Fucking amazing if true
I think he's referring to wealth, certainly not education.
Source? fucking retard
the actual passage is basically Obama bitterly putting down American's desires to be rich and have well off children.
He's such a faggot.
He calls Trump the American Dream, saying Americans are foolishly over optimistic in how wealthy they can make their children.
Because presumably we shouldnt' get rich, we should give some of our money to niggers instead. That's Obama's point.
If if if if if if if if
Pretty good education.
Tell me how much intelligence does one need to turn a million into several billion?
> Vice twitter
Are you blind gypsy retard.
sorry Obama....you can't delete your father's race from yourself no matter how hard you try
People actually believe this.
try googling a few words "American dream to be Trump" for instance
Dumb fuck.
lazy ass yellow teeth rapist...are you that lazy to post the link?
In the time it took you to post your stupid lazy reply you could have googled it you dumb fuck.
When your daddy leaves you 400m which would be equivalent to over 1b today, it's not that hard.
>400m meme
Rubio, is that you?
>not education
What's wrong with graduating from a prestigious Military Academy?
This. Sadly
Sounds like a bunch of okey dokey
Obama and trump are time travelers doing battle, in our epoch, under the guise of politicians. I'm sure we could trace past conflict, disaster, etc. to their eternal struggle.
>takes it up himself to make a thread.
>too lazy to post a link.
OP is s faggot.
don't worry about it, b-big don
So trump has been plotting revenge for thirty years?
Up like donalf trump.
See barry. Dreams do come true.
Wasn't he raised by his rich jewish grandparents?
Maybe barry identifies as a jive ass honkey.
>tfw you think you have surpassed your idol by becoming president just to see him steal it from you
>American Dream is to be a traitorous Russian agent who molests children and hates Mexicans!
What the fuck did he mean by this?
Is it time to hold Obama accountable to this ridiculous statement???
Getting into West Point requires prestige. Shit, you need Congressional approval to get in.
t. Hudson Valley local
Wait shit
By "congressional approval," I mean you have to be backed by a member of congress.
The American dream is to never have to live next door to anybody resembling Barack Obama.
Kek poor obama
Fucking nigger, I really hate that fucking self entitled nigger.
this is why barnevernet euthanizes romanian children
>"free" healthcare
>"free" school meals
>"free" gubbamint housing in white areas
hmmmm .. who is benefitting from all dese programs and who is losing? niggers benefit, white taxpayers lose money.
just goes to show you how fake the (((civic nationalism))) meme is.
obama was raised 100% white, went to a top school, obviously day-to-day thinks and acts with white civility, but ultimately he'll always side with the tribe that wholeheartedly accepts him as one of their own (blacks), not the tribe which some accept and some hate him (whites).
Not sure if bait or you're just fucking retarded
>best business education in the world
Don't you have a political Harry Potter/Star Wars meme contest to get back to?
Most people don't go to higher learning to become an academic. They do it with the goal of creating a livelihood.
Okie dokie
Are you really that dense?
>Hussein Fraser runs to the nearest barber's shop
>the pouring rain outsides mask the tears streaming down his face
>he hasn't had a good acting role in ages
>he can barely scrape a living, the alimony is eating away at his living standards
>it's a dingy little barber's shop on a backstreet, there are no customers but him
>he sits on the seat, looks at his sorry face in the mirror in front of him for a moment and bawls out in emotional agony
>his head falls into his hands, and quietly sobs until the barber begins to speak:
>"What cut do you want Hussein"
>Hussein looks deep into the barbers eyes, his own eyes now redder than the stripes of the barber pole outside
>"Just fuck my shit up."
>"Hussein, I've told you a thousand times you have to stop doing this to yours--"
>the barber freezes
>Hussein thrusts a hundred dollar bill into the barber's hand
>"JUST DO IT..."
>The barber lets off a half-hearted sigh; really he's happy, I mean he just got a hundred dollars to fuck a guy's shit up.
>After half an hour, it is complete. Hussein gazes upon himself once more into the mirror:
>"It's terrible. Thank you senpai."
>"It's a pleasure"
>Hussein stumbles out of the barber shop and collapses into a puddle outside
>That $100 was all the money he had left
>Alimony's due tomorrow
>Looks like Husseins sleeping rough tonight
Not surprising, they both come from the same background, neoliberal urban elitism. Think about all thsoe pictures with the Trumps and the Clintons.
Then why aren't his siblings as rich as them?
No, idiot. Their father left 200 million to split between all of them and that was in 1999, not in 1970 like you libshit idiots like to believe.
He's not wrong.
Trump never went to West-Point.
NYMA has no affiliations with the US military.
^Butthurt libtard faggot shit-for-brains
>"I may not be Donald Trump now, but just you wait; if I don't make it, my children will."
Sauce fucking retard