If I wore this in public how upset would people be

If I wore this in public how upset would people be

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None, because most WWII vets are dead.

really, not a lot

not many?
you really overestimate historical knowledge of your peers, outside of a few (((chosen))) incidents

They'll think you're a weeb at most.

So it's not as if I was wearing a swastika shirt

Most Americans don't even know what that is
If you go On a campus they'll probably be like dope shirt bro love the design mannnn

If you care that much about upsetting people maybe you should just wear a dress fagit

no one would give a shit

if you're asian it might cause some problems tho

You should get a shirt of Hirohito instead.

I've had a huge IJN flag on my wall for years and no one ever realized what it even is.

Wear it to Korea and/or China and find out.

depends, are you in Korea/China/South Pacific? or the US/Europe/Japan?

Unless they are asian, weaboo, or Clint Eastwood tier old man, nobody would care. Your average bluepilled normie probably doesn't even remember imperial Japan outside of muh Pearl Harbor and NUKED.

You can't wear a swastika in public though, because that symbol is burned into the brain of the goyim. Basically programmed from birth to defend the chosen people from ebil nazis.


This desu

id high five you

i see dindus wearing crap like this all the time. anyone with any kind of social awareness will probably think you either want to be a nog or a weeb. Plus, that shirt's very unbecoming and looks like something you would see at a Linkin Park concert in 2003.

95% of Americans wouldnt know what the hell it was or think its just happy rays of sunshin t-shirt.

The other 5% wouldnt care because we nuked those jap fucks for their cowardice and vassalized the remnants 7 decades ago.

Hardly anyone knows what it is. When people think of WWII they think of Nazism and not japan because of the west's fixation on 2D JC and also because americans feel bad about nuking them twice.

They would think you're a faggy weeb. There's little stigma against the Rising Sun flag, so little that Japan still uses it.

>tfw we didn't nuke germany too

>implying any normie would know what that represents


You have to go back

Black neck trim and black sleeves look awful compared to the white and red on the rest of the shirt. Looks like shit.

I don't know any Americans who feel bad about nuking Japan.

Pretty upset at the terrible black sleeves and neck being used on a red/white tee rather than a bowling shirt

>how upset would people be
>on a scale of 1 to 10

"fix bayonets"

Nobody says muh pearl harbor.
Nobody would care at all. More people in the U.S. are more upset about the nuking of Japan than they are about pearl harbor.

You have to go back to plebbit.

Depends on if you were wearing a vest filled with explosives on it and screaming about HONERRRU or not.

Unless you plan on walking into a VFW or American Legion full of WW2 vets no one is going to care. The propaganda machine hasn't demonized Imperial Japan like they have Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy because Hirohito was willing to become an American puppet after he lost while Hitler and Mussolini died unrepentant.

nobody because american's don't know about the war crimes they committed

>war crimes

No one will gove a fuck, to be honet, moast of americans are dumb, and don't eaven know what it means lol, + japs didn't gas jews so it's not same as if you would wear swastika.
Not eaven close to be honest, this is like if you would wear Rome shirt.

depends. If you are in China or Korea you'll end up in the bodies exhibit. if not you'll be fine

wear it in china

Nobody would give a shit because of Americunts education, at best some people would compliment you for this design

Japans navy still uses this flag and Japan is an ally now...

also Americans dont know history lol

Only koreans and a few chinks think it is some sort of nazi symbol. The rest of the asian nations (including the ones that were incorporated into Japan during WW2) consider it as a secondary Japanese flag. It is all politically motivated.

Not even close. Alot of people these days feel sorry for imperial Japan because of the nukes. Most probably won't know what it is though

The rising sun flag does not = the nazi flag. Both are completely different things but koreans use it as a means of spreading their anti-Japanese sentiments these days.

The fact that you know that worthless trivia proved that you're a beta virgin


If my grandfather were still alive, he'd call you a pathetic Jap-loving, Hiroto dick-sucking piece of shit and would probably flick used cigs at your face.

To bad men from the greatest generation are almost extinct.



So if he saw the normal Japanese flag he would do the same thing? Looks like your grandpa is a cunt.

If you looked remotely Japanese he'd do the same thing. The man embodied free speech in 40's.

fuck the japs, they killed my people so they got what they deserved.

>would probably flick used cigs at your face
>embodied free speech
>violence = free speech

And now his grandson is a Jappo loving weeaboo that spends his time on a pedophile Japanese cartoon image board.

Poor grandpapy.

Anti-japanese hate is gone. It naturally died off over time unlike anti-german/nazi which has been kept alive artificially by jews on purpose

>they killed my people
Which the americans also did

They started it. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>They started it.
>He doesn't know the flying tigers
>he doesn't now the hull note
>he doesn't know the US military cracking the Japanese purple encryption machine
good goy

Why are little 2D girls so perfect?

Because it ain't real

I don't think you met older Asian people before...Or younger ones

Nothing you just brought up changes that they started it.

Chinks and gooks aren't human.

>send volunteer airforce members to china to fight the Japanese military
>literally sending provocation letters
>they started it

Explain that video?



I doubt many would that flag even associate with Japan.

wut is dat ?