or, how about leave it to the parents to decide their kids nutrution
Or, how about leave it to the parents to decide their kids nutrution
Her school lunches were anything but healthy.
Hell, pizza and burgers is healthier than the mystery sludge they serve now.
i was in school under 6 years of the ape administration and not a single thing changed about our lunches. they were shit, they are shit, and they'll always be shit unless school becomes privatized. Prisoners ate better than us.
what is that, african recipe bushmeat meal?
That stuff on the left looks like something you'd see in a Sup Forums gore thread.
In a lot of cases, parents can't really afford to decide their kids nutrition. They rely on schools to help feed their children.
Jesus... unfortunately parents these days are so fucking dumb they dont care whats good for their children. At home they heat up fucking kid cuisine and feed them garbage which turns them into obese fucks with disbetes and chrinic illness. This is honestly the one thing i can appreciate from the Obama administration. ACTUALLY FEEDING KIDS REAL FOOD.
When she first started this initiative it was so bizzare seeing the response. Sarah Palin with parents handing cookies and cakes through the school fences. God it was horrifying.
Actually feed them fruits and vegetables, and an actual balanced school diet. It will increase productivity.
then they shouldn't have had children
They just get on food stamps. At $146 per person per month. Small children can certainly eat healthy on $146/month plus free schools breakfast & lunch.
>be in 7th grade
>Obama gets elected
>think nothing of it
>come back for new school year
>lunch is absolute shit
>they got rid of all the food and only serve microwaveable junk and plastic apples
>never eat school lunch again
I went to toca bell with friend almost every day because of this
school lunches were always relatively well balanced. the lunch ladies always made things from scratch, and while it wasn't always great, it was always good enough to fuel you through the day.
that 1 meal a day isn't going to seriously modify the overall nutrition of a child during the course of their life. whatever "healthy choice" they get through school will be reversed by them gobbling up chips and soda at home.
Although I'm sure it's the wet dream of leftists to have government take over the entire nutrition of children, thinking it would be better to let the government feed kids their every meal.
They served Frosted Flakes at the last Elementary school I worked at, which pissed me off because it make the children hyper
I agree, but the children didn't choose to be born, let only be born to deadbeat parents. I get that life isn't fair, but at the same time, we as humans should at least try to be fair to one another.
And in return you are overweight and have type 2 diabetes.
Thanks obama!
Instead of getting lunch ladies back into cooking their own shit. She just made the same food companies that were feeding them shit, feed them other shit with smaller portions and processed as fuck vegetables.
Kids lost weight because the lunches were inedible. Michelle couldn't relate because she never missed a meal.
Her school lunches were complete shit anyway
Yeah real food isnt as colorful as a pepperoni pizza and a brownie with sprinkles. At least its healthier
kek. i work for a school system. when the teachers piss off the kitchen staff by looking down on them, etc., the kids get sugary foods.
Why can't parents just send their kids with a lunch? Why does the state have to do it?
this is actually decent looking food. lol at serving kids chicken tendies and pizza and wondering why we are the most obese nation in a health crisis
>making excuses for the parent's inability to parent
Shouldn't have had kids then. If it was a mistake, should have realized your life is no longer about you anymore and is about your kid's now until they leave
In the civilized world, we know for a fact that most food will taste better if it looks and smells delicious. Healthy food comes in all colors of the rainbow because each and every color is a byproduct of several different molecular interactions, each basically telling about what kinds of nutrients the plant or whatever holds. Therefore, the more rich in color your food is and the more colors on your plate = healthy and full of all needed energy and more.
If you cant into a full culinary experience, you are a failure and probable mouth breather.
Why would you put seeds on buns?
>complains about american food
>Looks at flag
another case of, OP's a faggot
>Shouldn't have had kids then.
Again, I completely agree.
But, again, it's completely unfair to punish a child for being born to a shitty parents, something that child had no say in or any control over. "Life's not fair," true, but we should try to be fair.
Decorative and texture.
Presentation is everything, I'm sure you could serve someone a shit sandwich if it looked pleasing. smell and visual are the first things, if those are displeasing, natural reaction is to not want to put it in your mouth, chew, and swallow
Seeds are small bombs of nutrients, and it is satisfying for mouth feel. Next time you make homemade burger buns, throw some salted sesame or other seed of your choice on top. Depending on how long you bake/heat the bun, you might have to put it on after the dough has settled a bit in the oven, so you dont burn them.
I dare you to even identify what that roadkill on the plate is, before declaring it healthy and delicious
Sesame seeds provide good flavor that contrasts well
In a country where the majority is obese that wouldn't work cause they would give their kids not only different things but some might even give their kids more fatty foods than they already get from Michelle Obama's program.
If everyone gets to eat different things then not only do you create an environment where some kids get better meals whereas poor kids hardly get anything decent. They should all eat the same stuff but the prepping and quality is what is so shitty.