make kids eat "crap" when they could be eating literal crap
The Ukranians?
The only good thing about the Obama lunch law was the kiwis we got at my school a few times a month
>A single piece of raw cauliflower
Aside from the red thing it looks passable.
>britbong cuisine
That actually looks decent
Not really, in my school about Primary 5 Jamie Oliver came along and fucked everything with his stupid healthy eating shit, so all the food went from being pretty good one day (fried fish and chips on fridays, fuck year catholic schools) to being bland as fuck the next (fish was still fried, chips were oven instead of fried, all seasoning removed from lunch hall, most days were unseasoned chicken and unsalted mashed potato or equivalents) .
We didn't start eating the slop, we started taking our lunch money, jumping the fence and going to the chip van around the corner where for a mere £1.10 I could get a deep fried half pizza. This continued all the way through academy and into college for everyone I know. The academy lunch hall was almost always deserted apart from teachers and hardcore schoolies that did 40 extra curriculars
It's just beef and dumplings. It's not my fault Josh Russell poured a box of passata onto it.
>Looks like dog food
You would know, Seoul.
>britbong cuisine.
Here is the link to this month's menu for Sidwell Friend's School. Where to Obama girls go/went.
but all the food in schools became way worse when michelle started running it. i was in highschool when all the changes started happening and it was the same shitty food or even worse food in smsller portions
It literally looks like a curry shit
I was eating and I was about to vomit all over my keyboard when I saw this.
Haven't americans heard of something called "visual presentation"? This looks like the diarrhea I had last month.
If you have to force children to do something they will naturally rebel against it. Forcing people to eat healthy doesn't make them decide on a personal level to be a healthier person.
I was in high school during Michelle Obama's lunch reign, and I can confirm nobody ate the food because her meal plan consists of a piece of lettuve, carrots, peas, old moldy fruit, and about a bite of whatever meat they feel like feeding you. Old school lunch was waaaaay better, and trump is bringing back the old lunch. Make lunch edible again
Eating healthily isn't stupid. Jamie Oliver's attempt was stupid, because there was no way of implementing half of the things he dreamed up, but the principle is correct.
If you want to eat shit like fried pizza that's down to you, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with serving balanced food in school.
They had the same thing before obama just with a roll or more crackers
I actually kind of miss that cheap ham and cheese and weird school mayo
In comparison to a Michelle Obama school lunch, yes, dog food looks pretty decent. I mean, compare to the dog food in my pic. The dog food actually has beefier chunks of meat. The dog food is probably more nutritious, too.
Glad I went to school before this shit. Spicy chickens, popcorn chickens, nacho bar. I ate better at school than I did at home, and for only $1.25.
>a deep fried half pizza
that sounds lovely m8
>but there is absolutely nothing wrong with serving balanced food in school.
What does that even mean, "balanced food"?
(also, what does LS and MS/US mean?)
>Eating healthily isn't stupid.
Saying to kids "here you can either eat tasteless slop or not it" is however pretty stupid. Like I said entire classes would jump the fence to eat what they want to. Serve all the balanced food you want, but unless it tastes good it isn't going to get eaten by the kids
>tfw I got an internal exclusion for a few days for being a wee dick
>Instead of going to the cafeteria I slipped my mate a fiver and he got me a gless and a burger from the van
No regrets, fuck school dinners
Coconut, cantaloupe and lime soup
Quinoa á la Ranchera
Watermelon feta salad
Cilantro lime chicken
Soft flour tortilla
Mexican pinto beans
Sautéed greens with jalapeño peppers
Spanish rice
Kiwi fruit
jesus fuck
Friendly reminder that Michelle will be running for President in 2020, so expect more and more publicity stunts from her.
This is what annoys me most of all. That this cunt thinks it's a.) the governments job to dictate to 100,000 schools across the nation what they can and cannot serve. In areas with different food prices, different availability of things, different cultural norms, etc. And b.) that kids cannot eat without the government doing it.
Oh, and her two niglets go to a private school with a chef individually preparing meals from scratch every day.
>in smsller portions
heres the niggers brain in action
>kids are fat
>I know! we will feed them less!
>also lets feed them disgusting shit they wont like, they will eat it anyways right?
result: everyone brings their lunch now and its probably fast food.
jews win again.
>If you have to force children to do something they will naturally rebel against it
The vast majority of the world works on the principle I outlined, only in the Anglo countries do we do it wrong and it's probably the one thing they have over us.
French, Austrian, Swiss, German, Italian etc kids will eat better in school than most Anglo adults do at home, and at home they're lightyears ahead. They don't force it down their throat, they don't have to as they've grown up with it.
>Spicy chickens, popcorn chickens, nacho bar.
>I ate better
Eating like someone from a documentary is not a good thing.
Also, more important, what does the government have to do with school food? That is really rustling my jimmies...
LS - Lower School: Elementary/Primary
MS - Middle School: Grades 6/7/8
US - Upper School: High School
It's the greatest thing ever, if it's done right it comes out crispy as well, throw a little salt on top along with a gless of barrs cola (coca cola also acceptable, must be a gless though) and it's lunch heaven
Who eats school food anyway.
>and at home they're lightyears ahead
I think you meant "and they're lighter without a head"
>tfw I lost 60 pounds not eating at school for 3 months
I ate a turkey sandwich, fruit, milk. every day at school idc
Hmm.. are you sure those aren't lunch menus from Venezuela?
>Why are American parents too lazy to feed their own children?
>Why are Americans so poor that their rely on the state feeding their children?
>Watermelon feta salad
>Saying to kids "here you can either eat tasteless slop or not it" is however pretty stupid
Why are you assuming that it's got to be that? The majority of the modern world manages just fine with school food.
>but unless it tastes good it isn't going to get eaten by the kids
This is why you are fat.
A good diet. Root vegetable, lean meat, fish, fresh fruit. I'm not suggesting loading them up on some vegan thing.
>wait until husband is out of office to complain about shit your husband never changed
nigger logic
roastie logic
Ohhhhh, thanks!
>tfw 90% of those kids will never eat a grilled sardine, Bairrada Piglet or some comfy Little French Girl
America should just genocide itself
this literally looks like shit.
Reminder that Trump flew on the Lolita express with his good friend Epstein and probably molested kids. Sick!
They can set certain guidelines schools have to follow about what they serve and in what proportions.
Those are Michelle Obama school lunches.
>The majority of the modern world manages just fine with school food.
The majority of the world seems to strike a good balance between taste and nutrition, we seem to only be able to do one or the other.
>This is why you are fat.
This is why 30ish percent of the nation is fat
Why do schools even provide lunch for schools? Bring your own food.
That seems like too much intervention to my taste by the Federal Government
>our kids
I don't have any kids. Take care of your own goddamn kids and leave me out of it.
It's way more than 30 percent, and if you think any of the shite you eat tastes good then you obviously vote Labour.
>A good diet. Root vegetable, lean meat, fish, fresh fruit. I'm not suggesting loading them up on some vegan thing
Have you seen the pictures of some of the lunches? They do the bare minimum required to follow a guideline because most poor school districts just don't have the money. If she was really concerned with the well-being of school children she'd have gotten her husband to spend some of the money he used bailing out the bankers to fund schools.
>my rice cakes and water are the superior tasting choice
t.green voter
Poor people get them for free, and when someone points out that they should probably not eat burgers and chips for lunch they get extremely angry and insist that not only the state pay for them to stuff their faces in their own time, but also for their kids to stuff their faces at school.
Frying something is "tasty" and pasta, lean meat and vegetable is "slop".
You couldn't have said it better
It's just politics.
Obama made them eat left-wing food.
Trump makes them eat right-wing food again.
(in b4 food isn't partisan - in America EVERYTHING is partisan)
Any fellow burger anons want to tell me what Michael Obamas lunches were like? I went to Catholic school so we just had a full normal cafeteria, no government funding and all. Food was pretty good at least three options of decent quality food with full snack bar.
those bloody zookeepers! runaway happened again!
She overcook pasta
That looks pitiful, holy shit.
I'm all for eating healthy but do it right for fucks sakes. IT'S NOT THAT HARD just do like grilled meats with rice and beans and salads and shit god dammit.
last I checked, that's the jurisdiction of the state and local government. Furthermore, there's nothing stopping you from packing your own damn lunch. It's not my fault that niggers don't have the foresight to pack their own food. And even then, they're able to buy heavily-subsidized lunches for approximately 2 dollars. Often they get them for free if they're applicable. So I don't give a fuck if they think the quality is "crap". You get what you pay for.
Voted Conservative/UKIP consistently. I have a pathological hatred of the fat.
I've never said those were good. I just don't see why people think pizza, chips, burgers, fucking nachos and fried chicken are acceptable things to give children.
that's stupid. if your nation's children are so poor they cant afford to eat lunch it sounds to me like there's much, much bigger issues at hand.
Why not make it the norm to bring your own food, cut back on the cafeteria and make sure they sell decent, fairly price food?
>Why do schools even provide lunch for schools? Bring your own food.
Anglo-Saxon parents don't love their children.
Their moms won't make them sandwiches like our moms used to do.
You have the option of bringing your own so it doesn't bother me. I'm of the opinion that if you really want to change something you provide more funding, you don't set guidelines that only fix the symptom and not the actual problem.
Our school system is fucked. If you're poor you can qualify for free lunches that kids who are above that line have to pay for every day. Nobody is going to let a child starve so if an illegal pops out five kids they will get free breakfast and lunch every day.
>Michelle will be running
I sure hope she tries.. but I got a feeling we wont see another African or liberal in the white house for 8 to 16 yrs. And if this SJW shit keeps up maybe even longer
Does every non Italian fuck up pasta? Be honest.
>I have a pathological hatred of the fat.
As well you should, I vote the same way despite my poor dietary choices. The point stands however, that Jamie Oliver derived bland chicken and rice is not a good tasting meal, especially to children with dozens of other options
which school m8?
They have done that, or attempted it, in recent years but people from Barnsley and Liverpool and other places where people vote Labour kicked off big time.
It is their right to be fat and they expect you to pay for it.
>I just don't see why people think pizza, chips, burgers, fucking nachos and fried chicken are acceptable things to give children.
1. Because it's much cheaper
2. Because kids will actually buy those