Hello Sup Forums - I've got a question for you

I'm a tourist on this board (usually I post on Sup Forums), and I'm fairly used to the odium towards Islam.

However I've been told that on Sup Forums there is also odium towards Judaism. I just wonder why is that? What is it about Jews that elicit odium? Aren't they just the skinny people with noses who got killed by Hitler? I understand Jews tend to play the genocide card a lot, but I can't imagine this could be the main reason for people to dislike Jews. So what is it?

Other urls found in this thread:


No answers?

Manipulative, tribalist, self-interested, non-empathetic assholes. What's more to say?

just look at them. would you want to hang out with the men in that pic?

Aren't everyone self-interested? And non-empathetic assholes? Doesn't this depend on the person? Same goes for manipulative, it's an individual trait which I doubt is a general trait for a whole population.

What do you mean by tribalist?

If they wore normal clothes, and otherwise appeared to be normal folks, then yeah sure. Their religion isn't offensive to me.

it should because they consider you as an animal.

How so?

you should stick around for a while so you're
exposed to everything and can figure out what's
true what's not by yourself.

what you agree with what you don't.

thats their doctrine. goyim (any non-jew) are seen as animals that can be used, lied at, killed, deceived for their own goals.

Influential jews are the reason Europe is getting flooded with muslims in the first place.


Unlike you ignorant shitlib homo, your ancestors were wise enough to constitutionally ban the jewish vermin.

Well, you seem genuine. The jews are an ethnicity, and the most peculiar ethnicity in the world. Their way of fighting resembles women.
"Survival in nature is largely a matter of eating and simultaneously trying not to be eaten or attacked by rivals. The struggle is further compounded by the imperative to dazzle the opposite sex and care for young. Many animals work an “honest” living through their size, strength, and hunting prowess. However, a selection of animals have chosen deception, treachery, and downright fraud to either resemble dangerous animals for protection (defensive mimicry), or pass as a literal wolf in sheep’s clothing to get within striking distance of prey (aggressive mimicry). Either way, they’re masters of deception."

Jews have chosen to be decietfull, just like women. This makes them much harder to spot as an enemy. But make no mistake, the jews are waging a war on the white man right now. NOT ALL JEWS, I know that, but the majority.

The run USA, banks, FED, hollywood, all the shit SJW media.

Jews are self-interested as a collective. They will promote jewish interests to the detriment of the host country. Like other posters have said, jews are primarily the people who have supported mass immigration into european countries. This is because they have no incentive to protect the group interests of the host, and to the contrary having more minorities than just the jews benefits them because it camouflages them as they will no longer be the only minority.

watch this OP


Sup Forums is the special children board. They can't comprehend things like statistics and just love applying double-standards that benefit them. This culminates in their conclusion that da jooz are out to get them.

Ok so I'm not sure when my computer decided I was no longer a tripfag, but I am. My name is Anders Munch. And I think the jews are a parasitic people that needs to be removed from european soil. This is illegal to say in Denmark, but they dare not charge me, because then they would have to deal with the truth.


she supported the mass immigration into europe because she thought anti-Semitism in europe was caused by homogeneous societies

jews only care about jewish interests, and will not shy away from killing a host to benefit the jews

Jews are terrorists and the state at the same time

Out of those two boys, which one do you think is more intelligent?

Are you this annoying in real life, faggot?

>Sup Forums is the special children board
Yes goyim, anyone who has pattern recognition must be a child/dumb/suffer a mental illness. Fucking idiot.

Im gona say NOT ALL jews but jews have been at the center of the world slave trade for thousands of year. 40,000 some women are taken from ucraine alone and sold across the middle east every year. During the slave era most of the ships were jewish. If you look at slavery throughout history you will almost always find jews profiting and partaking. Yet at the same time making it look like white people are the ones doing it. If you give it a hard look you will find europeans have done less slavery than any other race and have been the most enslaved by other races. Some how a false narative has been created to demonize the victems. The reason, white ended slavery and the jews, muslems, and africans want it back. I used to wonder why africans would choose islam that enslaved hundreds of thousands of the for their own religion but I realize its because islam offers white women for sexual slavery, and so does judiasm. Take a better look a south africans. Jews did that.

Actually Jews are a mix of the few ethnicities. They don't have one of their own.

No, the West isn't like that at all, we are taking on immigrants for third world nations whilst Zionists push an agenda for multiculturalism yet they protect Israel as an Ethno-state.

Lurk moar goyim

also there does not need to be a conspiracy.

Jews are naturally inclined to support the collective jewish interests. all you have to do to make a jew support something is convince them it is good for jews in general, and they will push for it without understanding if it is part of a greater plan, meaning one jew can mobilize a bunch of jews to do his bidding relatively easily.

Again, how do you account for the huge per capita chasm in Jewish vs White Gentile achievement? Nepotism plays such a small role here, clearly something like chess has nothing at all to do with ethnic networking. The male-female divide in chess is absolutely huge, only one female player has ever been able to compete with men(Judit Polgar, that's right a Jew), yet it doesn't correlate with your male-female Aryan-Jew hypothesis, as Jews absolutely crush the opposition (roughly 50% of the strongest chess players have been Jewish, just think about that).

Any explanation as to how Jews are inferior based on that Anders?

The jews would most likely have the higher iq. The white boy is more intelligent. A parasite thrieving in the hosts body is still a parasite. And by the way, gather all the high iq women in the world and cram them in a stadium, then see how smart they are.

>usually I post in Sup Forums
Fucking globalist

>why do you hate us goy
Oy vey, how dare you question the chosen people of God?!

That's not a Jewish trait, that's just a trait for someone who has an ethnic identity. You think an Indian wouldn't do the same, or even yourself in the case of White causes?

Part of this disdain is due to the Kalergi Plan:

"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. [...]

Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation."

Kalergi's ideas founded the EU.

How is the White boy more intelligent? Where does this show? Truly, I am curious...


Watch this and tell me how you feel:


Jews are ethnocentrism on steroids though.

I only push for the white collective interest becaue I have been convinced that whites are under attack and the continued existence of white people will be beneficial to me as I don't want to end up like the south african whites

this does not come naturally to me, but jews don't need to be told to do this, they will push for jewish interests with no regards to how much this might hurt non-jews

I would never push for white interests to the point that it destroys another people and brings them suffering

>Any explanation as to how Jews are inferior based on that Anders?
I'm thinking about it kike. And here is my answer. Jews have the highest mensa iq in the world. They made som great scientific and philosophical contributions to the world. This does not change the fact that the majority of them are communists and waging a war against the white man right now. And chess is a game, war is real. This is why you can have all the achivements in the world. Your inherent slave morality will always end up with the jews getting their face kicked in by a master morality man.

I disagree, I'm Jewish and while I am aware that a decent proportion of Jews are extremely ethnocentric it doesn't really compare in comparison to, say, British Indians.

Sup Forums seems to think all Jews can be represented by the Talmud, barely any are this way.

I'll try not to treat it as such, but how do you know it's not just a dumb conspiracy theory? I've never heard of this before. It's exactly the kind of theory people outside this board will tell me is complete bullshit cooked up by an online-community supporting its own ideas.

This is because their religious ideology establishes them as God's chosen people.

They genuinely don't see others as fully human.

Any ideology or religion that has a name for outsiders is toxic and self centered. The Jews call us goyim, Muslims call us kuffar, gypsies call us gorgers.

So you admit Jewish intellectual superiority, that's all too apt, because Nietzsche, who you are evidently referring to (if not directly then indirectly through 'Mein Kampf') was a massive philo-Semite:

"That Germany has amply SUFFICIENT Jews, that the German stomach, the German blood, has difficulty (and will long have difficulty) in disposing only of this quantity of "Jew"--as the Italian, the Frenchman, and the Englishman have done by means of a stronger digestion:--that is the unmistakable declaration and language of a general instinct, to which one must listen and according to which one must act. "Let no more Jews come in! And shut the doors, especially towards the East (also towards Austria)!"--thus commands the instinct of a people whose nature is still feeble and uncertain, so that it could be easily wiped out, easily extinguished, by a stronger race. The Jews, however, are beyond all doubt the strongest, toughest, and purest race at present living in Europe"

"It is certain that the Jews, if they desired--or if they were driven to it, as the anti-Semites seem to wish--COULD now have the ascendancy, nay, literally the supremacy, over Europe, that they are NOT working and planning for that end is equally certain. Meanwhile, they rather wish and desire, even somewhat importunely, to be insorbed and absorbed by Europe, they long to be finally settled, authorized, and respected somewhere, and wish to put an end to the nomadic life, to the "wandering Jew""

This echoes the viewpoint of Churchill too, pic related.

The only aspect in which Whites are superior is indeed in the master mentality but also in beauty. But, does being the top of the racial ladder in conventional master mentality really make you the master-race, if another is ruling over you?

May I just say that I do sympathise with you in terms of White genocide, I, as a Jew, admit it is real - how many Jews will admit that?

As I've said before on this board, you guys definitely asked for it by treating us like shit, but I don't think you should have to lose your homeland - as if happening presently - because of the ethnic tensions between our ancestors.

Damn, seems like you're gone, would have been interesting to have a full conversation.

If you're a fucking tourist on this board, then you don't have to ask that stupid question. You've seen two dozens of these threads every day already.

This is bait. Even children are aware of the controversy surrounding Jews. Or maybe I got redpilled early, being a little white boy living amongst kikes in a big city.


This, and why aren't people telling this fag to lurk more like in the old days? We're not here to spoonfeed you you Norwegian cunt.

>The JQ:

At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) claimed that 2 million Jews were killed in gas chambers. Thanks to revisionists, today it's believed less than 60,000 died (primarily of disease). The Red Cross estimated only 8,000 had died there. That is a drop of almost 2 million. Most normies don't know that, and continue quoting the 6 gorillion.

At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) claimed 4 million people died in gas chambers. Today, the TOTAL death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes, eg disease). That is a drop of almost 3 million, though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports.

Normies blindly believe the 6 gorillion because they don't bother examining such a grisly topic from a critical pov. They take it on faith that (((Hollywood))) and what they learnt in school is 100% factual.

Watch these, if you STILL believe the Holohoax myth, you may be a Jew!
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:

>The Last Days of the Big Lie
Spielberg's Oscar-winning documentary about the Shoah uses discredited eyewitness Paul Parks, who lies about being in a unit that liberated Dachau.
Parks, a known fraud, was in an earlier documentary about black soldiers liberating concentration camps, criticized by the press after being disproven by historians and military records.
NO BLACKS were involved in liberating ANY camps. But Spielberg uses Paul Parks as 1 of his 5 key witnesses in The Last Days, because the ONE American soldier in it couldn't be a WHITE guy, no he wanted it to be a NIGGER for his anti-white agenda.
Other obvious lies are also exposed:

>This is bait. Even children are aware of the controversy surrounding Jews. Or maybe I got redpilled early, being a little white boy living amongst kikes in a big city.

Just out of curiosity how did you gain awareness?

I don't think the use of a black soldier is part of an anti-White agenda, that's a bit ridiculous, but I agree Spielberg certainly makes it a task to expose discrimination (which obviously did happen, but he focuses on it, which questions intent)

A first-time tourist. This is my first time posting here.
No, it's not bait. The things I've heard in this thread by now is not common knowledge in Norway at all. In fact I doubt this is something any Norwegian knows about, except those few who post on Sup Forums or otherwise read about these things online.
Lmfao, if you're this annoyeed by someone asking these questions, then leave the thread alone.

Anders Munch :(

Also, not that I'm going to do anything with it, but why did you give your name? I mean, if you didn't, at least give a fake name.

>So you admit Jewish intellectual superiority
To whom, me? No, I don't. My iq is a fair amount higher then the average jew.
Winston Churchill on jews...

"International Jews.
In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognizable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire. "

I never cared about jews untill I realised how subversive you really are. It's a shame, the international jew won, and now you need to be expelled. Not all of you, but a fair amount. Just the wheels of history.

Norwayfag again out of curiosity how did you find out about this place? I only ask because after being here for about a year I cant remember where I found about this

the difference is that Ashkenazim Jews are highly intelligent, so there ethnocentrism manifests itself it ways that are far more productive than british indians.

Okay the thing is that jews are being manipulated by jewish media just as much as whites are manipulated by jewish controlled media.

They have ideas like the holocaust drilled into them by an early age which preys on their ethnocentrism to make them think they are constantly under threat and the anti-semitism must be eliminated. This keeps most jews inline with the narrative because they use media to keep them fearful.

Also as you say you are a jew yourself, do you support israel, even though you yourself don't live there?

The fact is that whites don't care about other whites as a collective unless they spend a year on Sup Forums and finally admit maybe this white genocide thing might be an issue.

The fact is that extreme ethnocentrism was the evolutionary strategy that helped the jews survive as a diaspora, and this did not just go away when they stopped being a diaspora and got israel and started being accepted into society.

Now you might be a patriot brit, but imagine a rich jew who can live anywhere in the world. They don't have to give any care to the well being of the nation they live in because they could just go to the next one if the host goes to shit.

Soros wrecks countries in order to make a quick buck. This is where the international jewish meme comes from. Rich jews have no incentive to preserve any country. Ethnocentric low level jews push for ideas like multiculturalism to make countries less cohesive so jews blend in, and jews in general support israel. add in jews tendency to hire to promote other jews combine with high intelligence and you quickly find that jews can rise to high positions in societies.

Not all of these jews need to be ethnocentric, but if a extremely ethnocentric one ends up in a high position of a nation, you suddenly have a problem

he says he's an Sup Forums poster but as far as I know unless things have changed radically in the past couple of years Sup Forums hates Jews more than we do

In that very article you're referencing, he admits are a stronger race...

And that article is hardly an example of him trying to please the Jews either, so you can take his words at face value (also, he didn't want to (or maybe he didn't at all, I can't remember which) publish it, which makes it even more likely to be his genuine thoughts)

but she literally said it in a video

they are completely open about it

there is no conspiracy, it is just the way jews act


Jealousy in some ways

>Gets kicked out 109 times
>Its everyone else's fault


You described people in general.

Jews who go 100% Americano (if your in america) are cool. The problem come when groups start forming cabals. See, here we are on comunicating on a public message board, but thats not what cabals do. Not only jews do it. They are where the word come from though. And so what do cabals do? They keep secrets And The plot.


If you wish to see your people as superior, it must be in terms of possessing natural order - this can be seen in music, with tonality, and is also referenced too by Hitler in terms of the master race being so because of being the peak of master morality. The brain, however, is our organ - that's why Hitler had to claim that the Aryan was "spiritually superior": if it were intellectual, he'd just claim that and be done with it.

I hope you (White people) succeed in your task to have your own homeland, by the way, just learn, as Nieztsche and Churchill knew pre-emptively, that if you fuck with us, you lose (I'm not saying I'm happy about White genocide as it would seem from that comment - I'm not, and I sympathise with you)

People in general are not parasitic. Which the Jew is in spades.

No ofc not, Jews were kicked out for usury, but most of the time it was because the royals were in debt to us and kicking us out cleared debt - that's how Jews became masters of INTERNATIONAL trade (particular Sephardic Jews learnt this after they were kicked out of Spain).

Also, dont try and deny there was obviously extreme Jew-hate in the past, mostly religiously motivated...

>I can't imagine this could be the main reason for people to dislike Jews

You know if you ask a Jew why people hate them they'll only ever give you two reasons and both reasons revolve around jealousy. They'll say either jealousy of their wealth or jealousy of their intelligence. But for that to be true the "antisemites" would simply hate anyone rich and anyone intelligent. Which is strange considering the same "antisemites" voted for a billionaire to be POTUS, so we can pretty much cross off the "wealth jealousy" meme. Therefore it must be because of their intelligence. Yet the same "antisemites" aren't calling for Stephen Hawking to be removed from their country and the same "antisemites" will applaud any true intellectual (not Jewish (((intellectuals))) the same (((intellectuals))) who've literally invented nothing and/or gave anything to the world they've taken so very much from). Therefore we have to scratch the "intelligence" meme off too.
That must mean there has to be another reason for why people hate Jews the way they do and it must be related to how they act. Pic related.
If you want to see what Jews are actually guilty of just look at what they accuse other people of (especially if they get called out). It's impossible for them to ever keep their mouth shut so they deflect attention by projecting their own crimes on to other people (generally whites because they've been nicely subverted).

>"Oy vey it's the whites who enslaved those poor Africans!"
>Actually it was Jews with their Jewish ships
>"Oy vey the whites have stolen the wealth of everyone else!"
>While they actually bought up gold reserves for a fraction of their value and land and property when a country hits a recession (see: 1918 Germany and current year Greece)
>"Oy gevalt muh 6 million"

I would say try to imagine cancer personified, but science has already done that to an extent for us


Damn this thread is dying, could have been very interesting discussion

>If they wore normal clothes, and otherwise appeared to be normal folks, then yeah sure

"Appeared" is your keyword.


I post on Sup Forums and occasionally there are people talking about Sup Forums there. For example if someone say something negative about Jews on Sup Forums, which may happen from time to time, people generally answer them "go back to Sup Forums". So that is why I came here to seek knowledge to what exactly it is about Jews that triggers some people.
I saw the video, and yeah I saw a woman talking about how Europe need to learn how to be multicultural. But she is just one woman. In a time where multiculturalism is very much supported by left-wing people and journalists, why should it come as a surprise to me that there are also jews who are left-winged (after all they idenfity as victims of nazism and racism), and supports the idea of multiculturalism? How did you go from individuals who support multiculturalism, to Jews in general being a huge force for such an agenda that is to bring down the "white race" in europe?

>In that very article you're referencing, he admits are a stronger race...
I'm not sure what your point with that is. My iq is just below the 130 mark. A jew has a very very high verbal iq and a fairly high mensa iq. I, as a white man, am stronger and smarter then the average jew. The fact that jews as a whole have a higher iq then whites leaves me utterly unimpressed. The point is jews are waging a subversive war against white people, some do it on purpose, others just do it because it is their nature. Like women trying to subvert men into doing their bidding without knowing it, some jews push for open borders just because it has become their nature at this point.
>, that if you fuck with us, you lose
Mmm, you been losing for 2000 years now, I doubt you start winning now.

Kek on the HPV, never saw that before.

On your points though:

It was obviously mainly Whites, even if Jews were disproportionate in shipping they weren't in absolute numbers.

Whites didn't steal the wealth of everyone else, they made it through the free market.

I, a Jew, don't believe in the Holocaust as it is, though certain aspects must be believed, and millions must have died (Jews didnt just vanish)

>I saw the video, and yeah I saw a woman talking about how Europe need to learn how to be multicultural. But she is just one woman.
Ok, from the jews themself.
"The predilection of American Jews to embrace liberalism both vexes and perplexes. We want our modern Chosen People to exemplify the “kingdom of priests and holy nation.”1 God called them to do just that, yet we often find the majority of American Jews on the frontline of liberal social issues that compromise biblical morality. Why? Let’s take a look."

"On the other hand, most American Jews are aligned with Reform or Conservative Judaism, while holding liberal views. While traditionally not Torah observant, many of the values and ethics that quicken the liberal heart surprisingly spring from a biblical heritage of social consciousness. There are countless Scriptures expressing God’s commandments to defend, secure justice for, provide for, remember, deliver, and answer the cries of the poor. This has become ingrained in the Jewish mindset from time immemorial."
" Contemporary Jews keenly identify with the underdog, borne of their own suffering throughout history. "

"The only issues of concern are the preservation of the Jewish People and furthering the causes of social justice.The Hebraic heritage subconsciously inspires most Jewish People to “do good.” "

Word of the day: Odium.


Stop playing dumb nigger.

>However I've been told that on Sup Forums there is also odium towards Judaism. I just wonder why is that?
I suggest to you to lurk more. I used to have the same thoughts that you probably have about Jews and now I despise them -even when I doesn't hate them all-. But to ended having this opinions about them it took me months. Having in count that, I can't explain you well why the Jews -or some of them- are bad so instead I just gonna let you make your own opinion about them.


this article is dated in 2010, this was before Brevik


she said there is a rise in antisemtisim because jews in general have been pushing for multiculturalism and people are being anti-semtic because the europeans "have not yet learnt how to be multicultural"

she is basically saying that people who are angry about jews pushing for multiculturalism are right for blaming it on the jews, but that the reason they are blaming it on the jews is because "they have not yet learnt how to be multiculural"

She knows that the rise in anti-Semitism is due to jewish actions, but shrugs it off as the the europeans just no knowing how to be multicultural.

Why do europeans need to learn how to be multicultural? Why is that even a thing that you need to want to be?

My IQ is 138, but we're talking about averages here. You are stronger and smarter than the average Jew, congratulations!

I agree Jews are waging a war against Whites, and that it is a subversive war, but at least 80%+ aren't involved explicitly or implicitly (I am a Jew, and an honest one (how many admit White genocide or the gas chambers being fake), and I can tell you most Jews are indistinguishable from Whites in terms of character (not appearance))

Whether we were losing 2000 years ago or 200, it makes no difference, but if you think you are winning you are surely deluded, and again, I sympathise with you in this matter, but you personally do not deserve my sympathy. Why? Well, that would be a violation of your master morality of course, why should you be freed from Jewish dominance through kindness if you are only to espouse the view that Jews are incapable of dominance?

Just to Chaim in, I'm gonna need you to elaborate on "people"

Dude, hardly any Jews have read the Talmud, and of those that have an even smaller proportion can translate. Out of the Jews that can read Hebrew and are religious, a minority in the West already, basically all of them only go as far as reading brachas (look it up) and occasionally the Torah. None read the Talmud, except those that attend things like Yeshivas (look it up(

Dude, my roommate if half jew and he realy, realy does not like jews. So much i dont realy talk Sup Forums site with him outright. It could unleah the beast.


Maybe I havent decided yet.

I don't blame jews in general, but you need to understand that jewish culture plays a role as to why it is even possible for the jews to do this.

in short anti-Semitism is caused by Semitism.

people don't hate people for no reason

How can he hate Jews but not know about the things Sup Forums says? That must be personal then, I presume, is his Jewish parent a dick to him I presume?

I wasn't lumping all Jews together, don't put words in my mouth user. I responded to him thinking it was bait, was merely showing him which Jews (Talmudic) hate everyone but themselves.

I can promise you, having received the full treatment, Jewish culture has nothing to do with this. All Jewish culture involves is keeping kosher, following Shabbat and using certain Jewish words - the damaging part you are referring to is ethnocentrism, which isn't a Jewish characteristic at all, at least not compared to the characteristics of literally any minority. A Jew is much much much more likely to hire a White in a White-Jew job application than, say, an Indian in an Indian-Jew application.


Sorry, I thought you were implying it, as if it's not a majority then something like anti-Semitism isn't really justified. I understand why people are antisemitic, though.

>My IQ is 138
I met people with higher iq then me. Many of them are still human sheep, they adapt their views to fit in. Litteraly sheep.
>Well, that would be a violation of your master morality of course, why should you be freed from Jewish dominance through kindness if you are only to espouse the view that Jews are incapable of dominance?
I never asked for sympathy.
>Whether we were losing 2000 years ago or 200, it makes no difference, but if you think you are winning you are surely deluded
Sure thing buddy. Read this picture. Fucking jews, can't think several years ahead. Anti-semitism in on the rise. It will keep rising, and many jews will be expelled.
Let me ask you this, do you think jews are winning? Honestly curious.

>Sure thing buddy. Read this picture.

not cultural practices. that is not what I meant. what I mean is that some since some jews see themselves as jews first and nationalities second, it can mean jews can support things which benefit jews in other countries over the well being of their own country.

not every jew is like this obviously, but some of them are. like you said only a minority of jews read the talmud, but those who do are dangerous to the well being of a nation. the issue is you can tell which jews have read the talmud or not.

Are there other Jews who will openly say that there is an agenda shared by Jews to spread multiculturalism in Europe?

I mean, I read the picture posted by and now I understand more what the deal is (seen from a Sup Forums-perspective), however that's clearly made by someone on Sup Forums or related channels on the internet. Is it real though? In Norway, at least, we don't have any history lessions about this phenomenon, that Jews are this power hungry elite that for a long time sucked the wealth out of european countries. Is this also the reason why Hitler didn't like Jews? Is it the same cause? I haven''t read mein kampf so I never knew exactly what his issues with Jews were either.

>I met people with higher iq then me. Many of them are still human sheep, they adapt their views to fit in. Litteraly sheep.

Jews are almost certainly the least obedient people on the planet, Jews are hardly an obedient lot. Nordics on the other hand...

>I never asked for sympathy.

Fine, but how do you expect to overcome White genocide? Through strength? You think Whites will awaken and literally deport immigrant families who will by then have been in the country for generations?

>Sure thing buddy. Read this picture. Fucking jews, can't think several years ahead. Anti-semitism in on the rise. It will keep rising, and many jews will be expelled.
Let me ask you this, do you think jews are winning? Honestly curious

In fact, it's literally the opposite - Jews are extremely forward thinking - or at least the ones with influence. If they weren't they would have lost influence long long ago - one obvious need for a successful conspiracy is for it to be effective at keeping control. Put it like this - Theodore Herzl (who was born in EIGHTEEN SIXTY!!!) wrote in his diary once that anti-Semitism could be utilised as a force for Zionist good, as once Jews were encountered with anti-Semitism they would be more likely to stick together and fight for Israel's causes. That is practically 100 years+ foresight, user, what do you think is going to happen once antisemitic views are more common? If they are silent, they have no influence, if they are heard by only those in the anti-Semitic group, they have no influence either, and if they are heard by all, more and more influential Jews will fight the zionist cause. How's that for not thinking several years ahead?

In terms of Jews winning, it's having complete control of the West, not even necessarily directly - I'd imagine there aren't any Jews involved in Danish media, but Jews have created a political climate such that non-Jews will do the work for them. I resent the Jews that did this, but it's complete genius.

Yes. They have probably a lot to teach about being the patriarch and keeping the woman in her place.

>I can promise you, having received the full treatment, Jewish culture has nothing to do with this.
No, you can't promise that.
>I'd imagine there aren't any Jews involved in Danish media
LOL LOL LOL, and you have a 138 iq, ahahahaha Get fugd, i'm done.

I probably should not have said "jewish culture" but instead some cultural practices. you can keep the traditions while reforming judaism to reject the talmud etc

Here is a rabbi that read mein kampf and agreed with it
