Sup Forums's stance on hookers

What's Sup Forumss stance on hookers/prostitution?
Also I fuck hookers about 3x a month if you want to know anything about fucking hookers ask me whatever you like.

>this one blew me a week or so ago for 60 dollars, Then I fucked her in the ass 3 days later for the same price

8/10 value
6/10 quality, body looked terrible

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you wear a condom?

She's a fat pill addict, 60 bucks an hour isn't bad though. I personally make 55 and I don't even have to take any dicks

Probably better to have a regulated hooker system than for men to turn every single woman into a whore. Turn the 5% into whores, marry the 95%.

they're honest about wanting the D and they won't make you bend over backwards for them.

What a waste of beauty... probably only way i will ever get laid though...

Most of the time, Sometimes not.

I don't really have anything to lose because I'm dying anyway so I don't think of the ramifications of things anymore

>I told you it was not good quality

A hooker is nothing more than a succubus doing nothing more than trying to steal your baby gravy and money (at a much lower rate than a wife/gf).

Not your blog, dumbass.

Why would you ever want to fuck a hooker. My god.

I don't think it should be illegal, but it's still gross AF.

It's like drugs. If you legalize it, you reduce the amount of actual crime involved with it. You also create more revenue to be taxed. Also, we are already at the point where you can't fuck a chick without paying money, so why is it considered illegal if you just make it an official business transaction?

>ask me
How the fuck do you even begin to find one without risking jail time?


Fine by me, just pay for it to not have to deal with a woman's bullshit. Don't care if it's degenerate, it's the better option for those no so social guys.

I've fucked about 130 different ones total I would guess.

Only took pics of a select few (the premium ones I payed a lot for).

Most don't won't let you take pics

Im to scared to do it.

Also $60 is way to cheap. somethings off about that.

Do you do that thing in American Psycho where your fucking them doggystyle and you point and look only at yourself in the mirror?

Escort review websites, I personally use TER.

Also asking to see a girls boobs or pussy is a good idea before talking anything about money or sex. Or let her grope you, Cops can't expose themselves or grope you

I've never even come close to being caught in years.

Not a problem if you are not a fag

lol no.

Wtf are you talking about? That's expensive

A girl like that should be 20 bucks tops

>no pun intended

are you going through the higher tier sites or strictly BP/CL tier ads?
It seems that 300 - 700 is a fair middleground for the average working person to get solid results comparable to endless date-grinding. Anything less (especially down to your 60) is extreme YMMV risk territory. Anything hire than 700, especially beyond 1000, is really, really fucking stupid unless it's AAA tier threesomes or your annual salary can afford decisions like this.

>somethings off about that.
didnt you see his pic shes fat dude

low quality whore is like 50€ here anyway

Wear a condom.

Don't fuck a hooker unless her last customer was allready 1 hour ago and she bathed.

Don't lick them.

Don't waste money.

How long has magic johnson had HIV lol

I'll be long gone before I even know I have it

The erotic review ma nigga.

A year's subscription is well worth it IMO

I've personally paid as little as 15 dollars for a BJ from a crackhead when I was leaving the Detroit auto show a few years ago.

I like the cheaper girls personally, Plus I usually can get a better price after I see them a few times.

Japanese hookers are usually pretty good quality. If you speak Japanese and can gain trust with the staff at an establishment they'll be nice.

I had one bad experience though. I had a hooker come over, and first she started by blowing me. I paid extra for swallow, which she did. It was well done honestly. We laid down on the bed together because I had a two hour course, and since I was still hard I started touching her body. She kept saying "I'm so tired... now it's time to sleep. Please let me sleep" over and over again. 30 minutes before time was up she insisted on leaving.

I called the establishment and they apologized profusely, then sent a new girl over free of charge right away.

Great business here. Just getting past that initial wall is hard.

nevermind the first question. saw you answered it already. another question then, do you strictly IC, OC, or both? any major difference?

like another user, I personally think your rates are sketch as fuck ( I would personally never go lower than 150 just to weed out the obviously fucked up, but more power to you), so I'm curious how much that affects your IC vs OC experiences.

go to a nice "spa" around my block and I know all the slant eyes that work there

it's pretty nice and they routinely bring in fresh meat and it's always nice giving them a warm american welcome :)

>What's Sup Forumss stance on hookers/prostitution?
>Also I fuck hookers about 3x a month if you want to know anything about fucking hookers ask me whatever you like.
>>this one blew me a week or so ago for 60 dollars, Then I fucked her in the ass 3 days later for the same price
>8/10 value
>6/10 quality, body looked terrible

Did you really pay for fucking that huge rotten meat? She should have gave it for free and thanking you after you fucked her.

Do you go to massage parlors? Do they do anything more than jerk you off? I would pay for an uncovered blowie but anything less than that I'd just fap to porn.

Is that legal in Japan?

I like the refund though.


I do OC only. I personally feel safer in my own house

Plus I'm usually drunk or stoned when I'm in the mood to plow, So I can't drive.

The major difference is do you want to feel safe, Or do you want them to feel safe?

You could get robbed if you go to IC.

OC the hooker is pretty much alone unless her driver waits in the car in the driveway, I feel safer that way personally.

OC is usually more expensive (at least 100 depending on where you are and how far they are coming).

But I still enjoy the cheap ones I can pick up off the street for less then 80 dollars.

Do you have cancer?


She did thank me after the anal by the way, But I don't think it was genuine.

I've only been to one in Lansing, MI.

Paid 40 bucks for a "massage" then 30 extra dollars for a hand job.

Personally I don't think a hand job from anyone is worth 70 bucks

Yes. I'll post proof if requested

why do you ask, assange?

Also, my stance on hooker is this - inject undercover hookers and kill anyone that comes. with this the hookers will have no buisness as nobody will want to risk death.

It's on shaky legal grounds. Penetration is not supposed to happen, but once the business trusts you the girls will be up for it.

I think at least in Tokyo they're going to start to crack down in the upcoming year. The 2020 Olympics and all that shit will make them want to clean up their act.

Nah, I'm guessing pancreas or colon?

So hand jobs are legal then?

Do you have to pay tax?

Aggressive b cell non hodgkin lymphoma. I'm actually only 27

Just fucked a fatty whore some hours ago. Felt good man.


How much that run ya?

Any pics?

I'm a sick fuck, I kinda like fucking fat girls man

Hand jobs are find.

They can also grind their pussies on your dick raw. I never found much enjoyment out of that.

I also believe oral sex is OK. As long as it's not vaginal/anal penetrative sex anything goes.

Enjoy what you have left, user.

How much time you have left?

Oh, you actually are dying. Well, try not to kill other people with your AIDS.

I am.

Doing a lot of drugs, Drinking, and ass fucking.

I think that's what God would want.

I honestly don't know. Less then 5 years for sure, But I told my doctor I only want to know in 5 year increments because I don't think I could handle knowing what year I'm dying.

They choose a lonely path

Show us your hottest purchase.


>Prognosis and treatment depends on the specific type of lymphoma as well as the stage and grade. Treatment includes radiation and chemotherapy. Early-stage indolent B-cell lymphomas can often be treated with radiation alone, with long-term non-recurrence. Early-stage aggressive disease is treated with chemotherapy and often radiation, with a 70-90% cure rate.[1] Late-stage indolent lymphomas are sometimes left untreated and monitored until they progress. Late-stage aggressive disease is treated with chemotherapy, with cure rates of over 70%.[1]

There is no chance for you to be cured?

makes sense and I can see where you're coming from.

Do you think prostitution in general should be legalized in the US? I'm strictly talking laws similar to alcohol "must be X years old to sell, Y years old to buy, and must pass Z business requirement checks."
I think most arguments for vastly outweigh the arguments against if it's regulated decently enough

>providing a service for money is legal
>sex is legal
>providing sexual services for money should be illegal

>inb4 b-but men will be dis-incentivized from traditional relationshits
I'm sorry but how irredeemably atrocious does a woman have to be as a partner, to fail to compete with hookers? Step up your game ladies.

you're fucking stupid.

It's no more gross than a wife or gf these days.
plus they lie less and charge less for the pussy.


deycrypting, Hang on


I found out I had it way too late, Go to the doctor folks....Get those checkups.

I personally think it should be legalized and regulated like marijuana.

It's a waste of police resources, The both of them.

I'm pro legalising prostitution. I fucked a prostitute once, it was pretty good. Hit it raw though, anal, stupid fucking decision but it was over a year ago and all my tests are clean so I'm good.

Also, only payed £30, proper good value, nice body, good technique. I'd recommend looking for a bargain, it'll be over before you know it and you'd rather have spent £30 to cum than £100+ or something.

By the way the same terminally valueless cunts who are opposing prostitution today will be failing to compete with sexbots within a decade or two, which will be even more hilarious.

>you're fucking stupid.
>It's no more gross than a wife or gf these days.
>plus they lie less and charge less for the pussy.


Hookers = Textbook Libertarian Ideals

>(((them))) disguised as Christians
>(((them))) having no way of collecting taxes
>(((them))) disguised as muh white pride

Take away the discretionary distractions and apolitical values of kike-corrupted posters and there's literally nothing wrong here.

I used to fuck massage babes 2-3x a month until the sex work market exploded where I live and what used to buy me a month of tang can barely get me a one hour sesh.

Woman was pregnant as fuck. Selling pussy on CL for baby shit.

Payed 500 for 2 hours. Then fucked her up until her kid was 4 months old because she was a slut and got off to cheating on her husband (didnt charge me any of those times). Finally changed my number because she was getting crazy and clingy.

Was good because she wasn't on drugs, Just a slut

> (OP)
>Hookers = Textbook Libertarian Ideals
>>(((them))) disguised as Christians
>>(((them))) having no way of collecting taxes
>>(((them))) disguised as muh white pride
>Take away the discretionary distractions and apolitical values of kike-corrupted posters and there's literally nothing wrong here.
>I used to fuck massage babes 2-3x a month until the sex work market exploded where I live and what used to buy me a month of tang can barely get me a one hour sesh.

pathetic beyond belief, if you pay for sex or receive money for sex you are almost as degenerate as it gets, worse than if you were sucking off a black tranny while getting fucked by a dog if you didnt pay them to do it

however people will never stop being pathetic so might as well legalize it to tax and regulate it


>you are paying for it, Just not up front

wish the best of times to you then amigo

A countryman of the land corrupted by kikes since Rome isn't calling me out on exposing (((your))) tricks now are you?

Living in a Judaeo-Islamic oligarchy must be quite the burden knowing only Authoritarian Collectivism for the last 1700 years.

> (OP)
>pathetic beyond belief, if you pay for sex or receive money for sex you are almost as degenerate as it gets, worse than if you were sucking off a black tranny while getting fucked by a dog if you didnt pay them to do it
>however people will never stop being pathetic so might as well legalize it to tax and regulate it
just murder them all you FILTHY ancap kike
>A countryman of the land corrupted by kikes since Rome isn't calling me out on exposing (((your))) tricks now are you?
>Living in a Judaeo-Islamic oligarchy must be quite the burden knowing only Authoritarian Collectivism for the last 1700 years.

Its nearly impossible to contract the HIV virus from vaginal intercourse.

Its literally a fag thing. They fuck each others ass silly which tends to bleed and rip a bunch.

Its also a druggy thing. Probably how charlie sheen got the big

Fucking someone with hiv puts you at lile a .1℅ chance. The odds of you getting struck by lightning during a storm are much higher than the odds of catching HIV.

Simply put, you were rused by the schools and the media.

They tried to cover up the fact that its a fag thing but saying "everyone's" in danger.

False. You arent in any danger. You can stick your dick anywhere and be alright for the most part. And why wouldn't you be? Do you walk around scared to touch peoppe because of the risk of catching a virus? No. You dont. But catching a superbug during flu seson is very dangerous and the odds are higher. Still, you won't change your behavior just because of the possibility thst it could happen.

So how is sticking your dick in a hole any more dangerous than shaking a sick persons hand? It exactly the same risk. Any STI you catch is no different that catching some shit from some sick person. But. Its a damn infection virus similar to pink eye, chicken pox, rash, the flu, staph, etc. Onoy differences is its "sexual" oooOoo scary.

The jews fucked!l you up real good user. Pull the wool from over your eyes and wake up!

Thank you.

I have sex with a hooker once every 2 months about ~$100.

Problem is they're 90% black and most of the white ones are ghetto. You have to be patient to find a decent looking hooker who isn't black or ghetto and doesn't charge an outrageous price.

I recommend wiping down your junk with lysol wipes as the main ingredient has shown to kill hiv and herpes right on the spot

Her advertisement

Blew 3 loads. I regret nothing.

>Its nearly impossible to contract the HIV virus from vaginal intercourse.
>Its literally a fag thing. They fuck each others ass silly which tends to bleed and rip a bunch.
>Its also a druggy thing. Probably how charlie sheen got the big
>Fucking someone with hiv puts you at lile a .1℅ chance. The odds of you getting struck by lightning during a storm are much higher than the odds of catching HIV.
>Simply put, you were rused by the schools and the media.
>They tried to cover up the fact that its a fag thing but saying "everyone's" in danger.
>False. You arent in any danger. You can stick your dick anywhere and be alright for the most part. And why wouldn't you be? Do you walk around scared to touch peoppe because of the risk of catching a virus? No. You dont. But catching a superbug during flu seson is very dangerous and the odds are higher. Still, you won't change your behavior just because of the possibility thst it could happen.
>So how is sticking your dick in a hole any more dangerous than shaking a sick persons hand? It exactly the same risk. Any STI you catch is no different that catching some shit from some sick person. But. Its a damn infection virus similar to pink eye, chicken pox, rash, the flu, staph, etc. Onoy differences is its "sexual" oooOoo scary.
>The jews fucked!l you up real good user. Pull the wool from over your eyes and wake up!
>I have sex with a hooker once every 2 months about ~$100.
>Problem is they're 90% black and most of the white ones are ghetto. You have to be patient to find a decent looking hooker who isn't black or ghetto and doesn't charge an outrageous price.
>I recommend wiping down your junk with lysol wipes as the main ingredient has shown to kill hiv and herpes right on the spot
>Her advertisement
>Blew 3 loads. I regret nothing.

What made you go to the doctor and finally get checked out? Were you like in pain?


God damn that sucks. Plow these broads away senpai, fuck what other people think.

>for a blowjob

You over payed.
Also nothing is wrong with prostitution. As long as both parties are consenting adults, I don't see the issue. You can go to a club and buy some bitch 3-5 drinks at $10 a pop, just to get her home to fug. How isn't this the same damn thing?



She's not bad looking for a shit skin, I'd fuck her.

Someone blew a stop light and I hit them in my company car, Got airbag dust in my eyes and couldn't see. They brought me to the hospital even though I kept saying I just need my eyes rinsed out

got the bad news a few hours later while waiting on being discharged and going home

> (OP)
>>for a blowjob
>You over payed.
>Also nothing is wrong with prostitution. As long as both parties are consenting adults, I don't see the issue. You can go to a club and buy some bitch 3-5 drinks at $10 a pop, just to get her home to fug. How isn't this the same damn thing?
>She's not bad looking for a shit skin, I'd fuck her.
>Someone blew a stop light and I hit them in my company car, Got airbag dust in my eyes and couldn't see. They brought me to the hospital even though I kept saying I just need my eyes rinsed out
>got the bad news a few hours later while waiting on being discharged and going home


Are you seriously fucking hookers and not strapping up all of the time?!

Do you want aids? You wear a condom every fucking time, no matter what.

I'd fuck the hell out of that bitch. Do these whores speak English?

>I'd fuck the hell out of that bitch. Do these whores speak English?

>Encrypting hooker pics
But why?


It's like abortion , regardless of what I think of it it's going to happen so we may as well facilitate it legally so it can be done safely and the profits, of which there are many, can be taxed.
77 cents on the dollar meme would get debunked over night as there would be a prostitution boom.

dude you better plug in the charger soon

$60 is about the norm for a street walker. If you want a call girl, you are looking at $300 and up. High price call girls go for a few grand.

Here's the hottest hooker I ever fucked. Best $120 I have spent


She is an Otomman rape baby ancestry I think. There are many of them in Eastern Europe.
She doesnt even speak german that well, she only understands her industry lingo like anal, doggy, dreier(threesome), rimjob and so

>Here's the hottest hooker I ever fucked. Best $120 I have spent

all sick fucks ur all going to hell i

So when I die my family doesn't find pics of hookers on my computer. More specifically my sister who I'm leaving almost everything I own to

wtf does this have to do with Sup Forums

>, Ohne Schutz Service

I hope you enjoyed it


Fuck you Limey, i'd rather get a blowjob than spend all day marching with a bunch of queers in the woods

Wear a condom, don't kiss or lick her. As long as she has no warts or open sores chances are slim you'll get anything

> (You)
>Fuck you Limey, i'd rather get a blowjob than spend all day marching with a bunch of queers in the woods

What about HIV in Africa, are they all fags and junkies ???