There's nothing taboo about a sex stew!

There's nothing taboo about a sex stew!

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I hate using this word, but this is pure degeneracy.

That was the cringiest shit I've ever watched

Oh oh oh

>The JQ:

At Majdanek, (((Soviets))) claimed that 2 million Jews were killed in gas chambers. Thanks to revisionists, today it's believed less than 60,000 died (primarily of disease). The Red Cross estimated only 8,000 had died there. That is a drop of almost 2 million. Most normies don't know that, and continue quoting the 6 gorillion.

At Auschwitz, (((Soviets))) claimed 4 million people died in gas chambers. Today, the TOTAL death toll sits at 1.1 million (from ALL causes, eg disease). That is a drop of almost 3 million, though still grossly inflated going by Red Cross reports.

Normies blindly believe the 6 gorillion because they don't bother examining such a grisly topic from a critical pov. They take it on faith that (((Hollywood))) and what they learnt in school is 100% factual.

Watch these, if you STILL believe the Holohoax myth, you may be a Jew!
>Auschwitz - Why The Gas Chambers Are A Myth:
>The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth:
>1/3rd of the Holocaust (debunked):
>Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil:

>The Last Days of the Big Lie
Spielberg's Oscar-winning documentary about the Shoah uses discredited eyewitness Paul Parks, who lies about being in a unit that liberated Dachau.
Parks, a known fraud, was in an earlier documentary about black soldiers liberating concentration camps, criticized by the press after being disproven by historians and military records.
NO BLACKS were involved in liberating ANY camps. But Spielberg uses Paul Parks as 1 of his 5 key witnesses in The Last Days, because the ONE American soldier in it couldn't be a WHITE guy, no he wanted it to be a NIGGER for his anti-white agenda.
Other obvious lies are also exposed:

Did you learn gay in college?

Hear that? Sex how I want is my right! This is America!

Don't look at me weird but I'm starting to think somebody's pushing an agenda to degenerate she white race.

Don't you just get sad when you think all of the kids who are wrongly influenced by this to "choose a gender" and get surgery which will eventually lead to depression and suicide? Those kids could have lived normal lives, but because of liberals their lives could be ruined forever.

Not Really. There is only so much one person can do when your only recourse is losing your livelihood for having a wrong opinion in public.


>There's nothing taboo about a sex stew!

That song was objectively crap, regardless of how receptive you are to it's base message.

I don't understand why stormweenies are so triggered by this, schools already teach about sex, this song isn't doing anything that could be considered controversial

>but mah degeneracy, I need to look up things to be mad about!!!
Kill yourselves

Reminder that Leftist states such as California think a 17-year-old shouldn't be allowed to simply talk with a psychiatrist about not being gay, but a kid who's a single-digit age can choose to take puberty blockers.


it has to get worse before it gets better. one day they'll look back on this like we look back on the age of lobotomies.

Its disgusting, like watching someone puke and then eat it from the floor.

IMO shit like this will create more conservative kids, who in the right mind would consider this and the ideas related to it arousing is beyond my comprehension.

who cares it was funny and light hearted, the point of the bit was tongue and cheek making fun of SJWs and you all took the bait lol

>the point of the bit was tongue and cheek making fun of SJWs

Uh huh suuure

>Its disgusting, like watching someone puke and then eat it from the floor.
That's an affirmation, not a description of what makes this performance so.bad, and a very poor one, at that.
>IMO shit like this will create more conservative kids, who in the right mind would consider this and the ideas related to it arousing is beyond my comprehension.
You mean it will create more right wing snowflakes who get triggered at dumb shit so they can give some false sense of direction to their lives.. praise KEK lawlz amirite XD?

>haha I'm so special look at me I dislike le libs XD

McFucking kill yourself faggot

It's fucking weird. That line makes it sound like enjoying a fleshlight is something depressing and dark, but they're still trying to promote it.

Deep down they must know how disgusting this stuff is.

>the point of the bit was tongue and cheek making fun of SJWs and you all took the bait lol

Methinks you need to come to terms with the fact that someone you admired as a child (Nye) is now a massive tool. Stop making excuses.

What the fuck is a sex stew anyway?

Sorry bro, I just dont find vaginas with a voice of their own arousing.
Your life must be pretty miserable if you get so triggered by a dissenting opinion.

Poor Mexican.

Did Trump deport you?

give strangers handjobs and get aids on your hands and spread it around

He looks like he has AIDS. Doesn't he live in a really gay neighborhood?

Dude did you even watch the cuckoldry that lead up to the "music skit"?

this shit here is why we fight. this triggers me and makes me angry and we can't gas enough kikes fast enough

Stew is one of the least sexy words out there.

>Sorry bro, I just dont find vaginas with a voice of their own arousing.
I didn't like the song either it's just light hearted shitposting

You cucks are the ones making a big deal out of this calling it degenerate, Jewish subversion, etc
>Your life must be pretty miserable if you get so triggered by a dissenting opinion.
Says the fag who looks up things to be mad about on youtube lmao

Haha good one, did you come up with that shitpost on your own?


because you're not white

>it's just light hearted shitposting
>hurrr I was just pretending
Lurk moar faggot.

Carlos, make sure you stay behind that wall ok?

all you had to do was poo in the loo
but no

>Self-hating poo

Underrated line from this abortion.

The song is light hearted shitposting, dumb Colombian ape.

None of this shit you're getting so angry about effects you in the slightest, but since you're a memer larper poltard... it does somehow, PRAISE KEK LMAO LE SJWS AMIRITE XD?

Stop being a turbofaggot snowflake anytime

Wouldn't want to mingle with the burgerbreathers trash anyway

>that Hispanic tranny

This, and checked.
The production was crap, the costumes sucked, and none of the kikes on stage were getting enough sheckles to care beyond the first 15 seconds. I seriously expected someone to just walk off over how literally low energy it was.
Listen to the lyrics "sex junk", "lots of schmear", "bagels and lox". It's lazy, the jews are getting lazy at their hamfisted attempts to influence culture. Hell, it ended with (((Nye)) saying "thats just the right "message", Rachel", might as well have looked into the camera and asked "Convince yah, yet, goyim?"

French treasure.....


>dumbass ape
>says the brown skinned Mexican't fatass living in a beheader community meme spouting buzzwords in every post

Bisexual orgy. This show is outright telling kids it's okay to fuck all of your friends at once, just like you see in those pornos. It's fucking sick.

i have the real version

What is this? Facebook for ants?

This isn't teaching about sex, Jose. This is promoting sexual deviance and encouraging the youth to desecrate themselves with perversions. That may be fine in your war zone shit hole of a country but it's not welcome in America, and neither are you .

> Autistic Pajeet in Dino Trunks with Thousand Yard Stare



So what if Bill Nye identifies as a scientist?

oy vey delete this!


This is definitely the most perplexing line from the song....sad clown via satellite? It's just suggesting the most ridiculous fetish to make real degeneracy seem more normal

This sex stew video makes me yearn for the days of the beige power video. It seems comparison.

>offspring of liberals committing suicide
>a bad thing

Lmao is that laptop even on

ok, pls no bully
i am a good goy

Is that poo in the loo wearing an adult diaper?

I want to smash the granny out of her 'junk'.

Eh, I have to post on this shit. Here's the thing Sup Forums, I'm one of those fruit bowl transtesticles you always talk about. I hate this bullshit right here. Before the world got all fucked up, it was okay for me to do what I'm doing. I'd take my meds, keep my head down, and sneak on by. Now we've got bullshit like this, trying to slam the idea that I'm okay into people's heads, and it's bullshit. A few years ago, nobody would give a fuck what I was doing, but now I'm in the god damn spot light because of cuck nye the islamic appologist sjw guy. Fuck this gay earth, when the day of the rope comes, I'll be the first in line, but it had better fucking work!

You better listen goyim!

Deutschland is NICE!