I jacked off to this video and came
I jacked off to this video and came
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May Allah rest your soul, son of Nebuchadnezzar
5 years ago I would feel bad, but they're really just idiots fighting for Israel so it's as good as killing a Jew to me now.
Nice sniping.
I jacked off to this video and came
I had a run pretty much like that playing the Hamburger Hill map on Rising Storm 2 using a SVD. So satisfying.
we shouldnt be in iraq fighting for the greater israel project
Is that really all you can come up with?
>die for Israel
>get mocked on the internet forever after
Such is life in ZOG America.
>25 american soldiers
kek... Simo Häyhä
Juba killed hundreds of amerifats in Iraq
Most likely a bunch of Ba'thist-trained snipers.
why are you so buthurt? Did pol make you cry roach?
500-700 soldiers in 5 months. praise white master racer
>we wuz snipers. killed 25. allahu akbar
Why are mudslimes so bad?
Youssef don't you have something else to do instead of shitposting every day on Sup Forums?
Juba is a myth, like vassili zaitsev.
>see gore or animal cruelty and feel nothing
>see soldiers getting killed and feel upset
What gives?
Why can't Turks into war though?
I just smashed a roach 2 minutes ago, was it your mother or sister?
Juba was not a single operative. That was a blanket term for just about any dipshit goat fucker with a scoped rifle.
Juba wasn't one person
Can't blame the Iraqis. We would do the same I'd we had foreign soldiers in our country. American soldiers are just Jewish pawns and people are starting to realize that.
>hundreds of americans
only 37... learn to count... inshallah
Ahaha so triggered. Häyhä is laughing in his grave with his half-face at that puny 25 kills. Btw he was farmer, not a soldier.
>mfw people still try to argue against the 2nd amendment
>Juba killed hundreds of amerifats in Iraq
Not even close to the insurgents' purported number.
You do realize this is a compilation video of multiple shooters right? This sniper myth is some shit you goat fuckers made up.
Muslims killing jews. I like this.
They can't even crush an insurgency in their own country.
Well he was black so nothing of value was lost.
Inferior, low testosterone, beta etc
ahahahhaha we use your country to launch attacks throughout mudshit world
Soldiers are there so you don't have to be, when they die it's to keep their country and its citizens from having to die in their place. You feel bad because they literally died so you could live.
That is what gives, user.
>when the leaf hit you just right
>dying as Israel's stooge
>died that I could live
Nope. These are the ultimate good goys.
>tfw tried to shoot with a scoped rifle once
>tfw coundl't even keep the thing stable enough to give the shot
Jesus Christ...
4-5k US deaths
170-180k Iraqi deaths
Skip to 0:35 and watch your sandnigger brothers BOW to the SUPERIOR ANGLO
Wieso stelle ich mir Türken in Särgen so ölig vor wie Ölsardinen?
>subhuman cracker accusing anyone of low test
remember how we kicked you out of anatolia?
Yes we did lol
And how many insurgencies did you crush? 0. In fact, you lost against insurgents such as rice farmers, taliban and commie gooks.
I got a boner.
why don't they just wear helmets
Not sure if bait or a woman.
You are nothing, and you will be nothing. Religious scum!
pretty much this, burgers are based but you're basically kike puppets fighting for israel
only 70%
>Some people got shot in a war
I'm shocked
Better to be an American and get shot in the head than having to live your whole life as a kebab spinning Turk
Shut up Hans, he's soon going to be your son in law.
probably every hero is a propaganda myth/fairy tail
>Religious scum!
Fucking christ, cuck. Say it for what it is - a fucking Muslim.
They're literally the only problematic religious group, along the kikes of course.
The troops fighting in Iraq have nothing to do with my security. In fact, their presence there probably makes us all LESS safe
>4-5k US deaths
>170-180k Iraqi deaths
>implying this is somehow a win for america
jejs what a fucking retard
Enjoy those heavy weapons we're sending to the Kurds turkroach.
Oh and please start some shit with us in Syria. I'd love to disabuse you of your notion that you're not a third world pissant arab army that will surrender en masse in less than 24 hours of sustained attack from the U.S.
Turkbro you are a bait god with all the Islam will rule the west threads. Keep Btfoing poltards kek
it was 1 Million 500.000 dead iraqis and Pakistanis not 180.000
To be fair though, their nearly 1 million strong army lost a third of the country to a few thousand ISIS fighters in just a few months. And that was after their army was upgraded to modern standards.
I don't think our k/d ratio is even something to be proud off against noobs like them.
>H-Hey, we killed more children and women than them!
lmfao turks are the most beta faggots ive seen
This triggered me.
Nothing worse than cunts abusing power. Especially worthless mercenary faggots
Also how goes the Houthi situation my greatest ally?
Don't feel bad, user. The reason they're out there is because they are honored to put themselves at risk so that their country may prosper.
Every time their anthem plays, every time somebody raises their flag and salutes it proudly every fallen soldier lives on. Their bodies may fall, their names may fade. But their memory lives on until the flag they swore to protect lowers for the last time.
Respect your soldiers, user.
Not in my bavarian hometown. 30% of our villagers are in a shooting club and got a firearm license, including me.
No refugees here, no turks or other foreigners.
We can legally own all these weapons here:
Oh cool, I was curious what Jews did for sexual gratification. Thanks for clearing that up.
Go to bed Mohammad
Look as if he's tiurkish, the moslem ottoman subhuman, working for kikes
what a crap shit video.
they shot up one car, but other than that it was what, exactly? american bubbas sounding retarded?
You should talk to your federal police that you send to the Solomon islands then
Everytime I watch these videos, I sympathise more and more with the terrorists bombing the US and UK.
>fighting in the middle of a country with millions of hostile enemies and nailing 170k kills is bad
Day of the rake can't come soon enough.
Everyone is fair game in war cunt, stop crying. For every transgression you sandniggers make against us there's a group of badass PMC's killing you roaches in your country.
Look at this shit this fucking roach posted!
>actually believes the "Turk" in the picture represents his shitskin disgusting countrymen
We'll just do it again if they blow something else up.
Sandniggers don't understand anything but massive retaliation.
Can't wait until Erdogan bans Sup Forums in turkey, guess we should start making Pro-Gulen+Anti-Erdogan general threads and spread them all over roach social media.
You're the one who started it.
The bombing ARE the retaliation.
Don't worry. Americans are only good for killing children and women in the war.
In Vietnam, Viet Cong kicked their asses and Americans napalmed innocent Viets.
Same thing happened in Iraq, Afghanistan and North Korea.
Imagine you spend trillions of dollars for a war and all you get is bodybags
>You're the one who started it
Islam started it.
Sniping is excellent asymmetric warfare tactics.
Calm down, Pakistan, this isn't your victory.
thanks man, I'm in my countries army reserve it's the least I can do for them.
It has always been that way I'm afraid. pointless to try to change human nature.
Do you think they would listen user?
>army reserve
The huuurrrr-chasing-sheep-up-and-down-the-Curragh division?
The muzzies are absolutely right to defend themselves. Muzzie refugees are disgusting cowards and rapists and they should be sent back to their countries, but as disgusted as I feel about Islam, terrorists have balls as well as proper casus belli.
Even the refugees aren't that bad. The father of every single white girl that got raped paid taxes that ended up bombing muzzies one way or the other.
You sandniggers will never learn will you? This just shows the futility of fighting this type of war to defeat your savage religion. Pic related.
Who, your police or the islanders?
If you actually believe Juba was one guy and not a team then your people really are retarded.
>commit genocide, rape and slavery for thousands of years
>starts to cry like a bitch and acts like a faggot when getting the same treatment
Roach brains cannot comprehend the hypocrisy
May we purge the world of these hateful sand ppl
If you ever find your self in a position of power, you will be able to make a choice. Your will should be subservient to the moral order when you do.
You realize Turkey is allied to both burgerland and the UK, right?
Mate Iraqis don't like roaches. Your country does for Islam what America does for Christianity.
You told me to talk to my police
It would be better for all us.