* blocks your path *
* blocks your path *
Other urls found in this thread:
Right this way to your cells inmates.
*does some math*
This isn't the firing range I expected. Oh well, it'll do.
*does addition*
we wuz calculators an shiiietttt
How long do you think it took to teach them bipedal locomotion?
"Ah, you must be the cleaners we hired. Right this way!"
*does prewritten formula*
Give them some bananas to eat. Pet them and then sell them.
All I see is mulattoes, why is Hollywood so racist?
>makes movie about hidden figures in nasa
>its about niggers instead of nazis
Yeah, you don't really hear too much anymore about the actual scientists, the germans they captured from after the war who actually designed and engineered most of the rockets. The Right Stuff is a pretty good movie about the actual space race
>i get triggered when there are black people in movies
you guys are just as bad as SJWs now, Sup Forums has become a crybaby board
probably because we nazis stole the space ship plans from da kangz
Out of the way negroes. White man coming through.
How did I get into the gorilla exhibit? Is nobody going to help me?
>excuse me i need to get past
I was pointing out the fact that there were no actual black people in that crowd
dumbest shill of the thread everyone
If only they would have used their yuge intellects to raise their children not to murder each other.
If a white American doesn't know about Operation Paperclip or German scientists at NASA, but they saw this movie - it's their own fault. They have no interest in education.
Try a Diet Pepsi next time, sweeties.
Can someone explain to me exactly what role they had in getting us into space? I know the crucial leaders were all White., so what's with this shit?
I wonder how long it took them to master the machine that is the calculator.
afaik there was a quadroon (at most) who helped with checking some of the math calculations at NASA
I THINK they were just human calculators
They were glorified calculators, doing the basic math while the white people did all the difficult stuff.
>goes on 60's Sup Forums
>fucking niggers at work always walking in packs on hallways i can barely get past them and even after the stench is horrendous, NASA used to be pure!
That's a lot of hidden niggers
The last time a non-white contributed to the space program:
Coinciding with the glorification of secretarial work, it has now become acceptable to credit secretaries at least partially with the accomplishments of their superiors. This is especially applicable if you can retroactively insert black women into historical narratives.
Processing power used to be measured in kilosecretaries. Fun fact.
The actual woman they are supposed to portray is a white, blue eyed woman that is like an 8th black. She was an administrative assistant.
The nazi scientists gained from operation Paper Clip after WWII (who created the transcontinental V2 rocket) was the only reason America started making rockets powerful enough to compete with Russia in the space race
You are the niggest
meanwhile back in reality, this is what Katherine Johnson actually looked like
They're playing mulattos and quadroons so what's the problem?
takes out shotgun
*throw fried chicken and watermelon*
A diverse crown of productive workforce
I don't know whats wrong with it you nazi pieces of shit
no, you krauts stole rocket technology from us americans (see robert goddard)
get rekt
im dying desu senpai
she's the tannest old white lady i've ever seen.
The Russian tech was also produced by Nazi scientists.
Hitler had a huge boner for r&d for cutting-edge tech. A genius and visionary in his own right in many ways.
There is seriously no way that NASA employed that many niggers at that period in history.
>*clears the path*
>real life Katherine looks like a hexaroon
>blackwashed to hell and black
Let me guess, it's rayciss to state that?
>pulls out gun
>fires off ONE warning shot
White men are going to the stars. Not you, girls.
You're going to get the equality you think you want. In a mass grave on a dead, abandoned earth, decomposing beside everyone else no longer useful to a truly advanced civilization.
>looks like the cast of a womens prison drama but in office garb
>all those recessed foreheads and protruding mouths
>all those facial expressions of contempt for white man
It all looks so abhorrent and forced.
Fuck off... theres clearly some quadroons in there too you insensitive shit.
Maybe, although yeah I don't think so. At that time 99% of the employees were probably white
Is that from the new season of Orange Is the New Black?
*teleports behind them*
Context? Looks something similar to the Australian Emu wars
It's more than maybes and probablys, it's assured. NASA was built using Nazi engineers and scientists poached during Operation Paperclip, and staffed by the top minds of our own nation at the time. At best, the service and janitorial staff was partially black.
well i learned "quadroon" and "hexroon" from this thread.
you learn something new everyday.
You just wait right here now.
While I get my Truck Boat Truck!
Hallway traffic usually follows the same rules as regular traffic so....
i'd ask them to move to the left?...
All of them wearing badges. You know, people didn't go to work wearing badges before the 90's. It just wasn't a thing. Check out pic related of Katherine Johnson herself at work. The badge thing is an anachronism that pushes visible symbolism of group identity, belonging to a company or division because one has a certain token. It's essentially totalitarian thought, that one should identify with the employer/state enough to wear something of a uniform and make one's allegiance visible. Much like the racism of the blackwashing of Katherine Johnson and the multiplication of her figure into a crowd of women walking out of the "Colored Ladies Room" (see sign in OP's picture), the totalitarian nature of the ideology behind "progressive" revisionism rejoices in visual tokens of identity, of classifying people based upon the visible. In that sense, movies like this are so far left-wing that they coincide with Sup Forums's own racism. So far left that it went around in a circle and met the right.
i get triggered bc they dont give credit to the nazi scientists that made nasa possible
Mmm, I love me some pancakes.
one drop rule faggot.
South african miners-protesters tried to zerg rush people with guns
My that's a lot of dirt to shovel.
Oh look, time to unload my M9 on the welfare line.
i allways come prepared
Nigkit activated
This. India user knows.
look at her pupils...
you think they gave nasa number crunchers the same meth as pilots?
* unsheathes AR-15 *
* cocks smith and Wesson 50
Caliber revolver * shoots keeps shooting till stopped laughs how the negros dense bones cannot stop this level of ownage
>Sri Lanka
well that's a new one for me
*unzips dick*