Charlie Hebdo

Charlie Hebdo published a pro-gay comic mocking president of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov depicting him gay.

>"Do you know what will happen to them? Do you understand?! We will never act like the wahhabi shaitans from ISIS but their punishment will be unavoidable." - anonymous chechen from Kadyrov's surroundings.

Other urls found in this thread:


And then there will be shitstorm about Russia attacking freedom of France.

Good that my bunker is ready.

But it's true, isn't it?

>if you hate gays you must be gay meme
I hate spiders, that doesn't mea-
Oh, yes it does.

>those who like freddy mercury will have melted lead in their ears
>thos who like proust will be executed
>it's forbidden to play cup and ball game
>only kadyrov is allowed to put on lipstick


He is married and has children.

Ugly men make bad fathers

I bet he beats those children and rapes them

>tfw his children whiter than most of Sup Forumsacks

RIP Charlie, nobody will miss you.

Somebody needs to go carve them up again. These fucking kikes we have to kill them all

>mocking muslims
I don't see the problem here.
Putin is a muslim cocksucker, you all criticize France for the banlieue problem but Russia did the same thing with an entire region, permitting them to go full retard.

>We will never act like the wahhabi shaitans from ISIS

That ship has sailed...

All memes aside if you're so violently inclined that you actually go around snatching people off the street to torture them you really are most likely going to be physically abusing your family and you were 100% definitely sexually abused as a child.

This, Beslan was far worse than every west european attack, Russia did nothing and WE are the cucks

I have no problem with him, as long as he keeps his wild people in line. If Putin ever decides to decrease gibs he better not even think about rebelling.

Kek wills another Mudscum attack on Charlie Hebdo
>This time they will all die


Isn't living in Chechnya in and of itself a punishment ?

So are Chechnyan muslims gonna shoot them up this time?

his dead man you cant have tribes alive in a non tribal country

"But no threats, no illegal actions. We will sue them, make them spend all their money on lawyers. I give you my word, they will spend their life in stress. And after their long - I hope so - life, they will be punished by Allah — and the retribution will be terrible. Not for mocking the chechen people or Ramzan Ahmatovich [Kadyrov], but for that filthyness they spread on purpose. They keep doing it with great pleasure."

We need to meme the tuck out of Chechen peace trucks, flood Chechen social media with this

Wearing a white shirt or dress does not make you white.

This is fake news.

Spread by Russian buzzfeed syndicate.

80% of US Sup Forums are either mestizos or hapas trying to fit in with European Whites.

>fugg n-niggers, please accept me as white

>I will paint him as a disgusting faggot so people will hate him. HAHA CHECK MATE BIGOTS

Its like you are a homophobe.

Having a caucasoid skull shape and white European features does however Pedro.

This time they shoot all the boxes.

Being a muslims fundamentalist in an European country is not really white

You're a fucking retard.

That was Gulf funded and indoctrinated bastard dog of Al qaeda Basayev.

Initially the Chechen uprising was 100% natives and moderate until desert rats got their claws in and ruined it.

Chechnya is Sufi not Wahabi, they drink, smoke, dance while upholding the main pillars of Islam. They even had women carrying out ambushes initially until Saudi money took over. That's when the brown fags started slicing heads.

The fuck, you're different countries? Holy shit.

Islam revokes your whiteness.

>calling someone non white

No love for Chechnya, but even less love for "satirists" who think that drawing people sucking cocks is good satire. They should just be honest with themselves and go into the business of making gay pornography if that's their thing.

>toothpaste is making fun of others flags

>West Turkestan
>mocking someone
>implying Pepe/Trump fucking Wojack/Hillary is much more intellectual than CH



Makes me hope they get blasted again by some peaceful muslims tbqh


>Implying good pepe memes involve obscenity
Pepes that involve sex acts and/or excretory functions became a thing because /r9k/ wanted normies to quit using them on social media. They were designed to discourage circulation and keep Pepe weird enough to be for Sup Forums instead of the public at large.

that are terronis, not italians. When americans try to imitate italians they are fucking ridicolous


hid kids are legit ugly

fucking churcka genes

Brb going to Australia

Muh ancestor