Why wont you just man up and marry a real woman?
Why wont you just man up and marry a real woman?
Other urls found in this thread:
Women over 20 are not attractive
Real women are monsters.
Too old to bare not retarded children.
The absolute state of her ravaged pussy.
>Approach random man who looks halfway decent and able to groom himself
>I'll suck your dick and make you a sandwich in exchange for living in your house
Bam. You now have a man.
It's time to MAN UP. These women are done and have had their fun, now it's time to settle down with a beta provider to take care of them.
>43 and single
>real woman
Because woman are fucking nuts these days. That and no women will touch me anyway
Wow, this is a rare case where the text is better than the picture.
>I’m Kat (Katherine) and I’m a 43-year old, unmarried and childless career girl
>43-year old career girl
>career girl
kek, she loves life after hitting the wall now!
Remember all the nice guys you turned down because you chased the "bad boyz" I love these
Can you blame women for wanting to be independent and not rely on a man for money? Why give up power like that when you don't need to?
>Party for 5-10 years
>Look like Arby's roast beef
>Nigger Johnson and Paco were your favorites
She spent her prime riding a cock carousel and now she wants stability.
They aren't gaining power by being whores.
This is hilarious
> I’m Kat (Katherine) and I’m a 43-year old, unmarried and childless career girl who has been getting increasingly jaded by what my present dating prospects have brought me.
> I work as a Senior Project Manager for a Fortune 100 company and I’ve been “married” to my career, in a matter of speaking. I’ve been looking for a long term relationship now for about the past 5 years and it’s looking less and less promising.
> I honestly don’t understand why I can’t find anyone worthwhile to date. It’s getting a bit maddening and I find myself wanting to chew broken glass when I consider even dating one more male reject in this city. What can I do at this point? How can I find that one special good guy that is worth my time?
I was expecting to cringe but the response is actually spot-on
>Can you blame women for wanting to be independent and not rely on a man for money?
Is she rich enough for me not to have to work another day of my life?
Woman date higher in hierarchy, so good luck finding a rich and handsome man who'll settle down for a 43 y/o instead of fucking fresh college pussies, that is if he hasn't already got a family with a respectable and devoted housewife
This one always pisses me off. As if divorced dads who have their kids torn away from them (most likely because of their wife initiating the divorce) aren't devastated too. Male privilege my ass
True, it must be fake. A true intersectional blue-haired feminist would never have given that reply.
too good
I fucked 3 women over 40. They were all dead eyed, alcoholic and lied constantly about how many men they'd fucked/who they were seeing.
Past 30 a woman is past her productive age.
Because my sexual capital increases as I go into my 40s while hers plummets. Plus younger girls find me more attractive than when I was 20, and I like to fuck tight barely spoilt girls instead of beaten up old hags who have had their fill.
The highlighted parts are something every beta male should clue into.
Marry down and you'll find a good man.
Top fucking kek. She has less than zero value on the dating market.
Yes. Independence is overrated. Humans need social ties. It's in our biology.
Some of you might end up single in your 40s
maybe she can convert to islam and become like 5th wife?
Yeah, but guess what?
Men actually go up in dating value as they get closer to 50. Just get a new model, m8.
>why don't you just man up and marry a really old woman
This is 100% women's fault for choosing to be inferior versions of men instead of women.
Find a good rural girl who had a good relationship with her family. She'll want kids and a household. Mine won't stop bringing it up, as soon as my career is set in stone it's happening.
But not beyond caring for a child.
You can get a surrogate etc
Stop being small minded or you will cut off your avenues of attack.
She, the mother figure, is what is important.
Given her experiences she might have some sage advice for your children that she is actually emotionally invested in.
Emotional investment is VERY important.
It holds things together when SHTF.
Nothing wrong with being single for lyfe. Marriage is a disease of cuckoldry that only leads to divorce, alimony, child support and other miserable bullshit. The world is overpopulated anyways.
>How can I find that one special good guy that is worth my time?
Be 20-25 years younger
Her social capital is totally spent
I don't know if an actual woman wrote that.
>believes in overpopulation
Not for white people.
That possibility ended at 30.
Real men have monster pets.
If she chose the 30+ and childless route it's not that hard to see she has poor decision making skills.
Does sperm rise in risk of having retard babies as the man ages?
I know women run into that risk due to their aged reproductive system, but do men? I'm honestly asking.
If I remember right the risk of things like autism increase slowly with the man's age but things like gross birth defects and Down's syndrome increase rapidly with the woman's age after ~35. Men can still sire perfectly healthy kids into their 60s.
Yes, man as well, which is why you test for genes then abort and try again if you get unlucky.
The nice side effect is old marriage increases maximum lifespan of offspring.
Generally no as far as I know. Sperm is just a delivery for genetic data while the egg and womb are the machines for building the baby. As men age, the quality of the delivery deceases (It's harder to inseminate) but the quality of the genetic material does not.
>or they are weird and creepy in some major way (no savings, porn addict, divorced with baggage, too old)
This has to be a troll. She's actually GETTING dates at 43, but they aren't measuring up and one of her standards is that they're too poor.
And gee, the unmarried, essentially ignored by women for 20 years, males around age 43 are into porn. Imagine that.
Single 40 year old male here. Who cares.
>The nice side effect is old marriage increases maximum lifespan of offspring.
doesn't that take generations upon generations to have any appreciable effect?
And would breeding for longevity lengthen every part of ageing, of just let you plateau at "old coot" for longer?
>quality of the genetic material does not.
False, without natural selection, the range of genetic diversity increase due to replication error.
Older sperm is more likely to produce defective children due to increase diversity. But it is also more likely to produce Übermensch.
It generally delays sexual maturity, so it lengthens every part. Remember, there is no more natural selection after you breed and there is no genes for aging.
I hate this bitch.
Stem cells and germ cells work differently. Not entirely disagreeing with you, but replication errors are less of a factor than things like lifetime exposure to mutagens and whatnot.
And she has learned from that and you can agree to raise a child that does not do that.
She has experience.
Not decision making ability.
Few people do, a lot of decisions are made via peer pressure.
You are being small minded reducing options. We do not know enough about her to make a decision.
Don't think that i am advocating 30+ childless life style.
I am saying you have someone there who agrees with you and may well be more inclined to do something.
I know a 60+ man + 20/30(?) women pair, 1 kid healthy, 1 has some super rare muscle atrophy disease.
Normal couple do not score 50/50.
>Be me on OKC
>Get 0 replies because 5/10 girls think they are Chad material because chase would text them for nudes and to fuck so they think chads think they are beautiful
Online dating sucks because even the ugly girls get messaged from chads looking for an easy fuck and this makes the ugly girls think they are Chad material. Fucking chads ruin everything
>marry a real hag
Na. A real woman don't need no man.
Sure Pablo
And yet I see her as too old. I found a girl a year my junior at a church and have soon to be 4 kids. 4 kids at 30. What does that woman have to show for life decisions? Nothing.
Also go back to plebbit with that spacing, Jesus.
Tbh, lots of people would fall for this. Literally, just clean my fucking house and make me some bread with shit in between every once in a while and you got socialism basically... Except she can't have non-related children
>My pussy is dried up. Does anyone wanna fug?
No, thanks grandma.
check out /childfree/ sub on reddit. tons of 18-25 year old girls who will defend to death their right to remain childless, not truly comprehending how life changes in late 20s/30s and how it will alter their thoughts. they are making a fundamental mistake in assuming permanent identity, not realizing one's dispositions are conditioned by numerous external factors beyond one's control.
that said, i used to have a neighbor in her mid 60s who lived a childfree life and never married. she was always attractive and really only lost it in that mid-60s period and even then still had the persona of a seductive woman. she just liked living alone, and i'd been in her house and reckon she lived a pretty cozy and cool life all things considered.
some people really do like independance, a quiet home, cleanliness, only concerning themselves with themselves.
Who hurt you user?
Be a chad and stop complaining fagot. Lift und improve yourself, I used to be a beta but I just said fuck it and became more aggresive and assertive and Im reaping the benefits
gif unrelated
this unironically makes me happy
she should have been killed though
I'm 53 and alone. Why can't I find a good woman.
Why does no one care about my plight?
I only go to plebbit for r/cars and r/dota2. I can't stand the site entirely.
every time it's 100% their fault.
This. I was a skinnyfat before I became /fit/. I met my wife in the process of bulking where I was super aggressive.
But I'm lazy
The highlighted parts are also her lying according to Western divorce stats.
>I'm ready whenever you are
Which is... NEVER!
Men lower their standards and wind up with trash. Women don't lower their standards. She uses the qualifier "good" because anyone can walk up and be like, "I'm alone too. let's just be together". But the woman needs her prince.
Haha ffs.
This is obviously going to become an "internet argument". Your more reddit than Sup Forums m8.
I'm counting on it.
I'd rather live alone than having to deal with someone every day
That video made me laugh so much.
>be a coalburner
>have a half nigger kid
>surprised when the nigger chimps out on you
women over 12 are not attractive
The irony is many divorced dads would sell their left arm to have 50% custody. They usually only get every other weekend.
>I want a white ethnostate
>I want women to stop being degenerate whores
>I want men to stop being degenerate faggots
I don't plan on living into my 40s. Checkmate, fucker.
Just cause you stopped riding the cock carousel doesn't mean...
Yes I can, because the reason men work hard to be independent and able to make good money is because that gives us the ability to maintain a family, with a house and children.
A career and a job are not the objective they are the means to reach the objective, women can get to that same objective by being good people, having good judgment and marrying a hard working man.
If a woman wants to get a career and work fine by me but don't expect me to marry you at 43, at 43 I want to be having my second or third child.
sounds amazing actually
>pic related
I'm 25 and alone - Can I find a good woman?
>The brown hordes of the earth are outbreeding us! Something must be done!
>But I'm not going to start a family, lol
You faggots are part of the problem too. Obviously you shouldn't be going for women who are used-up cumrags, but there is ample opportunity to find young, productive women who will be faithful. Also, get a pre-nup, no matter what.
I'm 21 and have never fucked a girl.