Scotland thread

Daily reminder to all Scotfags to kick the interfering unwelcom anglo subhuman and marauding euro out of our country and affairs by voicing your opposition to civic nationalism and joining Scottish Dawn.

Alba gu brath.

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Link to their site.

Nice decent educated people with reasoned opinions and good conscience, which is a change from the Scottish EDL-LARPing thuggery nonsense.

>kick the interfering unwelcom anglo subhuman and marauding euro out of our country
>Nice decent educated people with reasoned opinions and good conscience, which is a change from the Scottish EDL-LARPing thuggery nonsense.
Whatever you say, Jock.

I have an English boyfriend :3

You realise that the members of Alba Gu Brath come from a "anglo-subhuman" nationalist group?

Kicking it up a gear, eh Nicola?

All mainlanders are anglos, there will never be a surge in a true Scots nationalism because Scotland as a nation is a fantasy, it has never existed.

Scottish nationalists are retards. Final.

Where do you live?

Scottish Ethno-nationalism is legitimate.
Stop bashing the Scots like OP bashed us Anglos
United we stand, divided we fall you prats.

You're talking crap mate, and this is just plain delusion on your part.

>The greatest trick the anglo(devil) ever pulled was convincing us(scots) we didn't exist.

I think the quote you're looking for is "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist"

How do I join?

Remember to vote in indyref2

Divide and Conquer shill

Go to the website and look at the 'join' section. It's not hard, I don't know why you're asking.

Their website has a form you can fill in. I contacted them last night and the guy who responded was very decent and you can tell he's intelligent. Seems like a good cause.

Yes, brother.

Aye, it's one of my favourite films, The Usual Suspects.

Whilst I appreciate your numerals, the only 'Divide & Conquer Shill' that Scotland has is the English people pushing a foreign identity on us.

>interfering unwelcom anglo subhuman

Keep talking shit and the rest of you will be shipped over here, and Scotland will be turned into pasture to raise free-ranging Aryan cattle.

>Scottish nationalists are retards. Final

you can have have independence if you get rid of sturgeon... no country deserves that punishment

While we're oppressed by the same regime on the same Island we have a shared identity as the indigenous folk.
This is assuming you mean the "British" identity. I'll tell you now that only those in London and ethnics in the cities see themselves as "British". Look at the consensus results

Have you seen the SNP? They're utter cucks.

Rhetorical, but thanks anyway.

Compared to the Unionist parties


Seriously m8 the SNP don't make the top of the cuck list

These fucking retarded Scotland threads, i swear. Your country was a worthless, and meaningless country. England made your country something great, and together, we ruled the world and gave it Western Values. you ungreatful bunch of autistic larpers screaming "muh freedom"

No, they do. The only one more so would be someone like the greens.


Only British you meet are rich English living in the Highlands and they are only British when talking to someone Scottish, otherwise they are English.

The niggers in Londonabad are also (((British))) along with the jews

nah, it's just ahmed everywhere

I fully support Scottish Dawn, but stop playing by the SNP handbook, it's a bad optic.

They literally want us to leave the UK just so we can rejoin the EU. They are uber cucks.

The UK is finished m8 the niggers muslims and leftists have seen to that.

The SNP at least try to do something for Scotland as a nation the others are all internationalist. The labour party doesn't even recognise the UK exists!

Mainstream politics doesn't change anything.
All the parties are a different face of the same coin.

Pit some feckin' keks oan ye drunken dobber.


Last time I checked the SNP wanted Scotland to accept hundreds upon thousands of rapefugees.

Moving to Scotland from England soon (for work). What should I expect? I've been to Glasgow once and that's it.

Shilling for Unionism won't work m8

The reason we have any coons here is due Union and its jew controlled establishment

The narrative should not be "the British" but rather "the British peoples." As in the indigenous peoples of the British isles.

Long as you are white and not a leftist cunt, you should be welcome.

1949 Common wealth act meant anyone from the colonies was "British"

Even if a new Scots country did come into existance it would be tyranny on the Highlands and islands led from a city further north.

The status quo remains the same.

I'm talking about nature, not human laws.

The English are literally the only people that can vaguely understand your moronic vernacular. Good luck with that when you leave Britain.