Sup Forums-tier redpill anime?
Sup Forums-tier redpill anime?
Boku no Pico
Steins gate
>redpill anime
That's like asking for dry water. Anime by its very nature is an avoidance of realistic depiction.
this. Sup Forums is a redditor board, weebs fuck off with their 4-Chan cartoons.
setting has nothing to do with the message delivered by the plot
>he doesnt know monster
GITS is pretty redpilled
Hellsing can be one but it tries so hard to be edgy
hellsing was just apathetic masturbation
Berserk and Monster
Kino no Tabi drops a ton of redpills and is written by a self-proclained right-wing gun enthusiast.
And kino a fucking cute.
Urasei Yatsura
Saga of Tanya the Evil.
How the fuck is anyone other than a weeb supposed to know what that is?
Also Cowboy Bebop is basically a libertarian dream.
you can face real topics in a fantasy setting., hell, look at zootopia, it teaches that segregation works and that fear is an effective weapon to get people to kill your enemies.
Oh wait, legend of galactic heroes, got it.
Isn't that the Japanese version of Ricky and Morty?
Many deal with large governments and confederations, and opposition groups.
Different than western shit where the Empire literally does evil things "For Evil!"
Thats a crass and totally wrong way to put it
Kuzu no Honkai
What gave you that impression?
Ghost in the Shell, especially the second season - it deals with refugees, a theme which is going to resonate with a lot of you.
for economics and merchant trickery
Sort yourself out, anime watching losers. You're completely useless and burden for society. Putting bulled in your head is preferable over paying you welfare
right on my fellow redditor
when will these 4-Chan anime losers realize they're the scum of the world
I think I saw some redpills in this anime.
>complains about anime
>is in an anime image board site
Patlabor doesn't really drop political redpills but the premise of it's redpilled. It's about upholding the law and dealing with left-wing environmentalist terrorists and shit.
Kiseijuu: Sei no Kakuritsu
Sort yourselves out.
Most darker Gundam shows are pretty red pilled
Equality in Konosuba
gurren fuckin lagann
Macross: do you remember love?
Epic fight of the last white humans against the space jew.
I can't believe no one has posted Angel Cop yet.
>GITS is pretty redpilled
Main character is a transexual transhuman special snowflake discussing philosophy with a beta orbiter.
Literally the most jewish shit I've EVER sat through. Sorry, faggot. You're fucking GAY.
Gundam is /our/ anime
>nearly everyone is white
>space Colonization
>space Nazis
>colony drops
Can't get better than that
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is absolutely redpilled. Mature war drama and political drama in one show, plus you get good commentary on drawbacks of different political systems and moral dillemas connected to being in power. No western tv show even comes close, LotGH makes Games of Thrones or House of Cards look like edgy teenager power fantasy.
Not to mention that the protagonist of the first Gundam's a leaf.
None because cartoons are for kids.
Even sci fi and fantasy fiction are for kids in general.
OK, what is this from?
Entertainment in general is for kids
Let's just forget about that....
And as so you need to grab your balls and embrace the life of ebashivalo on zavod tovarisch
Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
Looks like a half-chink half-sandnigger hybrid. I'm surprised Japs were able to predict Canada's future so accurately already back then.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Democracy fags btfo!
>Looks like a half-chink half-sandnigger hybrid.
So you're saying future Canada will be Finnish?
>being this new on a sub-saharan basket weaving forum
Ummm... No
Read the Manga and watch the series
What would you do if we had that kind of technology
His death was too good for him, he deserved the noose!
Who ? Google doesn't give anything
>something is animated so it's not realistic
>something is idealized so it is not realistic
You realize using the root of your logic I can claim all art is degenerate?
>be American
>can't understand sarcasm
space dandy is an excellent commentary on the dangers of worldly wants and the importance of self-reflection
>Main character is a transexual
Why does this meme still exist? Batou asked her why she doesn't use a male cybernetic body because the body would be better for her line of work, IE being a police officer. She uses a female cybernetic because she wants her identity to be that of a woman.
You should not mix reality with your dreams, Mahmud Chong.
Griffith did nothing wrong.
Is Eromanga-sensei the most redpilled anime this season?
I always confuse "confuse" with "mix".
Pls dont post dragon half waifu
Hahaha holy fuck, what's that from?
Trying to tell a mature story with animated drawingd is just weird and not on point
I felt cringe trying to watch kaiba
Open a damn book
OP these. Also, Monster
Anime is shit culture and i can see y the hate but those 3 i mentioned are woah
>tell mature story through anime
It's what japs/orientals do, it's a cultural difference. I'm not that big into it either, I'll watch a few here and there. It's just st their culture, I think it's interesting to see how THEY see things in the world and portray it
I'll post my waifu as I see fit
Fuck you, Reuenthal was literally a victim of space jews. Also he got to kill that democratic merchant to redeem himself.
I started Monster back in the day, never finished. What was the moral of the story again?
>Also he got to kill that democratic merchant to redeem himself.
I will concede you that he didn't allow that snake to destroy Reinhard empire.
I don't think it's a cultural thing, anime is a business like films or videogames while books are -in my eyes- actual cultural items
Depends which books tho
Kek, what happened next?
Can democracy really be explained as the policy of making friends?
I miss you old man ;_;7