Islam values modesty over freedom and covers their women.
The West values freedom over modesty and encourages women to be almost naked.
How can we balance this?
Islam values modesty over freedom and covers their women.
The West values freedom over modesty and encourages women to be almost naked.
How can we balance this?
Shoot the muslims
>modesty is bad
yeah mohammad when its modesty to observe sharia law it is, go back to your country Mohammad, France doesnt want your people driving trucks of peace into crowds of people anymore
You're on Sup Forums. There's no balance, we basically want everything the muslims are living except calling ourselves muslims.
Let the men strip in Islam. If the women can't be naked in public Muslim Islam, then let the men be naked. Let them be savages.
>How can we balance this?
>and encourages women to be almost naked.
Degenerates encourage this.
>Islam values modesty
Muslims force women to wear blankets in public.
kill all women and replace them with artificial wombs and sex robots
Because they want to hide their wives from other men.
The West wants women to be naked.
We need balance.
Sup Forums is so far up their ass that they don't understand this. Full liberty is terrible.
By adopting White Islam.
Sterilizing all evangelicals and protestants should return Christianity to its pious roots within a single generation.
Of course Islam is the next step for protestants.
>over freedom
stay mad achmed.
Right, because comrade Pope isn't actively advocating for allowing MORE muslims into europe, sucking their toes in press shoots, and condemning anyway who isn't on board with full importing Sharia.
The catholic church is the worst of the worst as far as enablers go
The pope has to toe the line. The true power lies with powerful and wealthy evangelicucks in North America. They all have to die before Europe can heal itself.
Reminder that feminism was one giant shit test we've failed, and we've now gone full circle with women enabling the mass importation of a culture that seeks to supress them
you are a cuck if you let your wife be naked while other men are looking at her
it's easy:
-kill muslims
we don't balance anything with Islam Muhamad
The one on the rightlooks like a big whale cock. Fuck mecca and fuck muzzies
I have another one: you are not human if you have a crescent moon on your flag.
Modesty doesn't matter, what's important is obedience, that a cunt obeys her owner. Cunts shouldn't wear clothes, clothes are for people, cunts aren't people.
Im still the one taking her home and deep dicking her abdul. You're just mad because they are forced to throw tarps over your countries camel faced hags
Fuck off out of here cunt.
Bullshit. You don't even know who you are talking about. Which specific "wealthy evangelicucks" are you referring too?
To specify, you need to find an evangelical who is:
Evangelical (actual evangelical, as in believing every word of the bible)
Openly advocating for importing muslims
Has a shred of political power
The only ones you are gonna be able to dig up who fit a couple of these and advocate for more muslims are the eastern congregationcucks, or methodists and presbyterians, WHO AREN'T EVANGELICAL.
Meanwhile, I can't turn on the news over here without hearing some crying catholic priest chastising us for our mean immigration laws and not bringing six gorillion more muslims.
men around the world desire white women for their beauty, but also for their strong individual character.
a Muslim woman usually just does what a man tells her to do
only white women dare to speak up against men boasting around
Muslim men are highly intimidated by confident white women
Muslim men want to beat women into submission with their traditions, because white women are just better at everything a Muslim man could do and they have no other way.
Sorry boys, Christianity is beyond repair. It had its day. Islam is the high test religion now. Adopt it or get outbred by those who did.
Your a cuck if you take your wife to a public beach. Stop being a poorfag and buy a fucking boat already.
>how can we balance this
remove kebab
B-but, the crescent is cool.
All christcucks want to import more foreign scum, what are you talking about?
We have to make it cool to have
>Uncucked christianity
>Skirts below the knee
>long sleeve blouses
>less cleavage
its already making Miley Cyrus slowly evolve.
Lol, you will extinct soon and muslims will inherit the lands. The genetics that allowed people to be modest and muslim will survive, while the genetics that drove Western people crazy gay and feminist will perish. Thats how evolution works and you are on the wrong side of natural laws.
>Shoot the muslims
>To specify, you need to find an evangelical who is
We Europeans call all of your Murrican sects "Evangelicals". We dont care if you're episcopal, latter day saints, pentacostal, anabaptist, baptist, quakers etc etc etc.
Adopt Orthodoxy instead
Get used to it, it will happen in your lifetime.
South Carolina is based and the exception. Their moon is facing the opposite direction, which I assume is insulting to Islam like everything else.
There is nothing to balance. Western values are shit, and any compromise with them is a treason.
>Thinks abandoning western culture in favor the ravings of an illiterate goat fucker is "winning"
I don't give a rats ass if my distant descendent sorta still looks like me if he spends his time bending over for muhammad living like seventh century savage. That's cultural cuckoldry
I want my descendants to look like me AND share in my western culture,
This is the only way
on our continent nobody knows or even gives a fuck what country your flag represents
because you dont matter and never have
White people will go back to it when life gets harder due to the prevalance of..undesirables, it will make them tougher, humans adapt very quickly.
Christianity did good before these satan-worshipper protestants ruined the day.
>Because they want to hide their wives from other men.
Sounds like Jealousy and Insecurity
>The West wants women to be naked.
No, Hollywood and faggots want women to be naked.
>We need balance.
Sharia Law is not a balance you piece of trash.
Canda to the USA is the same as Austria to Germany.
Like the USA you have no own culture.
I'd honestly prefer a muslim culture in the west over the extreme degeneracy that Jews are currently trying to push in America.
If Europe falls to islam. Then at least we get rid of feminism, alcoholism, nihilism, transgendery, numales, etc.
>prefer a muslim culture in the west
Good thing you're not from here and have no say in the matter. kys
Say goodbye to everything Western culture has worked for.
>Covering yourself fully in the Hot fucking Beach is Modest
Mohammad, Stop trying to rationalize your stupidity
Well if Islam take over Europe, we will get rid of white people as well.
Artificial wombs/sexbots
>We Europeans are lazy and stupid and can't differentiate widely dissimilar ideologies.
"Evangelicals" are extremely conservative, and advocate against the spread of islam. Last week my evangelical pastor called Islam a cult created by demons whispering in Muhammad's ear. You're priest on the other hand, spent last week working in a refuge center, only taking a break to cry too the news cameras and demand more muslims be allowed in.
>Tfw can't roll a Leo for my 4 Nohr Meme Team
>another european who knows fuckall about christianity in the US
opinion dismissed.
add the racial component. as far as I know, burgers breed with negroes under christianity too.
>Islam values modesty over freedom and covers their women.
Islam women are covered not because they want but because they're forced to, hence it's not modesty but oppression.
>The West values freedom over modesty and encourages women to be almost naked.
Some western women dress scantly not because it's their nature but because they're poorly educated.
>How can we balance this?
Purge islam out of your system
Then educate your people better, not women, because men are as much a problem as women, and the sexists ones are cowards too afraid to admit their own femininity or accept their flaws.
no but muslims are
>cry too the news cameras and demand more muslims be allowed in.
You mean demanded more muslim males, preferably between the ages of 16-35.
>without hearing some crying catholic priest chastising us for our mean immigration laws and not bringing six gorillion more muslims.
It's more to bring more 6 gorillion Catholic Mexicans over the border.
your country is fucking dead and fallen to degeneracy
we will follow you in 15 years
What kind of pathetic literal faggot do you have to be to think that women flaunting their ass and tits in public is somehow a bad thing? We're living in a fucking golden age.
You can save yourself if you stop being a cuck right now, murica in the other hand has less white babies than shitskins.
kill yourself you degenerate kike
Excellently stated, this is it. The problem with the West is negative role models and a culture that praises a lack of self control.
We live in a society of reason and logic, we don't need a religious invasion.
>muh degeneracy
Yeah okay you little fucking queer. Does this trigger your homosex sensitivities?
Your country fell to degeneracy almost a century ago, then its youth saved it and you lost it again. Look up Magnus Hirschfeld and Weimar Culture.
>Skirts below the knee
>long sleeve blouses
That sounds fucking terrible. Why do you have such a problem with women showing skin? Do women gross you out, faggot?
islam values the animal impulses of a more primative brain. That's all.
They can't handle the sight of a female, because it arouses them, and also triggers withdrawal symptoms because they know they can't have their way with most women.
It's animalism, barbarism, muslims are lower life forms, apparently.
No mehmed all what we need to do is put down animals like you
>muh "islam is based and not degenerate guys, see all this stuff they do, there exactly what we want to be, we should become muslims"
You niggers need to actually learn what islamic countires are like. They may seem completely free of degeneracy, but they're anything but. Pedophila, homosexuality, drug use and all the other ills of the west are just as prevalent in muslim countires. In fact, in many places like afganistan, they literally think you can fuck dudes and not be gay.
Muslims are not anti-degeneracy, they just want complete control over your life. Islam is fundamentally a religion made for warlords to opress conquered peoples. They don't give a damn about modesty, they want you to wear what they say because it shows that they're in charge.
>implying you didnt beat us there already
Modesty is relative to your personal beliefs.
it definately does, closeted faggots like are a preachy bunch
The muslim is hotter.
My little fp can't be this bp
This desu. The only thing that can save us all now is the land of Cornucopia.
What exactly bis wrong if a woman (or a man) wants to be naked? It's only skin. Completely natural. Don't be afraid of it. 'Modesty' is a social construct. A form of control from people who think they know better than you.
>The genetics that allowed people to be modest
>genetics that drove Western people crazy
>Thats how evolution works
>natural laws
are you talking about?
Nude beaches will solve the Muslim problem
shut up fag, women should be allowed to have their tits out like they can in the EU
>How can we balance this?
Traditional Catholicism
I mean let's face it, all the names and words they use are really ugly sounding. I don't even like the word "Muslim"
Why don't we just let people fuck in the streets while we're at it?
Don't worry about him. He's an inbred Chechen goatfucker, I think he doesn't understand everything he says himself
Islam values worship of an illiterate pedophile, slave-trading, warmonger over everytying else.
Islam has never produced anything of worth - it as only conquered more advanced civilizations and claimed the pre-Muslim glory, or last gasp of civilization produced before Muslim majority/inbreeding takes it's toll.
The shittest parts of the world are almost all Muslim.
Fuck Islam, you pigfucking shill.
Perfect family
Cultural genetics he meant
Yeah right if God wanted them in a hijab they would be born with a shell now fuck off