Racism Towards Whites

Share stories of your racist encounters as a white person.

>at uni in BC Canada
>japanese/korean gooket tells how she hates how white guys always fetishize her or some shit and how she just wants to be seen as "normal" and not an exotic trophy or some shit
>all the white people are in silent adoration of her bravery in coming out
>all the white girls are looking at her as if she's Mother Theresa
>she stops talking after what seemed like an hour
>teacher says that this is one of the ways that racism manifests itself
>raise hand as the only guy to challenge the crap that we were all subjected to
>"Yes, user?"
>"I am not sure I would call it 'suffering' if guys think you are attractive, just because you are not what we are used to seeing in the opposite sex. I just think it's human nature to be attracted to someone that very different from you, genetically."
>the whole class is agro'd
>teacher was not expecting the disagreement
>"Well, that's... Did you perhaps think that you may not see the problem that femanon is trying to express because you are yourself a white person and therefore not seen as exotic in Canada the way she is?"
>hear more bodyless voices saying shit against me
>gooket is looking at me like I just killed her cat
>the white girls are look at me like I am Hitler
>every guy in the classroom (white, brown, yellow) is looking away and pretending nothing is going on because "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!"
>random gooket says "Well, may bee you ah not awah-yah, but life iz not all that difficoolt foh yoo. Yo kan juss walk ou-side and no-t feeya tha eiyeez of strangers ohn yoo laiek Ah-ee do."
>"I'm sorry, what?"
>teacher calms the class down and a white girl puts her hand on the back of the gooket that just spoke the gobalty-gook to console her
>no one spoke to me and ignored me the entire class and the better part of the rest of the semester

Your turn, Sup Forums.

>poor neighborhood
>jumped by dindus
>gun pulled on me by dindu

Still hate jews more

>Live in Boston
>Trump Wins
>African American student union from my Uni spends day outside chanting "Fuck White Men"
>Smile at them and walk on past

>Still hate jews more


What part of US you live in? Ask, because I want to avoid that area.


>in high school in NS, senior year
>in sociology
>day after US election
>everyone in class is really pissed off and won't shut up about how "it's impossible that racist won?!?!?!?!?"
>teacher asks me my opinion because he thinks I'm smart for some reason
>I say "I don't care for Trump this way or that, but I think him winning shows that the American people are ready for something different, and I think that'll materialise into something positive in the next decade."
>Indian girl behind me start hyperventilating
>be Canada
>I say "neither do you"
>gets slapped
>teacher says it's my fault

>gets slapped
>teacher says it's my fault


Sorry man, that just made me laugh outloud real hard.

2 Questions.

1. Was this girl "Indian" as in native American or from India?

Had to listen to my (((white))) teacher lecture the class on white privilege, and how damaging the "angry black man" stereotype is to society. Started chuckling at that, and all the dindus in the back of the class got angry. PROPHECY FULFILLED

>Share stories of your racist encounters as a white person.
>>at uni in BC Canada
>>japanese/korean gooket tells how she hates how white guys always fetishize her or some shit and how she just wants to be seen as "normal" and not an exotic trophy or some shit
>>all the white people are in silent adoration of her bravery in coming out
>>all the white girls are looking at her as if she's Mother Theresa
>>she stops talking after what seemed like an hour
>>teacher says that this is one of the ways that racism manifests itself
>>raise hand as the only guy to challenge the crap that we were all subjected to
>>"Yes, user?"
>>"I am not sure I would call it 'suffering' if guys think you are attractive, just because you are not what we are used to seeing in the opposite sex. I just think it's human nature to be attracted to someone that very different from you, genetically."
>>the whole class is agro'd
>>teacher was not expecting the disagreement
>>"Well, that's... Did you perhaps think that you may not see the problem that femanon is trying to express because you are yourself a white person and therefore not seen as exotic in Canada the way she is?"
>>hear more bodyless voices saying shit against me
>>gooket is looking at me like I just killed her cat
>>the white girls are look at me like I am Hitler
>>every guy in the classroom (white, brown, yellow) is looking away and pretending nothing is going on because "EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!"
>>random gooket says "Well, may bee you ah not awah-yah, but life iz not all that difficoolt foh yoo. Yo kan juss walk ou-side and no-t feeya tha eiyeez of strangers ohn yoo laiek Ah-ee do."
>>"I'm sorry, what?"
>>teacher calms the class down and a white girl puts her hand on the back of the gooket that just spoke the gobalty-gook to console her
>>no one spoke to me and ignored me the entire class and the better part of the rest of the semester
>Your turn, Sup Forums.

In The locker room black kid calls me fat I say fuck you nigger. He hits me in the jaw & I wipe up the floor with him. He runs off like a little bitch screaming I'm a racist. I yell to him that the next time I see him he better be swimming back to Africa with a Jew under each arm.

Jersey....dont come here its terrible

I was horny out of my mind and answered a Craigslist gangbang ad for some chubby middle age white girl. Get there and there's two niggers going at with her saying shit like take this big black dick Aww sheet suk dis dik etc. Thing was they weren't really hung, I drop my pants and I hear shiiieeet white boy got dat dik! I'm only 8 inches. Then they went on about how whites have small dicks. It was hard to fuck that chubby bitch in the face of such racism.

>It was hard to fuck that chubby bitch in the face of such racism.


You honestly passed the shit test. You were the most apha man in the room. In public they have to be seen to be appalled, but the market value of your D just shot up

Should have recorded it and said

>Hey, what do you guys do?
>What are you gonna do tonight?
>What should other girls do?

That's not why people ignore you, they ignore you because you're a loser and probably overweight.

can't say I have any. Most people are friendly to you if you aren't a shit person

my sides are deleted

Indian as in from India, and yeah he said that I had it coming making comments like that in "a diverse learning environment" or some shit like that.

What a mild thing to be hit over.

I am not joking when I say I would have hit her back. ESPECIALLY if she hit me in public with witnesses.

When I read what you said, you don't even sound like you were supporting Trump. You just said he's a product of his time and will lead to a better world in the future.

Fucking bullshit, man. I wish I had your self control. That's some legit bullshit.

>I say "neither do you"
>gets slapped
LOL, that's fucking hilarious. It's like the truth is just too much to handle she has to physically strike you. I would have called the police just to see her "ugly cry" when they handcuff her for assault.

fucking muslim toothpaste

Go kill yourself again

is there a recording of this online if so can you link

>get deported